Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday February 16th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 2018-01-04 23:00:00 – Post superbowl festivities white glowing triangle seen very briefly

Synopsis: Center city philly superbowl festivities. witnessed a clear white triangle moving too slowly across the sky in the vicinity of a helicopter. was walking w friends and too embarrassed to stop and say anything. it vanished imo. it had silver corners then a clear everything else maybe the center was just a little bit from being fully clear for a the 5 to 8 seconds that i saw it. 1. i was walking in center city after the game 2. i noticed it because i was looking at a helicopter 3. i thought it was a plane but it didn’t look like or behave like the planes i see normally at night. this was really slow. 4. i saw three points of light forming a large triangle it was helicopter sized at least but i could not gauge how close to the helicopter. there seemed to be lines connecting the whole shape into a triangle it wasn’t like the 3 points were separate and brighter – they just stood out because it was a triangle 5. i was frustrated that i could not get a photo. i wanted to confirm that it wasn’t a plane 6. i looked away for a moment then looked back and it was gone it really could have been anything but i just haven’t seen anything like what i saw moving at that speed before

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Hot Springs, Arkansas on 2017-12-23 00:00:00 – Was it my sister home and now in my place

Synopsis: I was it my sister home for the christmas holidays and i was doing her hair and felt something under her loveseat it first i thought it was a rat or something then the network night i felt something in the bed but i did not see nothing so i kept feeling it like ice sometimes than like a rat or snake so i came home the next night i got home it started it again and it keeps up diff noise please help me

Headline #3: Black Triangle Sighting in Menlo Park, California on 1978-08-15 00:00:00 – Prisim shap with 2 globes on each end & on 2 sides, large louvre vent on 1 side

Synopsis: It was summer, full moon, i was sleeping with the widow open and awoke 3 am, looked out the window and saw in the nw distance a tiny red light, i asked myself what was that? whereby it immediately grew and was hovering outside making a humming noise. i got out of bed and looked out the window, it was about the size of a buss and was churning, rotating, buzzing… also seemed to be in distress, as though there were objects tumbling inside it. my thought at the time was i hope they were alright, i knew it was an alien craft because behind the red domes there seemed to be humanoid beings. as an artist i drew the craft which at the time made me recall seeing it in the distance when i were 7 years old on my way to camp in penn. from my seat inside the train. the craft was low and rose to just about 5-6 ft. above the roofs of neighboring buildings as it drifted away in a ne direction. in 1991-92 i received an implant on my right leg above my ankle, circular, ocular while living in brooklyn, i knew it was an implant which i surmised was inserted for communication, and subsequently asked a telepathic question: rb:what is your name? x: “enon” rb: what does it mean? x: “bright star” as an artist, i naturally created a cartoon called “enon” to honor he/she. the voice was soft, gentile, feminine, yet masculine. i have incorporated two illustrations of the craft into various artwork after that event in natural surroundings, not urban. the pyramid illustration was a pineal gland vision which was inviting me to enter as similar to a virtual reality dimension. i declined. more to tell, i.E.: pineal gland visions, a new implant on my left leg 3 weeks ago (also on a full moon), etc. which i have included with this document. robert barto

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Prineville, Oregon on 2018-01-21 01:15:00 – Blue/green large glowing spere falling diagonally through the sky

Synopsis: Driving south down davis loop late at night near the turn off for kyle road i whitnessed a blue/green orb that was very large in diameter and falling diagonally through the sky, it was much larger and fell slower than a shooting star and the light dissappeared before it reached the ground, it was also far enough away that it may have landed in prineville resivor or the area around it

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in St. Louis, Missouri on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Every night we see these 4-5 lights close to orion they bounce around the sky all night

