Here is the UFO Headline News for  Wednesday January 17th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Galion, Ohio on 2017-12-05 20:47:00 – Saw large hovering craft on way gome from store. stopped to take video.


Synopsis:   I first want to declare, that i am not a “ufo hunter”. i’m a boring mom that works at a boring office job. when i was young, (1991),my family and i had witnessed an unidentified object up close, so i have been intrigued, but in our family, tho 4 of us saw it…We didn’t talk about it until a decade later. on dec 5th, 2017, i was coming home from the grocery store on county road 9 in morrow county toward iberia. i noticed what appeared to be a huge craft of some sort with very bright individual lights going around the whole side/circumference. it was mayne 1/2 to a 1/2 mile away, and hovering not far above the treeline. after driving for a mile maybe, looking to my east, i found a clear line of sight and stopped my car to the side of the road. i snapped a pic to show how bright it was in comparison to the very bright moon, then started video on my galaxy 7 phone.



i held my phone up recording, but was looking with my naked eye, as it was a much clearer/closer appearing in person. i watched the circular craft hover over a field/wooded area and it started to tilt a bit forward in the direction of movement (north), and slowly appeared to get closer. i got nervous at this point. the aircraft went behind a tree that was in my line of sight toward the end of the video, which gives the appearance of flickering light from the branches. but the light remained constant. almost blinding in the night sky. a vehicle came up behind me as the aircraft became less visible, then disappeared abruptly. i started to drive again, feeling rushed by the vehicle behind me. i kept looking but the object was nowhere to be found. immediately, 2 low flying jet planes flew over, and seemed like they were barely above the telephone poles.



later reviewing my video, i noticed a red flashing light, which i assumed was maybe a tower blinking in the distance, since the object i viewed did not have any red lights. after researching some more, i realized there was no tower in the area, so the flashing lights must have been the low flying jet planes, beyond the aircraft, off in the distance. i’m anxious to see if anyone can clean up my fuzzy video. the object looks so much further than it was in person…And it wasn’t grainy like the video

Headline #2:  UFO Sighting in Queensbury, New York on 2017-11-09 18:45:00 – Ufo with green windows

Synopsis: On november 9th, 2017 at approximately 6:45 pm a couple of relatives, who wish to remain anonymous, say an ufo or phenomena that cannot explain. names have been changed from here on as husband, randy, and wife, mindy. the couple were just getting home from dinner. as the they were entering the house randy went in, but mindy was just behind him when she saw some lights above a tree line. she couldn’t believe what she was seeing so she called him to come out. he obliged. they both observed an object about 20-30 feet long above a tree line. it was night, so they could not see an outline. they can approximate the length because it had approximately 6 green lights, that they described as looking like windows several feet apart. the object had no sound and it was hovering at the same height the whole time. as the object hovered was emanating/sending lights were just amazing. they can hardly describe what they saw. they weren’t lasers because they were not straight. the lights were continuous, but were also like cork screws. almost like fireworks, except for the fact they were continuous/constant the whole distance. they were going across the street into their neighbor’s yard and going through the trees n all directions after about 3 minutes of observing this and being mesmerized, randy went into the house. it was freaking him out and didn’t want to have anything to do with it any longer.



mindy, stayed out for another 30 seconds, but while she did she started looking around in all directions. she was trying to see if anyone else was outside and if there was anything else happening in other places. she didn’t want to give up looking for explanations. while doing this she looked up the street the other direction, which is to the north east. she saw a green(same color) glowing ball of light. very bright and estimating the size of a bowling ball. it was floating at about eye level. she tried to get randy to come back out to see that, but he chose not to. then it flashed(like a camera flash) and then just disappeared right in front of her eyes. it didn’t fly away, it just vanished. after this happened, she went to look at the other object and it was gone. randy and mindy are still blown away by what they saw. there is no explanation. drones? no. methane gas from a leach field? no. laser beam light show? no there is nothing in their combined 127 years that comes even close. i believe they saw something based on their reaction that night, and continued amazement. i live right behind them. so they called right after it happened to ask me if i saw it, but was not home at the time. i could sense the concern and confusion in their voices. family relative of witnesses is an artist. the rendering of what they described. they said it this very accurate

