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UFO Headline News Saturday/Sunday February 17th & 18th

Here is the UFO Headline News for Saturday/Sunday February 17th & 18th

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Universal City, Texas on 2017-12-24 20:30:00 – Oval shaped object, bottom portion glowing, top part dark to black. picture

Synopsis: Saw this object on the evening of december 24th, universal city, texas. at around 8:30 pm, i took my dogs outside and continued to watch over them. then, in the west corner of my yard, i spotted an eerily bright light, peeking through the trees. i walked towards it in order to take a closer look, and it seemed to me an obviously bizarre, horizontal crescent shape. on closer inspection it looked to be a solid oval shaped object, with its bottom half glowing. even though by instinct i knew it was not a normal light, i began to reason that it was probably a street light in the distance. the object at this point (to my view), was below the tree line. i then proceeded to disregard it for a whole 10 minutes while i was in the yard. lol, probably not the best idea. i did keep partial watch over it, though. i observed that it was completely still and silent. didn’t move a centimeter from my view, and made absolutely no noise. even though it gave off a very bright light, the brightness seemed contained, so it didn’t light up anything around it. after about ten minutes of walking and dancing (hey, i was bored) around the yard, i let my dogs back inside the house. i took my eyes off of the object for about 30 seconds while in my house. i was still very curious about this bright object so, i walked back outside and made a beeline to the area i saw it before. right then, i saw something above me, from the corner of my eye. i looked up, and while i wasn’t looking the object had moved across half my yard and was now in the sky high up above the tree line. it was also much closer to me now. scared the hell out of me. it was even then very still, and emitted no noise. i pulled out my phone and took two pictures of it. the first turned out clear, but there seems to be another light in the picture, no idea what that is. also, even though to my eye the illuminated part of the object appeared to be crescent shaped, my phone picked it up to be a different shape. when i tried to take a second photo, the object on my screen turned to a full glowing circle, and then my whole phone screen lit up white. that photo came out black. i assumed it didn’t want me to take pictures, and since i was also thoroughly freaked out(and alone), i rushed back inside. i checked after two minutes to see if it was gone. it was. i had no idea how large the object was, and had no reference points to gauge its distance from me. i think that it was possibly watching me, since it only moved when i briefly went inside

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania on 2018-02-04 01:38:00 – I was looking out of the kitchen window when odd and extremely bright orbits appeared hovering they were in a perfect alignment. whilewatching them others appeared i called for my wife we went outside and watched them until they disappeared .

Synopsis: My dog woke me up to go outside this a normal routine for him. i always look outside at the bird feeder to check for deer . this extremely bright orbit appeared i thought at it was a life flight helicopter it didn’t move then 2 other orbits appeared and they were in a perfect alignment with each other(straight up and down ). they started to move as if they were attached to each other . then another identical line of orbits 3 in each line a total of 4 lines evenly spaced. i ran out the back door calling for my wife . she joined me outside i pointed. at the formation we stood there and watched this formation travel from the se towards a northern track . it was like they were all connected . the spacing between each orbit and each line was evenly spaced. the middle orbit would just disappear then in a link of an eye they would be there . they tsuddenly turned to the northeast as a single unit . they ttraveled towards kecksburg,pa, then in a single movement each line suddenly disappeared as fast as they appeared . ( it was like watching star trek ) . my wife turned to me and said these word. i thought ancient alien and hangar one is a farce. we are not alone they are real. we were bare footed and in our pj s standing on ice and we didn’t realize this . she stated there is a reason people don’t get these events on film , you don’t think of it ,you just stand there in amazement of it all . she doesn’t want to talk about ior wants anybody to know about it.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Bellinzona, Ticino on 2018-02-06 19:40:00 – Hovered at same place, then turned slightly to left, flew abruptly fast to south, hovered again, and descended unnaturally quick to a hill

