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Tarra Judson Stariell

Powerful Brainwashing Methods Used by Cults

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with co-host Heidi Hollis invites Tarra Judson Stariell to share one of many brainwashing methods Cults use to take and keep control of vulnerable victims.


Tarra Judson Stariell’s journey from a child lost amidst the angst of her parents to vulnerable young woman preyed upon by a sociopath to a healed and functional counselor of others is as compelling as it is amazing. Born and raised on a southern California ranch, Tarra joined the Peace Corps in the turbulent 70’s, immersing herself in the culture of the South American country she was serving. Embracing the mysticism of her constituents, Tarra believed she received a message to return home and fulfill what she thought was her mission – to spread that message and save the world.

Falling prey to a man who agreed to help her do so, she spent the next decade and more as an abused woman, controlled by his illness and her own disassociation from reality, leaving and returning to him in a textbook-case manner. How she found the strength to extricate herself, to heal, and ultimately help others is a hero’s journey, at once compelling and horrifying, frightening and inspirational. Tarra has now returned to southern California where she assists others to find peace, harmony, and fulfillment in the reality of their lives. –

What Defines a Cult?

On the anniversary of the Branch Dividian Cult incident; with the sentencing of predator Dr.
Larry Nassar, and with harsh memory of Charlie Manson; predators and cults are again in the
news cycle.

Cult is a word we all know, but few will ever have reason to confront in their own lives. A cult is
something other families might have to deal with; something that will impact other children.
Maybe …or maybe not. How do we become victims of our own irrationality? What makes us
vulnerable to the predators among us? How vulnerable are we?

Tarra Judson Stariell was a bright and beautiful child brought up in an idyllic ranch setting, as a
young woman she should have had it all. Instead, she fell prey to a psychopath who consumed
more than a decade and a half of her life. Tarra not only escaped being a victim, but went on to
assist others to not be victims.

Sanity Lost & Found: A true Story of Brainwashing and Recovery

Cult. A word we all know, but few will ever have reason to confront in their own lives. Something other families might have to deal with, something that will impact other children. Right? Maybe. Or, maybe not… A bright and beautiful child brought up in an idyllic ranch setting, as a young woman Sandy should have had it all. Instead, she fell prey to a psychopath who consumed more than a decade and a half of her life.

“He did not need to chain or lock us in the room; our fear kept us in bondage, more securely immobilized than any physical restraints could have ever done.” – Tarra Judson Stariell

How do we become victims of our own irrationality? What makes us vulnerable to the predators among us? Why would an otherwise sensitive, intelligent woman allow herself to return again and again to her abuser? How do we stop the erosion of our self-worth? Simultaneously recognizable and horrifying, we see parts of ourselves and our own vulnerabilities in this compelling story of one woman’s descent into and climb out of the abyss.

For anyone who has ever allowed themselves to be victimized, for anyone who has ever doubted their value, for anyone wanting to protect their children from such vulnerabilities, Sanity Lost and Found is a compelling, informative, and inspirational read that weaves together the how and why for such vulnerabilities and the components necessary for recovery and transformation. – Get the Book!

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The post Tarra Judson Stariell appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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