Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday February 12th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Murrieta, California on 2007-05-17 00:00:00 – Object trailing c-17 at altitude

Synopsis: I lived in murrieta ca for a year, and oftentimes relaxed on a patio swing with my 4 year-old niece, who loved watching and learning about the sometimes steady stream of aircraft whose flight paths were directly over the backyard, which had no trees, and no patio cover. the open sky view was excellent there, one of the only things i liked about being there. having been from a family of pilots, mechanics, and airplane fanatics, a favorite pastime was identifying whatever flew overhead. march a.F.B.Is about 30 miles north of the house, and there were plenty of flights coming out of there (mostly cargo planes; c-5, c-17, etc.) and this day was very clear that afforded an extraordinary view of the skies. the swing faced to the east, that way the afternoon sun was at our backs, and allowed those seated to lean our head back for a relaxed view straight over our heads. this day, i’d gone out and took a seat there with payton, and realized i left my camera on the kitchen table, which was just through the open french door about ten feet away but i decided i didn’t want to get back up for that. just as i assumed my head-back position, i spotted a c-17 straight overhead leaving contrail, which was typical. the c-17 is a darker shade of gray, and has a very distinct outline, easy to i.D. when it’s at cruising altitude. it took a moment to make sense of what i was seeing, which was a long, white, tube-like object trailing it at the same altitude. a little longer than the c-17, it clearly had no wings or tail section, and was not leaving a contrail like the jet. from my estimation knowing the size of the c-17, the object trailed it by nearly a quarter-mile and held just to the right or starboard side of the jet. as they flew in a southerly direction, the object eventually crossed through the contrail to the port side of the jet, as though staying out of the wash from the wings. after approximately 90 seconds, the object flew off at a slightly higher speed to the left of the jet and ascended quickly out of sight. i’d never heard of cigar-shaped objects, especially white in color so i mentioned it only to a few people, but later learned that it’s a relatively common shape and color. i was always open-minded enough to believe in the existence of other life in the universe, but like so many others, am too busy with life to spend a lot of time seeking them. i felt it couldn’t hurt to contribute this experience now, having had one other sighting very soon after that one but at night. sightings are very personal in that, it elevated me that day, it gave me reason to believe in all possibilities, and perhaps that’s all it was about but, considering the state of our country, knowing there’s an intelligence monitoring the ignorance that governs our governments, i sleep a little better each night.

Headline #2: Black Triangle Sighting in Ocean Township, New Jersey on 2018-02-01 21:50:00 – Black triangular object bright light in front colored lights on sides and bottom

Synopsis: My mother and i were on our way home from the store, when out of the corner of my left eye i saw what i thought was an extremely bright star at first. i pointed it out to my mom and as we drove about another 30-40 feet we were able to see that it definitely was not a star. the object looked black in color(it was at night, but i got a very good look at it despite it being dark out) and had a very big, very bright white light on the front-most point with a red pulsating light on each of the outermost points. we then stopped the car because we were shocked at what we were seeing! at this time, the triangular object appeared to be hovering in one spot, which was over a small marina. we then made a left onto the street next to the marina. from this angle, we were able to see the object more clearly. it looked way too low to be an airplane, the lights were also way too bright, not to mention it was clearly a full triangle shape. we then pulled over again and i got out of the car to have a better look. at this time, the object started to fly in a straight line very fast. it was making a sort of rumbling noise, but it was going so fast (way faster than an airplane) that the sound was actually behind the object (you’d see the object, but wouldn’t hear it right away, like the sound was following behind it). it was almost right over our heads now, permitting us to see the bottom/underneath of it, which had more colored lights on it. it was almost like once it realized we were watching it, thats when it started flying away. once it flew far enough away that we weren’t able to see it any longer, we pulled away and proceeded back home. both my mom and i felt a bit uneasy after the sighting.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Pahrump, Nevada on 2018-01-31 10:45:00 – Ufo following unmarked jet. i wave at it, and it turns and comes to me.