Synopsis: After my dinner with my wife at home , i decided to take a short walk after eating for support my stomachs degistion. as i was almost done with my walk, about 200 meters away from my house i decided to look into the sky to see if there were any starts visible, as it was already dark. i saw 4 lights in the sky at the very same spot and everywhere else nothing than darkness. this 4 lights were forming a shape like the 2nd class star destroyers from star wars. one white light was on the nose of the spacecraft. 2 white lights on the end of the outer sides (like wings) and one at the end. this lights were hovering for about 1 minutes but 2 of them became red during hovering. after all for lights started to move the „spacecraft“ a bit to the left . after one light after an other started to fly away quickly behind a mountain and soon all 4 lights disappeared. i got a gooseskin as it seemed unnatural for me and i couldnt hear any engine noise at all. i worked in military for airdefense forces and i was trained to identify even in darkness aircrafts of all different countries within 2 seconds. but something like this i never saw before. it wasnt a drone, a helicopter, and airplane, or gliders for sure. as the lights disappeared behind the mountain i continued to walk home and about 1 minute after they came again from behind the mountain and started to hover again for about 30 seconds. during that moment an airplane from my right was flying towards me and i recognized immediately this civil single engine aircraft by its lights and i even heard engine noises. but that other lights didnt make any noises at all. they were still hovering and at once one after another went into such a fast descent , that it was unnatural how quick that descent was. even a falling stone from the sky would fall slower. i couldnt see a landing bcs during thos approach the lights went down behind some high buildings and i couldnt follow them. i was staying there and waiting if the lights would come again but i didnt see them anymore. i also checked the next military airport tower. i listened to the radio to see if there is any radio communications from pilots around the airport, but frequenzy was all evening completely noiseless. i asked myself if im crazy because of what ive witnessed but im 100% sure that what i saw cant be just immagination. it was real! and i have no explanation at all…

Headline #4: 

Black Triangle Sighting in Hamilton, Montana on 2002-03-31 00:00:00 – Undefined object passed slowly overhead with no enviornmental impact.

Synopsis: I am over 80 yra currently. was about 70 at the time. experienced in close assoc with both recip and jet aircraft. my property has both residence and shop w/computer in shop. when unable to sleep due to neuropathy would go out to shop to use puter. distance between the two approx. 35 yds on level area. house oriented e/w for solar gain and shop n/s of necessity (relevance will become apparent). all senses fully functional and drug free. no glasses req’d for distance vision. i was raised on a military installation that developed guided missiles/rockets and am comfortable/familiar with that environment. the few people i related this to gave me “that look” so i just stopped saying anything to anyone. my spouse believed me, she is now dec’d. it is my desire to have this event reported somewhere that it will be a lasting matter of record. so, right or wrong it is being left with you. transcription: being unable to sleep i’d gone over to thee shop to use the puter and feeling sleepy again had shut everything down and exited the building/closing the door. as was my standard practice, critter country, i stood for a time (est approx. 10 min) to allow my night vision to return survey the area and savor the experience. there is no finer experience! moonless night. my place is located on a hillside at approx. 4,500′ elevation. looking up at the stars (always such a sight) and looking w. across the valley (approx. 1.5 miles) toward a locally prominent mountain (max elev approx. 11k). i saw a “hole” in the stars that didn’t belong. looking further at it i saw 3 small but distinctive lights moving toward me in fixed relationships describing what would be a triangle or dart shape that seemed to be moving directly toward me. at the time it might have been just w. of the opposite side of the valley the front (point?) light disappeared. a moment or two later the furthermost light on what was my left disappeared and almost immediately reappeared on what was my right side in close proximity to the other light. it then passed the other light and then it turned back toward the left, disappeared once more and reappeared on the left side. there was no change in intensity and all movements were smooth. the front light either remained out or was obscured. as it moved toward me the distance between the rear lights increased for a short time and then disappeared. narrative incomplete!

