Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday January 3rd, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Denver, Colorado on 2018-01-01 01:10:00 – Approx 12:10 am 1-1-18 we saw hovering above lockheed martin orange then white then faded out

Synopsis: My wife and i just left a concert at the venue. we were walking to our car approximately 12:10 a.M. witnessed a bright orange red orb hovering above lockheed marti. it change directions but pretty much stayed in the same location faded to bright white then disappeared as if it knew we were watching it. i took a picture after it had change to white but disappeared before i could get video.

Headline #2: Sighting in Miami, Florida on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Noted 3 objects in sky se of my position at home outside adjacent to tamami airport at 1213 on 1/1/2018. noted multiple changes in position from hovering triangle to straight- positions. numerous fireworks in area.

Synopsis: at 12:13 on 1/1/2018 i noted three objects hovering over west kendall; near tamami airport while observing my daughter leaving for her friends home. these objects appeared with bright white, red to orange colored lighting and moved with numerous positioning formatting from straight lines to a triangle formation.

Headline #3: Sighting in San Jose, California on 2017-11-08 00:00:00 – 8 foot diameter object? field? portal? stationary on highway

Synopsis: san jose, california about 11am nov 8, driving on hwy 280 westbound between hwy 17 and saratoga exit. i saw a large object or field or portal in the middle of the left lane which i couldn’t visually focus on. shaped like an onion, slightly wider than tall, very slightly pointed at the top, about the width of a car so 8-10 feet in diameter, perfectly radially symmetric.

Headline #4: UFO Landing in Chicago, Illinois on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – This is pretty complicated but in short it landed, exited, approached. ape like creature emerging from a metallic light source.

Synopsis: Last night i was coming home from the grocery store and the entire sky for one second lit up like a flash of lightning. and orb-like figure with blue and pink lights circulating around it oscillating came out of the northeast and headed towards me and i landed up in the tree as if it was an owl perched.

Headline #5: Black Triangle Sighting in Shoreview, Minnesota on 2018-01-01 02:10:00 – At 2:10am on 1/1/2018 i witnessed a peculiar light( cluster of 3 white lights and intermittent red light)from an east facing window in my home. i had my 29 y.O.Son watch it with me. we observed for 1/2 hr. hovering,bobbing,zooming, wht./red light.

Synopsis: At 2:10am on 1/12018 i finally decided to get out of bed in frustration over not being able to fall asleep. ( i had never suffered from even one night of insomnia, but that was what i was experiencing.) as soon as i swung my legs over the edge of the bed, i looked out my east facing window and observed from my home in shoreview, mn, usa a “light” or cluster of (3 white lights very close together) moving in a very peculiar manner.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Fort Myers, Florida on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Daughter and i witnessed object descending, ejection of smaller object, then immediate ascending of object and disappeared

Synopsis: My daughter and i just finished lighting a couple of fireworks off after the new year ball drop on tv. once finished, my daughter said, daddy look at that plane it looks weird. after looking at the object, i could tell right away this was not a plane, or normal object in the sky.

Headline #7: Sighting in Mississauga, Ontario on 2017-11-24 20:30:00 – 4 or 5 foggy type oval lights circling above my house, simultaneously join together, then split and repeat, toward the end mini circles also appeared next to the bigger ones.

Synopsis: Went out in the back yard with my two dogs and saw above my townhome approx 4-5 foggy oval lights circling in a rotation. at first i thought this was an event spotlight since it was in the christmas season but there were no beams to the ground. over time they joined together to make one circle in the middle then they would break apart and repeat the same rotation.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Auckland, Auckland on 2017-12-25 16:08:00 – Fast an silent

Synopsis: Super fast . silent . if u dont belive in the secert space program . this is proof. identical to that of a usa aircaft carrier in size, colour shape etc. this craft was traveling at speed unlike any thing that we know of .. except that of hidden black projects.

Headline #9: Sighting in Waalre, Noord-Brabant on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – One blue ufo watching the various fireworks, hovering, flashing and dashing around.

Synopsis: I was downstairs looking at the fireworks in the sky from my living room. i noticed a blue light amongst the fireworks but it wasn’t part of it. when it hovered, it flashed blue. when it moved from one point in the sky to another, it didn’t flash but stayed blue.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Eureka, California on 2018-01-01 03:30:00 – Flying then split into two.

Synopsis: I was locking up my truck and looked into the sky and noticed an orange light almost like a plane heading north to south. it stood out to me with the object being hazy, moving faster than a plane, and no flashing lights. it seemed like the objects had some lights on the front of it and was moving over twice the speed of an airplane at that altitude.

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