Synopsis: For the past 3 months we have been noticing these planet size lights in the night sky. l have filmed them and taken photos in the filming (l have a cannon t5i) they appear to be white and blue and will disappear in my viewfinder and then come back in. in my photos when l zoom them in l see huge planet like sphere. just recently they have increased in number at first we saw 2-3 and now we see them to the west and also to the eas. the first time was when we were walking our dogs and after seeing that they were not just bright stars and that they moved around we paid more attention to them. at times it appears to be 3 separate lights. they seem to stay in the sky all night and only when it gets light do we lose sight of them

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Southampton, England on 2018-02-04 22:30:00 – Line of 4 bright lights which was joined by another after 30 mins . was not a star or aircraft – lights did not blink

Synopsis: Line of 4 lights close together (so that they appear as a short line in the photo), much brighter than stars. the lights were mainly white in colour but also had a green or blue tinge. they did not move over the hour they were observed. they were at 45 degrees from the horizon. i observed until i needed to go to bed. after observing for 40 minutes another set of lights were observed which were closer to the horizon and somewhat dimmer. i took photo with my phone but it does not show the lights as points but as a smear.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Port St. Lucie, Florida on 2018-02-04 07:40:00 – I observed a black hollowed out rectangular object flying south to southwest slwly faster than a ballon and after passing a tree line it suddenly disappeared.

Synopsis: I was in my backyard having coffee on the patio and saw the floating object. rectangular shaped black and hollowed out. it flew in a straight path for about 10 minutes and suddenly disappearedxafter passing a tree line in my view.

Headline #8: Alien Encounter in China Grove, North Carolina on 2007-03-31 00:00:00 – Multiple accounts of seeing greys in my room , in mulitple homes as well

Synopsis: Hello my name is ryan , first off just wanna say i never looked into aliens , or researched them or anything like that until these events happened to me. i would also like to ad im only doing this so that someone can help me undertand more of what happened as i cant talk to family or friends bout this …No one believes me. im hoping to get some info on regression therapy from someone who is local to me. ok.. so roughly 10 years ago i was sleeping in my bed next to my girlfriend at the time. we were living with her mother. her house was right at the egde of the woods and just following that was open what used to have been corn fields. we werent in the country by know means just where our house was just happen to be right on farm land ( i can get gps coordinates if youd like) our bedroom had one window , and it was facing the trees and field. as i lay sleeping i sorta wake up and see a couple of light balls come thru window and into room , i dont remember being scared or anything. the rest plays out like scenes , no transitions tho. next thing i see is the lights are gone. and i see 3 beings in my room.. 2 small ones and 1 bigger… all were small tho… 2 maybe 3.5 feet and 1 maybe 4.5 feet. i remember not being able to move , one was standing in front of t.V. and i remember it was almost transparent as i can see the tv thru him… almost like 50 percent transparency. the other was standing by girl friend… then i remember one on top of me , i couldn’t tell if it was strattling me or not but i was laying down so i assume so. i was in complete fear , no words can describe it , i tried my best to wake girlfriend but she wouldnt move. the one on top of me got inches from my face and its eyes alone paralyzed me. the next tjing i remember is waking up at 6 am being really thirsty. i have had 3 other similar times this happened as well… in different locations. i never remember being on a craft tho this just takes place in my room. but from research ive read that 99 percent sure i was taken from my room. that’s the answers im hopping to get. sorry for the grammar , im at work now doing this quickly on my phone. like i said its happened a couple more times (that i recall) , like once a couple years. most where similar to the above bit did have one that was really different. if you’d like i can tell that one , and if you need me to get in front of a laptop and take more time to write out better i can. i would really like to speak on the phone or personally with someone. this has changed my life forever just wanna be heard and get more answers. call anytime i will also work on drawing some pictures

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Florida on 2018-02-05 22:15:00 – One flips around and changes color shape like diamond other cigar shape

Synopsis: Ive been abducted several times ive asked for help several times i have pics and videos of the aliens and ufo also several ppl in the hospital saw the aliens i need help asap.The ufo is outside my house right now.It has followed me everyday for over 2 years.I have implants scare and burn marks to prove it.Pls help me.Pls call me i cant check my email.I can text my pics and videos.Thank you

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Rockville, Maryland on 2017-09-20 09:30:00 – A few seconds then projected warphole

Synopsis: I was on a bus looking out the sky through a window and i saw a ufo. i stood still, staring at it for a few seconds, astonished, then it projected a warphole and warped through it.

