Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday January 31st, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in New Orleans, Louisiana on 1972-05-31 23:20:00 – Triangle shaped craft seen back in 1972

Synopsis: i don’t recall what month it was but it was during the summer of 1972. i was then working for gulf oil company at the alliance refinery, just south of belle chasse la. we were working the evening shift (3pm-11pm). a friend and i were riding together, he lived in port sulphur and i lived in buras. when we got off that night we head towards home going south on hwy 23. just after getting on the road, we noticed a bright light to the west of us that look to be out over the marsh. at first, we thought it was a helicopter from nearby alvin callender air field. it would stop and them move again as if they were searching for something. the light then sped off in a southward direction at a high rate of speed. we did not see it again for a few miles then noticed it in the area of lake hermitage. it looked like it has stopped and then we noticed it moving again. we were close to the lake hermitage road so we pulled over to see what it was since it had started to move towards the Mississippi river. my friend and i stepped out of the car and observed the object moving towards the river slowly. as it passed over what we saw was a metallic triangle shaped craft with 6 lights on the bottom. it wasn’t shiny, but looked liked it was a light gray color. from what i recall it appeared to be about 1500’ feet above us and was not making any noise. it was pretty large but hard to estimate what size it was. when it reached about the middle of the river it suddenly sped off in and easterly direction and we lost sight of it. i can still see my friend looking up as it passed over and saying what the hell is that. when we returned to work the next evening we told our fellow co-workers about what we saw. they just kind of laughed about it and made fun. my friend and i talked about this several times over the years still trying to figure out just exactly what we had seen that night.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in New Orleans, Louisiana on 2010-11-30 05:30:00 – Two bright round lights in the sky just before daylight while duck hunting

Synopsis:A friend and i was ducking hunting in venice la in the area sportsman call the wagon wheel. it was just before daylight and still dark and was a moon less night. we were standing up in the blind looking towards the north when all of a sudden two bright lights appeared in the sky from the north east of us. my friend who was standing next to me exclaimed, what the “expletive”! we both worked for chevron at the time and he was one of their helicopter pilots. we watch the two bright objects move in a westerly direction for not more than two minutes when they suddenly streaked away. they were going in a blink of an eye. he said he had never seen anything like that in all the years he has been flying. i would have to estimate that the size of the two bright objects were about the size of a dime held at arm’s length. they were just two bright round lights in the sky

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Paris, Île-de-France on 2017-12-17 19:07:00 – Glowing object nearby tour eiffel in paris, france

Synopsis: After visiting a nearby museum, i was walking back to the nearest subway station. it was raining quite heavily and along the way (75007, 12-18 avenue de la bourdonnais) i simply took some pictures of the eiffel tower. in fact i did not see that object in the sky until i downloaded the photos on my pc, probably because of the light of the beacon and the hurry in getting not too wet meanwhile. there are 5 pictures in total, taken from two spots in about 90 meters distance (at coordinates 48°51’35″n 2°17’46″e and 48°51’33″n 2°17’48″e). i took the photos with an iphone 5 at 07:07pm local time (first 3 photos) and 07:08pm local time (last 2 photos), in less than a 60 seconds span. good to know: the eiffel tower is located inside the perimeter of the city where only police and enforcement agencies can fly their helicopters. the size and oval/roundish shape of the object, its white/bright blue color, the sudden v-turn do not seem to comply with standard maneuvers of a standard vehicle. the beacon of the eiffel tower takes less than 60 seconds to complete a full 360 degrees circle. the object first moved in n-e direction, then disappeared in s-w direction.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Clifton, New Jersey on 1980-03-01 21:00:00 – Me and my mother were waiting at a stop sign to turn and just in front of us in the sky was a plane and on top hovering was a gigantic silver saucer it went in front of the plane and we seen it wasn’t a plane but a ufo. it followed us 3 hours past

Synopsis:Me and my mom were leaving the store bradless it closed at 9 pm so i know it was 9 pm that this happen it was when i was almost 11 years old about 2 weeks betore my birthday which is march 13 so this happen approximately on march 1,1980 so my mom and me were in the car and we were waiting for traffic at the stop sign and in front of us we noticed a plane probably a 747 and hovering above it very close was a circular silver ufo with windows around it flashing red blue and white lights. it quickly went in front of the plane and you could clearly see all the details of it with the planes lights shining directly on it. my mom told me it was tellipathically communicating with her abd telling her it wanted to land. i was only almost 11 and going in the back of the car from the front seat to look out the back window and realized it was actually following us. i don’t remember being scared but definitely concerned that is was communicating with my mother but seeing what i seen it was probably too much for me to process at my age. we only lived 10 minutes away and we got home at 12:30 pm at night so this always bothered me i have no memory of those 3 1/2 hours. the next thing i remembered was we were in the opposite direction that my mother turned in a park in nutley new jersey and the ufo was above us avd we were on foot in the park abd my moms car was running far away. i remember being excited avd calling out to someone going in their house to look up at the sky but he probably thought we were crazy. i always felt we were abducted because of the memory lose and my mother did call clifton police when we got home avd thet said that hundreds of calls were coming in from a ufo siting that night. my mother never talked about it again i think she might remember more than me. i do remember when we were in the park it was directly hovering over us and there was no noise and when it took off it was faster than anything i’ve ever seen in my life.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Hillsboro, North Dakota on 2010-07-04 00:00:00 – Around 1-2am we noticed a bright light in the direction of grand forks. it was pretty high up and very bright, as we watched, it began dropping lights from it

