Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday February 26th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Long Point, Ontario on 2015-07-12 14:00:00 – 2 objects … entered my sight high in the sky , flew erratically , then vanished into space

Synopsis: I was laying on my back at the beach , on a bright sunny , blue sky day with my girlfriend. i was just staring up into the cloudless sky. from an altitude higher than any airplane i have ever seen , 2 red objects , which appeared to have wings came into my sight. they circled each other , kinda chased each other like they were playing. i pointed it out to my wife , she was confused by what we were watching. for approx 1 min they flew erratically in a small area very high in the sky. then as quickly as they entered sight , it appeared they flew up / away so high they disappeared into the atmosphere. i have excellent vision … it was not an airliner i saw blue skies , i saw them appear from the atmosphere it seemed , then they disappeared back beyond sight … in a perfectly blue sky they were just tiny due to altitude , unnoticeable unless you were staring up at the sky at the moment, at that time they maneuvered like nothing i have ever seen no lights , no sounds i was simply confused to what i was watching

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Brunswick, Ohio on 2018-02-15 18:50:00 – Noticed a pinkish light that caught my eye … moved up down side to side up and down.

Synopsis: I was letting my dogs out just before 7pm on the 2-15-2018. when i noticed a pinkish light in the sky and it was moving sharply up down and side to side so i started recording it on my cell phone, it didn’t really move as sharply in video but i can say it definitely was not a airplane of any kind..

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Springfield, Missouri on 2018-01-30 00:00:00 – Orange orb followed by an aircraft

Synopsis: I was at the stop light at glenstone and kearney i was looking toward the walmart parking lot and notice above the walmart and orange orb that appeared to be followed by an aircraft. both crafts were traveling east the plane had the flashing light common on aircraft and i could see the outline of it. the other craft was orange and round but didn’t have clear edges. they both continued east about 1 minute then the orange craft within 5 seconds sped up and completely disappeared the plane continued east on the same path. i looked at the car next to me but the didn’t seem to have noticed.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Napa, California on 2018-02-15 19:10:00 – Looking at a bright “planet” above the big dipper, then it brightened and “turned off” like a light bulb

Synopsis: Looking at a bright “planet” above the big dipper, then it brightened and “turned off” like a light bulb. i know it was a ufo because i have seen them up close,maneuver… land and take off sometimes going straight up to a pinpoint in a nano second.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in McGregor, Texas on 2017-07-18 01:00:00 – It was late at night when i was stargazing with this girl, when suddenly my eyes locked onto this slow moving object in the sky. initially i thought it was a plane but the flight pattern was to bizarre for it to be any man piloted vehicle

Synopsis: It was late at night when i was stargazing with this girl, when suddenly my eyes locked onto this slow moving object in the sky. initially i thought it was a plane but the flight pattern was to bizarre for it to be any man piloted vehicle.I was overcome with joy as i realized it was a u.F.O. i continued to observe it for quite some time(a few hours) and i suddenly had this compelling feeling that i should leave. something just didn’t feel right and i wanted to get out of there.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Picayune, Mississippi on 2018-01-31 06:02:00 – Sighting of ufo under super blue blood moon

Synopsis: i live in the usa (picayune, mississippi), attached are my blueblood moon pictures showing an flying object. did not come out very clear 🙁 however i did see something very strange and tried to catch in the picture. then i tried to do a video but the video would not come out because it was still to dark. as i was taking pictures, this red glowing thing was zipping around very fast high underneath the moon on the left. it was not a airplane because this red glowing object was flying up, down, and sideways so freaking fast i couldn’t catch up with it with my camera so i just started snapping pictures real fast in hopes i would get at least one picture of it, then it just vanished. i did catch it in a picture but i am disappointed that it came out blurry. i guess it was because i was trying to keep up with it by moving my camera around to get a picture. however, i just read an news article from express news uk stating nasa caught a object coming from the left side of the moon and it was believed to be a ufo. it was exciting to read that because it confirms that i truly saw something zipping around underneath the left side of the moon!

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Southend on sea, England on 2018-02-15 22:00:00 – A bright light stationery then accelerated at high speed leaving line then disappeared

Synopsis: Standing at lounge open window noticed very bright object in night sky just after a plane had passed whilst observing this object it suddenly accelerated west at a upwards elevation at a incredible turn of speed it left a faint line in night sky then this object disappeared in front of orion’s belt i’ve seen comets i’ve seen shooting stars this was neither

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Birmingham, Alabama on 2009-08-31 02:01:00 – Outside smoking a cigarette looked up at the stars and a few seconds later we observed a large glowing silent object traveling at a cruising speed?