Headline #11: Black Triangle Sighting in New Braunfels, Texas on 2018-02-05 15:45:00 – A very large white, triangular aircraft, seen descending rapidly at low altitude.

Synopsis: At 3:45 pm, february 5, 2018, in new braunfels,texas, i was driving south on loop 337 (toward i-35) when i saw a very large, white, triangular-shaped aircraft descending toward the horizon. the aircraft appeared so large it seemed out of proportion to its surroundings.The shape was unfamiliar, more like a right triangle than a traditional aircraft. i saw no visible wings. the aircraft was descending rapidly, moving east to southeast. there is no nearby airport in that direction that i know of, and the rapid descent, as well as the large size and strange appearance, startled and concerned me. it did not look or behave at all like the usual planes in the area. the aircraft was in sight approximately 3 seconds and was still descending when the tree line on the crest of a hill blocked it from my view.

Headline #12: UFO Sighting in Garrettsville, Ohio on 2011-10-23 00:00:00 – This photo was taken by my dad at nelson ledges state park in ohio on 10/23/2011. he was fishing and decided to take a couple pictures for memories. he realized later on while looking at the pictures noticed this odd looking object. he says that when he w

Synopsis:This photo was taken by my dad at nelson ledges state park in ohio on 10/23/2011. he was fishing and decided to take a couple pictures for memories. he realized later on while looking at the pictures noticed this odd looking object. he says that when he was shooting the pictures he didn’t notice anything strange. my guess is whatever it was had to be moving really fast and was caught on film at the right moment

Headline #13:  Miasma

Synopsis: By Kevin

When I was around twenty six years old, I used to live on my own in a very small studio apartment just outside my hometown. It was a rather dark period of my life, and was just before I had to leave my place of employment to go on public assistance for my psychiatric conditions. Due to the compounded stress of both work, family, relationships, and social networking, my physical health and well-being began to decline. My living space became very disorganized, and as I started to isolate myself from friends and family, my sleep began to suffer.

I am a member of the Pagan community, and have practiced various forms of traditional polytheism for more than ten years of my life. Though I was and still am a deeply spiritual person, and have had amazingly powerful positive experiences, at this period of my life, my previous commitments to devotional polytheistic practice had began to fall away, and were replaced by feelings of complete despair and confusion.
Initially, my experiences started as a feeling of great uneasiness that would not only keep me tossing and turning in bed at night, but began to wake me up from a dead sleep, and I would try desperately to fall back sleep.

Days and weeks would go by, and each time I had an experience, it would become even worse than before. As the feeling of uneasiness would increase, I began to notice strange noises and sensations. Initially I wrote them off as being the sounds of my cheap air conditioning unit above my apartment window, and the poor insulation in the walls around me, but eventually it became too intense to ignore. Like clockwork, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and would feel an ominous presence in my apartment, with a faint rumbling noise that I couldn’t make out.

As these experiences became more frequent, and the feeling more intense, I began to have disturbing nightmares before I awoke from deep sleep. It would always be in dark and desolate places, and it always involved me dying in freak accidents or traumatic events. One night, I had an intense dream of driving around in a desolated city in the middle of the night, and I lost control of my vehicle. After I crashed into a large tree, and my vision within the dream started to fade, I heard what sounded like small children laughing at me. I woke up completely startled, and barely got even a few hours of sleep that night.

A few nights later, I remember waking up from a dead sleep, and had the immediate awareness that I was still asleep. I had complete awareness of my bedroom, but could sense that I was still in bed. Around the corner from the wall bed I was sleeping on was my kitchen, which is tucked away in a little alcove.