Synopsis: My wife and son and sister headed up to nd to my dad’s house for the 4th of july, after we had set off some fireworks and watched a few others in town celebrating, we settled back in lawn chairs to watch the stars and gaze at the milky way. around 1-2am we noticed a bright light in the direction of grand forks. it was pretty high up and very bright, as we watched, it began dropping lights from it, i assumed it was air force training with flares but the flares were multi colored, blue, yellow white and red, the main light was white. as they dropped, they kind of hung in the air like flares but then they started moving up and around the main white light. flares can travel with the wind but i’ve never seen them move up and circle around what dropped them. as we were watching the lights, i caught movement out of the corner of my eye, looking to the left off the corner of my dad’s house, i saw an object going over the street light on the road to the south of the house. at the point i first saw it it was about 100 feet away and travelling above the treeline across the street, i watched as it went along the street above the trees, just as it was going out of sight it released what looked like molten metal from a port on the side of the craft. i could see the street lights illuminating the bottom of the craft. it looked somewhat modular in construction, it was about 20-25 feet long, taller in the back and slightly tapered towards the front. it kind of reminded me of the ships from space 1999 but smaller and more compact. i turned back after the ship passed and within 30 seconds the bright white light we had been watching had absorbed all the lights it had released and faded into nothing. i think this was one of ours, the proximity to grand forks afb, which was about 45 miles in the direction we saw the lights. i had eyes on the object for about 20-30 seconds before it passed out of sight and i was looking at it from the side with unobstructed view. this was in 2010, i haven’t seen anything like this since.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Cedarville, Illinois on 2018-01-13 00:00:00 – 3 reflective cigar-shaped objects, sudden vertical descent

Synopsis: Witnessed a shiny, reflective, cigar-shaped object pass over field of vision while driving <1 mile north of cedarville on highway 26. went from northwest to east over horizon before leaving my fov. <45 seconds later, second object appeared in northwest and again passed over my view. halfway through it appeared to descend suddenly straight down without changing angle, like a helicopter. descended for 3-4 seconds before heading in same direction as 1st object. 3rd object appeared from northwest and followed roughly same direction as previous 2. whole encounter lasted roughly 6-7 minutes or less.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Momence, Illinois on 2018-01-06 05:12:00 – My sister is up with me in the morning, she happened to look out windowsaw light, and took pictures . she’s never told me right away, it scares her, she’s handicapped and she’s showed me her pictures more recently, so i am sending these photos.

Synopsis: I have recently moved in with my handicapped sister, while the house i purchased for us is being remodeled. she likes to take nature pictures, and she has an iphone 7. she started taking pictures at night during a meter shower, and i noticed a few funny things. soon, she was taking pictures at night very often, and she likes to show them to me. the more she took pictures the more “stuff” i saw in the pictures. lots of orbs, different colors, and one night what i think of as a drone(?). anyway, i had started to look at the sky myself to see where she is getting all this, and i see what looks like stars that flash blue, red, green, and they move, i would take a picture of something moving that looked like a drone but the picture would just look like an orb. i moved in here in september and more and more seemed to be happening as time went by. i get up for work at 0400 and she usually gets up as well, and occasionally she would go out at that time to take pictures, however, this day she was in the house, noticed the light and just began taking a series of pics as she walked to the front window.(it seems that way with the pics as they move a little closer in each time. this scared her, and she told me nothing about it for a few days which would be her usual, and then just showed me the pictures, didn’t really want to talk about it. she is agreeable that i send these pictures to u. she would like some one to verify what it could be. this happened january 6,@0511. we would appreciate knowing what it is we are looking at in these pictures if at all possible. i realize i’m some other pictures she has the zoom crazy and it’s pretty distorted. thank you for your time!