Synopsis: I was standing out on the back of my buddys house. i had stayed awake because i have problems sleeping in unfamiliar places. his dad was still u as well we were standing outside smoking a cigarette talking and looking at the stars after a few seconds of looking up we saw a large (size of a house like 2 story house) glowing flying object. it had an aura around it and the light coming off the back of it changed colors. it flew over head and was absolutely quite. we both looked at each other and immediately tried to follow it through the woods but was gone within a minute or so. i couldn’t sleep after that. we spent the rest of the night talking about what it could’ve been and we both agreed that it wasn’t anything from our planet. this event has stayed with me for almost 9 years. i was 13 or 14 when i saw this. i know it wasn’t something that i had ever seen before. it went in a straight path. it went over a thick wooded area and was out of sight. i felt completely stuck when i saw it i remember being speechless for a few moments. my buddys dad looked at me and we both said what the ____ was that.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Fountain Hills, Arizona on 2014-03-08 16:40:00 – Spotted in photograph

Synopsis: Original event date: march 8 2014 at 4:40pm while on vacation in the phoenix area in march of 2014 my girlfriend and i were being escorted on a sightseeing drive with friends. my girlfriend was taking random pictures of homes in the area and i asked to see some of her photos. ironically, i had watched a documentary on the phoenix lights a month or two before after stumbling upon it on netflix. it seemed suitable prior to my first visit to arizona lol. after glancing through some of my girl’s photos i noticed a peculiar thing in one. in the picture, taken at approximately 4pm, is two houses with a clear blue sky in the background. above the house on the left is six white spots in a slight vee pattern in the sky. after seeing the photo we looked around the inside of the vehicle to see if something could have cause a glare on the window and have simulated that in the pic and found nothing. i asked my girlfriend if she had ever heard of the phoenix lights before and she said she hadn’t. my friend, who was familiar with the lights (not firsthand) and had friends that had seen other similar phenomena, looked at the photo and was immediately intrigued. after showing my girlfriend a photo of the phoenix lights sighting (found on google) and comparing it to the on she took we noticed similarities. we have no idea what is in the picture, but it is quite obviously something. i have examined this photo many times an am no further ahead in explaining it. i should have sent this to you sooner, but i wasn’t aware of your organization and only found out from a friend while telling this story. i was hoping you could offer some insight and explanation to what’s in this photo. unfortunately, my girlfriend never never noticed the objects when taking the picture and so only took the one pic. although this report is made after the fact, the date and approximate time of the event have been determined based on the image file’s date and time stamp. the photo was taken on a samsung g3 cell phone with no filter. nothing has been done to alter the image and you are more than welcome to thoroughly inspect it. it is just as i received it and originally viewed it. i regret that our geo-tagging feature was disabled because we had our phones switched to ‘airplane mode’ to avoid accidental roaming charges. i have no way of telling you the exact location the photo was taken other than it was the fountain hills/phoenix area. i hope you can keep us in touch with your findings. if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. i ask that, if used, credit be given to the owner of this image, thanks 🙂

Headline #10:  Children’s Laughter at Midnight

Synopsis: This paranormal experience happened to me a few months back. I’m sixteen years old and live on the outskirts of a nice little village in the kentish countryside of Britain. My village has quite allot of history too it as well as a few ghost stories. One Saturday night I went drinking down the old working mans club with a few of my friends. Let alone i’m only sixteen and all my other friends are a bit older I still got served drinks but then again I do look about eighteen.

Anyway after a few hours of drinking It was getting rather late so I decided it was time for me to go home. I said goodbye to all of my friends and headed home.

In order for me to get home I had to take a long walk down an old creepy road that eventually reaches my house. It had always freaked me out walking down that dark creepy road and i’d always get that gut feeling somebody’s watching me.

but now I had to walk down it at night. It also had quite a reputation for being haunted which didn’t make things any more enjoyable. As I started to walk home I couldn’t help thinking of that old story my parents told me. Apparently back in the 1700’s a man in a horse and carriage lost control of it and skidded off the road and crashed into a nearby swampy pond and drowned there. Apparently his ghost lurks in the darkness patrolling around the pond he drowned in, scaring nearby locals. Creepy I know.

So I continued walking down the dark creepy road. While walking I got that gut feeling again of somebody watching me. As I walked further I got more paranoid and started to hear noises. I then heard the most creepiest noise I have ever heard in my life. It sounded like kids laughter. Absolutely nobody was around and I doubt anybody would let there kids out at this time of night. I kept on walking but the kids laughter got louder and closer the laughter then turned into voices.

The sound was now directly behind me. I started to run. I was now directly next to the pond. In the pitch black of the night not seeing where I was going the voices then turned into nursery rhyme singing. It now sounded like multiple children singing, talking and laughing. As I sprinted past the old pond I swear I saw somebody lurking in the darkness of the bushes staring at me with bright piercing eyes.

I then started to run faster. With the noises getting louder and more overwhelming I could see my dimly lit house at the end of the road. As I got into sight of the other nearby houses the noise gradually started to stop. I was still terribly frighted so I sprinted for my house smashed through my back door and immediately locking it behind me.

From all the noise I made I must have woken up my dad sleeping on his arm chair by the fire. I then walked into the front room out of breath and extremely exhausted my dad then asked me what had happened and I told him the whole story. He believed the whole thing. I never told the rest of my family about what had happened it had just been between me and my dad. I never walk down the old creepy road at night anymore just in the day but even then it still freaks me out. I will never forget what happened down the old road but too this day I still have nightmares of my paranormal experience.

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