During this experience, I could sense that there was something moving around, so I attempted to leave my bed. All I could manage was pushing myself with all my might directly onto the floor between my bed and the kitchen. A few moments later, small feet tall black figures ran past me towards the front door, and the last one stopped right in front of me while I was on the floor. I heard the sound of devilish cackling and I immediately woke up back on my bed.

Several weeks went by without incident, so I cleaned up my apartment, and tried my best to repair my poor sleep and hygiene habits. My life continued to be stressful however, and I always had the fear of what else might happen lingering in the back of my mind. For several more days, I would wake up in complete sleep paralysis, and what was once a subtle ominous presence with barely audible noises, soon became a dominant malevolent presence, with a hellish sounding growl.

Eventually, this presence began to manifest, and I would be stuck in a sleep paralysis with the silhouette of a tall and featureless figure hanging out at the edge of my bed. Each night if would get closer and closer, to the point that I had several nights in a single week where this figure would be lying next to me in bed while I was experiencing my sleep paralysis.

At this point, I began to become more proactive, and in addition to meditating regularly, I started to engage more with my existing spiritual practices, however modestly. Things began to die down for a while, but I knew that until I was able to fix this issue, that things would continue. I started to research related sleep paralysis phenomenon, and what particularly stuck out to me was the common experience throughout most ancient cultures of a malevolent spirit that would latch itself onto a vulnerable victim and try to drain them of their health and happiness.

It became clear to me that, in a similar manner to the Ancient Greek concept of miasma, I had drawn this negative spirit to myself because of my poor physical and emotional health.

After spending a few more days improving my situation as best I could, I still felt uneasy in my own apartment, so I decided to spend the night with some close friends. They were renting a home together, and had offered me a couch to sleep on over the weekend. After having a long discussion about my experiences, and hearing their own personal interpretations, I ended up falling sleep.

Not too long after, I remember waking up in a sleep paralysis, seeing the very dark inside of their strange living room. What I saw, heard, and felt next is something that I will never forget as long as I live. Standing in the middle of the living room in front of the couch I was sleeping on was an elongated figure. It was about seven feet tall, with long arms and spindly dagger-like fingers.

Though its shoulders were wide, its frame was gaunt, and its entire body was covered with grayish brown skin, that looked like decaying flesh. Its eyes were deep black caverns, and it’s mouth was a gaping maw of pure darkness.

After a few moments, it rushed over to where I was laying, and crouched itself directly over me, making the loudest and most intense guttural growl I have ever heard. As I was being pinned to the couch, a feeling of complete disgust and anger washed over me. I was tired of being afraid and confused, and I knew that it was time for me to rid myself of this spirit that I attracted through my miasma.

My mind immediately went to the gods and goddesses that were most sacred to me at the time, and I thought of them as a combined force of power and authority. I gathered all the strength that I could, and finally managed to speak what I wanted to say to this creature. I looked at the malevolent spirit in it’s face, and in a strong voice I said, “In the name of the highest gods, leave!”

In an instant, I awoke from my final sleep paralysis. The presence was completely banished from my life, as if it had never existed in the first place. It felt as if fifty pounds had been lifted from my chest, and I was finally able to breathe again after nearly six months of horrific nightmares and sleep paralysis. I have never had this issue again, and have become even more devoted to my spiritual practices. Though my positive spiritual experiences have helped give me focus and meaning, this experience helped me to understand the value of emotional and physical health to one’s spiritual well-being.

On several occasions since then, I have had opportunities to not only share this experience with those who are willing to listen, but to even help others through their sleep paralysis experiences. If there is any piece of wisdom that I can give you, it is to not only take care of yourself, but to realize that when necessary, the most powerful forces against these negative forces are the things that are most meaningful and sacred to you. Genuine faith and trust are anathema to the malevolent spirits which may seek to harm you.


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