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Michael Mirdad

Using Clear & Easy-To-Apply Insights & Tools

Monday, February 5th, 2018 at 6 pm ET, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio invites Michael Mirdad to share some of the most important things everyone needs to know to take a quantum leap in spiritual and personal development, as well as dealing with the most common challenges on the path. Michael helps us cover topics as; applying love and forgiveness as a means of raising one’s consciousness and vibration.


Michael Mirdad is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author. He is the author of the best-selling books You’re Not Going Crazy…You’re Just Waking Up!, Creating Fulfilling Relationships, The Heart of A Course in Miracles and The Book of Love & Forgiveness. He has also been the Spiritual Leader at Unity of Sedona now for over 6 years. For over 35 years Michael has transformed the lives of thousands of clients and facilitated thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on Mastery, Spirituality, Relationships, and Healing and is rightly noted by many authors as a “teacher’s teacher” and a “healer’s healer.” –

Heart of a Course in Miracles: Understanding & Applying The 12 Primary Concepts Of The Course

A Course in Miracles is part of the foundation of nearly every single spiritual teacher and author today. With over two-million copies sold, the Course is one of the best-selling books in self-help, New Age genre. Nevertheless, many students on the path find the material to be too complicated and heady. The Heart of A Course in Miracles explains the 12 primary concepts found in the Course in a powerful, yet clear and applicable manner. It brings the heart and soul back into the Course.

Topics include:

Creating Miracles
Having a God Day: Starting the Day with God
How It All Began: Bliss & Oneness vs. Separation
Love vs. Fear
God s Holy Spirit vs. the Ego
Forgiveness vs. Judgment
Innocence vs. Guilt and Shame
Reality vs. Illusion
Responsibility vs. Projecting
The Spiritual World vs. The Material World
The Unlimited Soul vs. The Limited Body
How It All Ends: Holy Relationships vs. Special Relationships

This powerful book is intended to be read slowly, with thought and reflection. This book is clear, easy to read, and easy to apply . . . and has already proven profoundly effective to many thousands of clients and students who have applied the principles of this incredible book.

Drawn from the author’s 30+ years of teaching, healing, and spiritual counseling, this book highlights both new and time-tested principles for understanding and applying the 12 primary concepts found in A Course in Miracles. In so doing, Mirdad makes the Course material fresh, powerful, and accessible to people of all walks of life. – Get the Book!

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The post Michael Mirdad appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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