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Paducah, Kentucky on 2016-03-17 16:30:00 – Captured screen grabs while observing live feed of the international space station of unknown objects taking plasma from the solar surface

Synopsis: On march 17, 2016, while at home, i opened an app that i had downloaded on my ipad called iss hd live. it’s an app that allows the viewer to see a live feed broadcast from the international space station, and i enjoy the app as background entertainment while i do work online. this day i opened the app and instead of the usual view of earth from orbit, i was greeted by two views of the sun, apparently being observed from the iss. it was a split screen, on the left side was a filtered view of the sun and on the right side was a zoomed in view of the same scene. they were labeled “macro view” on the left and “micro view” on the right. to my astonishment i observed two very bright objects, like plasma or something, appear from the far right of the screen and move to the left toward the surface of the sun. i watched them move to the sun and seem to land on it. very quickly they began to swell to large balloon like objects as they seemingly drew plasma from the surface of the sun. more lights appeared while this was happening and in the midst of them was a very distinct dark colored object that suddenly appeared near the sun and began to release blobs of plasma that followed the same behavior as the previous ones. i began to take screen shots because i’m pretty familiar with sun activity and this didn’t seem like anything anyone has seen before. at first, i thought maybe this was a solar flare. it resembles a flare in some ways, however, solar flares begin on the sun and these plasma like balls of light appeared from the right side of the screen and moved to the sun! they also began as balls of light but grew to enormous proportions while apparently attached to the sun in groups that are arranged symmetrically, as you can see in the attached photos. that isn’t a solar flare, so i thought maybe meteors. i am pretty sure however that meteors do not hover. also, the “plasma balloons” that were attached to the sun seemed to have an outline of some sort, dark like some sort of container, or force that was keeping the plasma together in an elongated sphere. the biggest problem here with this being natural phenomena is the dark object seemingly controlling these plasma things. the object is clearly visible in the attached photos. one screen grab actually defines edges to this object, making it appear as a very large rectangle stood up on end. for it to be as visible as it was, it must have been larger than the earth itself, based on its scale to the sun. i was stunned at what i was seeing and i took 8 screenshots throughout this event. only 8 because i was arguing logic with myself and in denial of what was happening, and happening live all over the world, at least to those watching the feed at that time. i can not be the only one to witness this though i may be the only one who thought to screen grab it, i do not know. the most dramatic event took place at the end of this event. these plasma things attached to the sun blinked out all at once, and appeared again way less than a second later and had merged into one very bright and extremely large barred circle of i guess plasma. it has to be many times bigger than the entire earth. this is also visible in the attached photos. the feed ended at this point and went to a blue screen. this was a live video feed, so it’s likley that the iss has a copy of this footage somewhere. i sat on these photos for over a year because i simply had no idea what to do with them. and i was sure i would find a natural explanation for all this. i’ve found none. i didn’t want to put these out there and find out they are explainable, i’d feel silly! so i’ve tried and tried to find out what this could be, and really there is no known phenomena that takes the characteristics described above. so now i’ll give them to you guys. please at some point if possible at all, get in touch with me via email address i provided and tell me this is a natural phenomena or something so i can rest my mind on this! but i don’t think it’s natural at all. thank you for considering this report, paul


Synopsis: This happened in 1993, I was around 12 years old. My Uncle Max picked me up and took me fishing with him. He had a decent sized boat with a good engine. We weren’t going out far but I figured we would be gone most of the day. We started early, around 5 am and drove around in the boat looking at the coastal area before we started fishing. We located a good spot next to an oil platform looking structure in the water. It was still a bit dark but we could see the supplies on the boat without a flashlight or any other lighting. We had only fished for about 10 mins when we heard a bump on the bottom of the boat. It almost moved the boat. I looked at my uncle and shrugged my shoulders.


He said, “It’s probably some big ass turtle” he snickered. I laughed because just hearing my Uncle cuss was enough back then. But before we could finish laughing there was an odd splash. I turned to my right to see the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. It was a creature. It was like a man but his skin was like that old fish, the coelacanth. Brown scaly skin covered the thing. He had white eyes and a gaping mouth. I swear I even saw fins on him but it happened to fast I wasn’t sure. It had shot straight up out of the water about chest high then sinked right back down again. I was shocked, my heart stopped. In my mind, I thought it had to be prank or something. It surely couldn’t have been a real creature. It was a little dark but I swear that I saw the shadow of that thing swim off underneath the water like a dolphin. My heart was racing as I looked back at my uncle.


The expression on his face scared me even more. I had never before or since seen him so scared. I trembled there on that boat. I reeled in my line, dropped my pole on the boat floor and rested on the short bench on the boat. I tried so hard to breathe. Without a sound, we left the coastal waters. We stopped and ate some breakfast tacos on the way home. We never really talked about what we saw. I wonder if that thing was the only one of its kind or if there are more fish people out there. Always be careful going out into the ocean.

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