Womb Cosmology & Embodiment

Monday, February 19th, 2018 at 6 pm ET, Keith Anthony Blanchard of Center of Light Radio invites Aanabel Vizcarra to discuss how the magnetic energy behind womb cosmology has a direct connection to the wisdom of the divine feminine.

We live in a world that has encouraged the disconnection and cut us off from the divine feminine wisdom that lives within our bodies.

It is in this wisdom that we find the ability to activate our magnetic pathways and amplify our radiance to manifest the opportunities for desired change.

When we tap into this power, cradled in our wombs. We activate a magnetic field that creates and inspires, manifesting relationships that support our evolution and awakening.



Anabel Vizcarra helps women tap into their unique magnetic power and radiance, through the embodiment of Womb Consciousness.
Through this embodiment, every woman can activate the wisdom in their body & unlock their co-creative powers to turn challenges into Gold. – http://www.anabelvizcarra.com/

Womb Cosmology & Embodiment

Deep inside a woman’s womb lies the seed of ancient wisdom that is divinely timed into awakening, granting complete self emancipation and dissolving the indoctrination we’ve been subjected to.

The Great Mother is the birther of all sentient life. Like a black hole, she conceives, births and dissolves. The magnificent and majestic power of a black hole (space womb) magnetizes everything around it into its center to be transformed and then rebirthed.

Womb Cosmology is brimming with gifts!

This Great Womb mirrors to us the possibility and ability our healthy, restored womb space holds. This inner source code contains the power of creation and is embedded in our original blueprint.  We are a pregnant cell unfolding within this divine Womb Cosmology. Our awakening is the awakening of our Source, of our divine abilities and the power contained within us to rebirth our lives and our world. To transform the pain into sacred medicine for the world.

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