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Dr. Robert Davis

Aliens: Nuts & Bolts or Inter-dimensional? Life After Death and Abduction Experiencers

Saturday, February 11th, 2018 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith
as the search for extraterrestrial life continues with his guest Dr. Robert Davis, author of The UFO Phenomenon and Life After Death. Davis explains the painstaking work and research that is being undertaken to understand the alien contact experience that he and the qualified team at the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences. Davis further shares his own points of view on the uncanny parallels between NDEs, psychedelic trips and alien abduction experiences; and how they may all be connected when seen through the eye of the greatly sought after torsion field (wave) physics theory. The truth is out there and Robert is set on helping us find it.


Robert Davis Ph.D. is an internationally recognized scientist of sensory neuroscience and served as a professor at the State University of New York for over 30 years. He has published over 60 articles in scholarly journals and lectured at national and international conferences. He has written two books: The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe? and Life after Death: An Analysis of the Evidence. His recent book on Life after Death addresses everything from near-death and out-of-body accounts, experimental evidence, parapsychological explanations, and theories that tap into quantum physics, the multiverse, the consciousness-brain connection – all of this and more is a part of the scientific journey and enigmatic landscape that he probes in comprehensive depth and detail.

Dr. Davis serves as a member of the Board of Directors and Research Team of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences which was established to provide a scientific exploration to bridge the gap between science, consciousness, and psycho-spiritual experiences.

Dr. Davis has appeared on over 50 radio shows and podcasts and has presented lectures at several national and international conferences discussing his research in sensory neuroscience and his two books. He has also co-authored a recent study on consciousness and extraordinary experiences which will be published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2018.

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin

When there are so many theories and speculative theories on what alien abduction experiences really are, who or what is causing them, the obvious parallels between near death experiences and alien encounters, how do we know what to believe? First, we should consider whether these are separate happenings of either metaphysical, physical or psychological origins. Second, we should try to discern the various but similar experiences by their different entries into said alien or inter-dimensional contact such as through psychedelics, NDEs, sleep paralysis, physical abduction into a UFO, psychic contact, verbal communication and so forth. The good news is The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research Into Extraordinary Experiences (F.R.E.E.) is moving in that direction. With the collaborative work of the FREE members, including Dr. Robert Davis, they have already surveyed, polled and collected the most data available in this regard than any other civilian organization. I hope that once they have collected enough data for a thorough cross analysis that they will be able to tell us if these experiences are connected to the same source. And if not, why are there so many shared aspects?

Personally, and quite unscientifically, I wonder if there are shared aspects of these different experiences due to how the brain processes the shock of each. As if the brain processes an experience like it were dying. Then, of course, we still have to consider that many abductees have repeated experiences and the initial shock of the first contact dissipates – so this may not be a good explanation.

Live in the mystery.

– Alan B. Smith

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