Synopsis:While taking my dog out, i noticed a low flying jet coming from an unusual direction from the south and flying low towards either las vegas or the afb. it appeared like a smaller glowing craft was following behind the tail of the jet wavering back and forth. i felt compelled to wave at it being that i am silly at times and was excited at witnessing this event and was trying to get its attention. next thing i see is the craft making a 90 degree turn and descending towards me. i thought it would continue on, but is stopped about 500-800 feet above me and just hovered, glowing brightly and silent. as i watched it above me, i began to feel some concerns after about a minute. and then it started to ascend almost straight up, to a point that it looked like a bright star in the morning daylight. then grew dimmer and dimmer until it was no longer visible. what is precarious is that the jet that it was initially following was unmarked. perhaps a 707 or 727, white janice jet with an orange stripe perhaps flying out of area 51. this i am unsure of, as there is no way to tell where that jet was coming from or why it was being followed. i can say this in all honesty, that i was putting out very strong mental thoughts about wanting to see it closer, when to my astonishment, it made a 90 degree turn away from the jet and then started to head right towards me. as i said, it hovered above me glowing brightly, but i was able to see the surface of the craft through the glowing white light relatively easily. when it was hovering above me, it remained there for several minutes, but then i had thoughts starting to enter my head about becoming a laboratory specimen and began feeling uneasy, a few seconds after this thought entered my head, it started ascending until it was no longer visible. i don’t know how to explain this, but i feel like i made a connection with an entity unknown to me. my only hopes at this point is for it to return or remember me. i don’t know why, but its just the way i feel. i have always looked up at the stars in hopes of seeing a ufo, but i think all i ever really got to see were satellites or nothing that was ever remotely close to this. it was one of, if not, the most amazing experience i have ever encountered. i feel they left because they did not want to frighten me. i felt that there was a telepathic connection between it and myself, even if only for a few seconds. i feel that it was curious to see who it was that wanted to see them so badly, so it changed direction and headed directly towards me. i live in the desert on the edge of a small town, and there was nothing around that i know of that would have captured its interest, except myself and my emotional thoughts. i know, it makes no sense, but it happened just the same. thank you for letting me share this story with you..My life is renewed because now, i know for fact that we are not alone. thank you ron sarvas

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Fort Worth, Texas on 2018-02-01 00:00:00 – The orb type object was very high in the sky made absolutely no noise and seemed to be pulsating not to sure what it is your thoughts would be appreciated

Synopsis: I was in my back yard, i had set my phone up to record the sky as i like to watch the birds etc. when i went back to the footage after playing with my two year old in my backyard that was when i realised there was something else in the footage i’m not to sure what it is at all i have showed my 13year old daughter whom also was as confused about it as i was and also showed my partner whom thought plane satellite or ufo as it was very high although my partner when zooming in realised it was a rectangle shape and there are absolutely no wings present at all so the plane theory was out. it also appeared to pulsate i really would like some one to have a look and try figure out what it is if it is anything as i am very curious to know. this isn’t the first time something has been spotted over our town on the night of the 15th of january a bright orange ball of light was seen by several falling travelling across the sky no one got pictures though and on the morning of the 15th myself and my family had a strange event happen to us whilst driving in our car early that morning. i would really like your thoughts or findings on what it is if it is anything i hope i have sent it to the right people to be analysed as that’s all i am looking for at the moment thanks.

Headline #5: Black Triangle Sighting in Johnson City, Tennessee on 2008-11-22 03:33:00 – Abducted from home and returned same night. sporadic, conflicting memories i have of the event.

Synopsis :Was at parent’s home asleep in my bedroom downstairs at basement level. was awoken @ 3:30am and abducted. was returned to my bed at 3:45am per my bed room clock. craft was triangular shaped very dark and black and only solid super bright white lights i saw. all the public info i will give at this time, thank you and god bless you all…

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Henderson, Kentucky on 2017-08-06 23:05:00 – Recorded orange/gold object in sky while driving shaped like a circle with what appeared to be a hole in the center of it.

Synopsis:I was driving on august 6th 2017 at 11:05 pm at night. i observed an orange/gold light in the sky and stopped to take a closer look. i decided to record a short video on my samsung galaxy note 5 mobile phone, just to get a better view. at first i thought it was an airplane or a drone. upon recording the video i could see that the orange/gold object appeared to be either very luminous or it was glowing. it was the shape of a circle but appeared to have a hole in the center of it, almost resembling a donut. it hovered for a moment and then travelled in a north oriented direction. i was on my way to pick up a friend so i didn’t get to observe it as long as i would have liked to but the video is intriguing nonetheless.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Virginia Beach, Virginia on 1991-01-05 02:00:00 – Was not u.F.O. just an obduction with out u.F.O. like they just simulated here and were cloaked but when they want to can uncloak themselves often in private

Synopsis:My event happened back in 1991 was very horrible…I witnessed two guys that may have been like c.I.A. agents or some other “secretive-governmental-agents”…Kidnapped my dad and left someone in his place that looked just like him…I later found out that the person left behind was a reptilian cloaked as a human…This person became rather rude with me as time went on…However he talked with me and he could even heal with his bear hands…He told me that us humans were looked down upon as sheep etc…And he knew i had witnessed the two agents kidnapping my dad and he said i was next…I became very scared etc…He had me taken to a place against my will and met with what looked like a special forces group who forced me to sign paperwork against my will and the guy who looked identical to my dad was standing there…I also was spying on him one night and saw what looked like a snakes tongue come out of his mouth…I later discovered he was a reptilian…A very short human who looked like a midget was helping him…I think he was a grey cloaked as a human…I herd them talk in english but then started talking in alien lingo which sound kind of like “oriental-lingo”…Yes i am here to tell you they can cloak and simulate into our world undercover…However i never saw a u.F.O. that’s the weird part? my first dad the one i saw whisked away was retired military and i often suspected him of doing something or being involved with the government or doing something “secretive” that may have lead to all this happening to myself? i took some pictures of the implant which feels like something under my skin…Like upside down triangle or diamond shape…They also stabbed me then headed me with there eyes that left a very weird scar on my leg. i never told anyone as i was so scared how these entities seem to be able to operated with impunity and like nothing could stop them…They also did very horrible and what seemed like mental brainwashing experiments on myself and did other types of experiments to me….Still scared to this day!!! that’s why i don’t want to come forward