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on 1978-10-17 18:30:00 – Object raises vertically from underwater, zips off horizontally

Synopsis: On the october evening and just after dinner, my wife and i stood on 2nd floor porch of a house my parents owned and we were looking out west over coeur d’ alene lake. after awhile we noticed a spot on the lake that was glowing under water. then an oval glowing greenish-white object rose out of the water, and water ran off the sides briefly and the object rose vertically and very slowly and at a height above the lake of maybe a half mile it stopped briefly and while watching it, there was suddenly a solid white tapering line horizontally from the point the object stopped to the horizon in the northwest. the object apparently moved so fast that it looked like a very straight white lightning bolt. we were both so shocked that we said, “did you see that?” and agreed, “yes”. we never talked about it again for many years – it seemed so unreal, yet so vividly real that images in my mind are as clear as if it happened today. the image in my mind is a lot more convincing than 90% of the questionable snapshots or videos i have ever seen on tv, in books or on the internet. the date of this event is approximate as at this time i distinctly remember it was mid-october. the time was just after sunset, so i do not know the exact time 40 years later.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Ajax, Ontario on 2018-02-05 19:36:00 – Large glowing orange orb observed going west to east along northern shore of lake ontario

Synopsis: I live in ajax, ontario just west of harwood about 1/4 mile from north shore of lake ontario. last night at about 7:35 pm i was looking south out my back yard patio door when i saw a large orange orb approaching slowing from the south southwest. this area is in the flight path from toronto’s pearson airport which is about 35 kilometres west of ajax and i am very familiar with the air traffic in the area which typically moves west to east (takeoff) or vice versa (landing). there were no flashing navigation lights and the the object was about the size of a penny held at arms length with its luminosity remaining bright but constant throughout the sighting. it approached slowing from the south from over lake ontario in the northerly direction under the cloud cover at an altitude of about 500 to 1000 feet. i brought the object to my wifes attention and we watched the object as it changed direction slightly and proceeded at about the same altitude and speed following the lake shore moving west to east. i asked my wife for her cell phone so i could take pictures and by the time she had given me the phone the object had moved west about a kilometre or 2 along the shore line until it disappeared beyond my line of sight at 7:43. i managed to snap 5 or 6 pictures by which time the object was considerably smaller. when i first viewed the object it appeared to be a single object but upon viewing the pictures the object was seemingly 2 bright disc like objects side by side with pillars of light extending upwards similar to the shape of xmas trees. the series of photos shows the object changing shape slightly as the glowing interior of the light seemed to be on fire ( best description ) one of pictures also shows what appears to be an appendage on the bottom the very centre of the disc it is worth noting the pickering nuclear plant is about 2-3 miles to the west of my residence. the entire sighting lasted only a minute or 2. regrettably my wifes cell phone does not currently have the facility to send photos via email but i am working to resolve so that pics can be shared/posted asap

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Bayfield, Wisconsin on 2018-02-05 23:05:00 – Two objects hovering, one to the right was all red lights (7) the other white blue green yellow..One with red lights moved east than dissappeared

Synopsis: Two objects hovering, one to the right was all red lights (7) the other white blue green yellow..One with red lights moved east than disappeared, the multi colored one hovered for about 45 minutes than disappeared also. it was approx a mile out over the lake (superior) between bass island and madeline island.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Jacksonville, Florida on 2018-02-06 07:35:00 – My son noticed this white object flying above us on the way to school this morning.

Synopsis: On the way walking my son to school this morning, he pointed out a slow moving white object flying above us heading north from our direction. i thought it looked odd compared to the planes i see on a daily basis in the area, so i picked up my phone and started recording it. i recorded only a short time, then had to get my son to school and the object went behind the trees and couldnt see it after that. i can’t figure out how to send the movie on here from my phone, so i will have to send it to the mufon email address.

Headline #9: Sleep Paralysis Progression

Synopsis:  Since the summer of 2015 I was kindly reminded to the messed up situations I experienced.