Headline #3:  UFO Sighting in Genoa, Wisconsin on 2018-01-08 19:45:00 – Stationary flashing lights, military aircraft zig zagging loudly near object, second identical object to south

Synopsis: Noticed loud aircraft noises outside and saw 2 aircraft rapidly zig/zag or figure of 8. watched for ~15seconds before out of sight, but noticed flashing white, blue, green, red lights like a star but brighter in same region aircraft were seen. got in car to go to top of ridge to observe as no towers or other sources we could think of for source. car acted very strangely, would not start, was turning over well and would continue to turn over without hand on key in ignition. newer (2014) vehicle, well maintained, kept in heated garage never with battery issues. took different car which did start. on stop of ridge observed object through binoculars, however still appeared too distant to see details. could only notice rapidly flashing blue, yellow/white, green and red lights. did not appear to be moving relative to horizon or stars. no further aircraft observed. returned home and noticed identical object/light pattern to south. have never witnessed similar event in past, nor the aircraft that low in this area. also have never seen pattern of flight aircraft were preforming. continued to check but lights remained present for 2 hours

Headline #4:  UFO Sighting in Cumming, Georgia on 2013-08-13 02:01:00 – I kissed an angel on the cheek the power died to a candle an it flew out of the home this is after a stoning.

Synopsis:  my 4 year old son made me a stone for father’s day in a church it said dad rocks. a year later i was coming out of the bath room an she hit me in the head with it. a year later i had open heart surgery an died on the table . i was lifted up. outer body . when i got back to her an angel this is a picture on the wall a men’s face was half way out of this picture. it keep talking to me. so one night i came out of the bathroom an  i kissed it an said jesus loves you it will be ok. that night the power died to a candle light an a ball 1 x 2 came thru the bedroom an out towards the west it flew. a men a few homes up was filming one already above the home. then the one from inside my home flew up. you can see it on utube under ufo cumming ga 2013. please help.

Headline #5:  Alien Encounter in Chicago, Illinois on 2004-03-20 14:27:00 – Aliens all around me

Synopsis:  I was laying down in my house on my floor and i was about to fall asleep when i lay down on the floor i close my eyes when i open my eyes i saw six to eight aliens all around me looking down at me i don’t remember what happened after that but now i feel really really bad inside and i can see it watching me everywhere i go i can feel it in my body every night i can’t sleep i have bad demonic attacks all the time day and night they tried to kill me but god will let me go god protecting me but it’s still around me everywhere i go it’s around me right now while i’m writing this comment can you please help me it’s more to it than that people can feel something around me and i’m not normal everywhere i go i feel terrible i can’t interact with people or life anymore i don’t want to die but i can’t keep living like this can you please help me they attack my finances they attack my body mind and soul and attacking my spirit please can you help me i don’t know what else to do.

Headline #6:  Sighting in Springfield, Ohio on 2018-01-09 18:30:00 – Boomerang looking thing 3 headlight looking lights smaller red lights in back moved but never changed direction

Synopsis: Driving east on i70 in ohio, at aproximately 6:30pm, mile marker 47.5 saw large boomerang shaped plane looking thing, the rest of traffic must have also noticed as everyone was drifting lanes staring at object. at first i thought it mustve been a very large/tall street light, but as i got closer i noticed it was not on a pole and was much farther into the air and was above a dark field no where near any street did not think to take pictures, just kept going, it was hovering over there with the white lights towards the front of the boomerang and as i continued on before getting up to where the thing was, it started slowly moving southbound still facing its white lights dead to the west, it was like it was on ice slowly sliding sideways, did not turn or lean when it moved and made no sound as i approached the section of the highway nearest it, it was still moving southbound, but then white lights still facing west, started moving quickly, at what looked like east/south east without turning the light side in that direction, i looked up and back to see if i could see it and all i saw were small red lights facing the eastern direction as if it was still facing west and was moving around without turning to face its direction of motion. on the front of it you could see small vertical lines of different color than the body of the object, but i couldnt tell it those were outlines of windows or not. nothing else could be seen on that sode other than the shape/lights/lines and on the back/inner side of the boomerang you only saw small dim red lights, nothing comparible in brightness to the bright white front lights. i only noticed the object because i was looking for a sign for a gas station/truck stop that usually tower near exits. i felt like it may have been a plane at first landing directly towards me, but once it slid sideways and stated moving backwards i knew there was no way it was a plane, i lost sight of it as i kept driving and did not stop, i dont know if the object stayed in the area and its movements were pretty slow, i thought it might’ve even been a helicopter, but then i realized, if it was a helicopter the 3 vertical lights would have tilted/raised and lowered to be able to move around in the air, and this object remained flat and facing west the entire time it was moving. i didnt think to take any pictures, and my dash camera is not installed in my current vehicle as i’ve just switched vehicles i’ll do my best to make a sketch and hopefully one of the other motorists on the road thought to take pictures or video