Headline #8: Alien Encounter in West Windsor Township, New Jersey on 2017-10-17 11:30:00 – Unusually large unknown bird like specie observed flying directly overhead of us.

Synopsis: My wife and i while trail biking in a remote area inside mercer county park were startled by a huge “bird” that took off from a tree at approximately 15 feet up directly in front of us while we stopped for a brief moment. this was on the narrow trail by the creek that feeds the backside of the dam. i am a retired law enforcement officer. i was very much concerned by this observation and felt that this encounter was unnatural by the size of this creature. my wife was not concerned and wanted to go follow it. i had a feeling that we might be in jeopardy and i wanted to leave immediately. the bird had a wing span over 10 feet and was larger that anything natural i have ever seen fly. it made no sound and when it left the tree directly in front of us it glided approximately 50 feet into a row of trees across the creek and i couldn’t see it land. she wanted to follow it and i had this feeling of doom and wanted to leave. i knew it was unnatural and there was a sense of impending doom to me. i couldn’t readily see a head, beak, tail, legs or claws. this “bird” was the size of a small hang glider. i know hawks, buzzards, vultures, and the different kinds of flying creatures in the surrounding habitat. i am a outdoors person and have grown up in this environment. i am familiar with all that live in the habitat. when this thing glided away from the tree i focused on the right wing and it had a perpendicular multi colored pattern of gray, black and brown in varying shades. the sheer size and mass of this thing was nothing i have ever seen before. the clincher beyond the sheer size and mass of this thing was the erie alarming feeling i had when i saw it that told me to leave.

Headline #9: Something in the Woods

Synopsis:  When my father passed away I inherited the family farm in the more rural area of Ohio just as he did when my grandfather passed. I was raised on this farm and spent the better parts of my childhood on this farm. Since I was child, and even still today, I feel uneasy being all alone on the property.

I consider myself an outdoorsman, growing up on a farm with my father we were either working on the daily chores or we would be hunting, fishing, and camping.

I eventually left home and traded home life for military life in the United States Army. That being said I was trained and drilled to pay attention to details. Details that most would overlook and consider “unimportant”.

While I was going through my fathers belongings I came across his old hunting shotgun. I figured as a tribute to my late father I would harvest one last Whitetailed Deer with the shotgun before the hunting season ended.

While I was out scouting the area the area I would be hunting over I had the strange uneasy feeling that I felt as a child overcome me. I felt as if I was being watched by someone or something. I could barely make out a figure moving between the trees 10 yards in front of me. Whatever I was seeing was breathing very heavily and the ground was shaking beneath my feet with every step it took.

My blood ran cold at the mere thought of what I was seeing. When I eventually got the nerve to leave I left the area as quietly as possible. I played it off as something as trivial as my mind playing tricks on me.

The next day when I went back to the area I had chosen for my hunt I noticed the woods around me were eerily quiet. There were no animals running around no woodpeckers, no deer. A few hours passed and as I got comfortable against the tree I had chosen to watch from I became overwhelmed with the worst smell I have ever experienced not too long after that I noticed something odd in the distance.

I saw with my naked eye what can only be described as a giant hairy humanoid figure walking towards me. I determined that whatever this was at the time was no less than 60 yards away. I looked through the scope on my fathers shotgun to get a better look at the creature. What I saw is an image I will never forget.

Whatever I saw had a human like face, broad shoulders, long reddish brown hair all over its body. The creature had to be at least 8ft tall and its arms went all the way to its knees. I ultimately decided to shoot just over its head to attempt to scare it off. After I shot it let out the most blood curdling yell/roar that made my body freeze up

I waited for the longest hour of my life to get up to ensure that whatever I saw was gone. After I got my nerve back I got up and went to investigate the area I had seen the creature come from and I saw the biggest footprints in my entire life. My fathers shotgun has a 28 inch barrel and these footprints came within inches of being as long as the gun barrel is.

My grandfather and father told me stories about The Ohio Grassman when I was a child.  For those who are unfamiliar with the Grassman they are Ohios Bigfoot more or less. Both my father and grandfather always told me that these creatures lived here on this land long before our family did. Whatever it was I saw that day I no longer go to that area of what is now my farm. I will also no longer wander the property unarmed.

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