After digging around I found out I suffer from sleep paralysis. Though science can explain most of the physical symptoms through the blocking of the motion centre of the brain, so you don’t jump out of a window or do some other crazy stuff. The brain knocks out all movement in favour of you being safe. you meanwhile experience this as a pressure on the chest, heaviness and often a sense of evil in the room. Supposedly because your brain is switching between REM-sleep and waking up and your body hasn’t read the memo yet, it leaves you paralysed.

While it’s comfortable to explain away the bogeyman (literally), when you suffer from sleep paralysis it’s a whole other story. Maybe it’s the “not being able to move part”, leaving you helpless, that makes these nightmares hit home so hard. The wierdometer really peeks when you wake up carrying actual marks from injuries you receive in a dream. This is the second time now that I received actual damage during one of these sleep paralysis and this is what makes it more difficult to rationalize.

The first injury I received while being stabbed in the shoulder by a fanged shadow. Now shadow people appear to be a common occurrence in sleep paralysis. That injury is actually is healing and only hurts when I’m feeling low. After that dream I started training to learn to control my dreams and wake up when I want to. This actually worked out pretty well. I only had a handful episodes, and being in control of my dream actually made it pretty fun to beat the living snot out of the nightmares. Occasionally one nightmare sneaked through but I didn’t have the feeling the wheels were coming of anymore. Learning to control the dreams was actually really fun! Going completely Neo on your own nightmares is pretty awesome.

Now last Friday (28th October) something new happened which puts the doubt back in to me. I was visiting my parents, sleeping in the room I used to have.

I was having a normal dream. You know, the more blurry kind that doesn’t always have to make sense. Everything is normal when out of the background persona’s in the dream a woman, dressed as a doctor steps closer. out of nowhere she stabs a syringe in my neck. The dream shifts from the blurry dream quality to a badly lit version of my childhood house. For those who know “Saving private Ryan” it’s sort of like the way the sound returns after one of the shock moments the character played by Tom Hanks has.

The needle hurts like it’s really there, and I find trouble breathing. At this point I know I am dreaming, trying to wake up, but I can’t, I can hardly move. The woman turns around and says “That’s just to help you relax. Just go with it. Oh, and don’t mind the bugs, they’re poisonous”
She walks away, fading.

I just stand there, holding my neck, completely out of breath, thinking, this is a dream, I’m not supposed to feel out of breath, while a tarantula the size of a small dog drops from the ceiling and starts to slowly crawl towards me. I try taking control of the dream, trying the thing to disappear, then to step away to another dream myself, then to wake up… nothing works. So I try to run up the stairs, search for a way out. The stuff from the syringe flowing through me feel like a sedative and makes me slow and really tired. I just know I don’t want to wrestle a dog sized tarantula so I push on up the stairs the beast in pursuit.

While (air quote) running up the stairs I remember I’m actually sleeping up there, so, maybe I can jump into my bed and wake up there. I push on, getting more tired and tired from forcing through whatever was slowing me down. If you ever hit the gym, or went running after one of those nights you swear never to drink again and turn that to eleven, you might get the picture.

I arrive at my bed, ready to jump in, only to see that instead of a mattress it’s terrarium full of scorpions. I remember exhausting my considerable swearword vocabulary, screaming that this was not fair, only to be jumped by the tarantula, and falling backwards into the terrarium, getting both bitten and stung. Now I’ve never been stung by scorpions or bitten by tarantula’s. I just know this really stung. Then I wake up with a hurting neck, the bites fading away.
feeling in my neck I notice 2 things;
A) it still hurts, even now, 5 days later
B) There’s a small nob deep under the skin of my neck, on top of the muscle tissue.

Though the nob disappeared after 2 days, the hurting hasn’t. And if you should ever wake from a dream that actually hurt and continues hurting after waking up you know it’s deeply disturbing. Now I know most people might not believe this, or put it on “the mind makes it real”, but if there is no spoon, why does my neck still hurt?


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