Headline #7:  UFO Sighting in Parker, Colorado on 2017-12-30 13:15:00 – Invisible object appears in iphone photos

Synopsis: While standing with me on the open balcony of her apartment, my daughter took the attached digital (iphone) photos of a colorful cloud formation around the sun. upon examining the four photos immediately afterwards, we saw that a circular object or orb appears in each photo. an interesting facet is that we did not see the object visually. we cannot say conclusively that it was invisible to the naked eye, but we did not see it and we think we should have been able to had it been visible. the object is clearly moving left to right (roughly east to west) based on the first two photos showing it over a rooftop. based on the last two photos it apparently increased markedly in altitude and moved from right to left while gaining altitude. again looking at the first two photos, it appears that the object is solid because it obscures a tiny portion of the cloud behind it. in the last two photos, the object displays an obvious aura that may be indicative of radiated heat or energy. the episode lasted less than 30 seconds, as she took the photos in quick succession. if there are any probable natural / conventional explanations, we would be pleased to be advised accordingly.

Headline #8:  UFO Sighting in Elko, Nevada on 2015-04-01 22:03:00 – I have a video. its a cube.

Synopsis: Sitting in a friends car smoking a cigarette. we’re in my parking lot. a small orb appears floating over our llaps. i start checking windows assuming something like a laser pointer. (i know lasers dont work that way) the light resembles a warm light bulb in a dark room. glowing but with no visible radius.Finally decide to look up. see how ufo cubes are formed. https://m.Youtube.Com/watch?V=civvpswgjhc this is the original shot on a karl zeiss windows phone. the other file i’ve uploaded has contrast enhanced

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Austin, Texas on 2018-01-12 14:30:00 – Observed what looked like a nonmoving shooting star. may have emitted small contrail. may have been moving very slowly.

Synopsis: I was driving south on mopac highway approaching slaughter lane; there the road rises in such a way that drivers have a pretty clear view of a large part of the sky to the south and southwest. the sky was clear, and the object pretty noticeable. i first though it was a sun dog, then thought it was a jet leaving a small contrail. however, as i watched it, i realized it wasn’t moving as a jet would. it seemed to me that it was moving extremely slowly or motionless. i would describe as looking like a jet-type object creating an extremely wide but also extremely short contrail. i don’t think it was moving. i was curious what it was, but had no other emotional reaction etc. i turned off of mopac and heard west on slaughter lane. there are more trees and commercial buildings and i could not see it anymore. it was below the horizon. i live within a mile of that intersection and by 2:45 i could not see it in the sky there.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Peje,Kosovo, on 2018-01-12 00:00:00 – Ufo at night

Synopsis: Firstly i’m passionate about astronomy universe and all those things so i was going out at 12 pm and i looked up and i saw lights coming like from below somewhere but it was far from me , and they just come up like straight and took it the right direction like 7 or 8 of them , and i immediately took the phone and i made pictures and 1 video but it needs to zoom out to see the pictures also i made pictures with red circle to be more easy to notice where they are, how i lost sight, they come up from below and took the right direction just going up and disappeared in clouds also one friend of mine said that he saw in that direction before 5 or six months, so when i saw i was surprised and i wanted to happened something like this and to make a picture and show to the people because most of them say no it was’t just it seems to you maybe was something else but it isn’t the first time that i saw , i have saw several times also in the mountain it appeared like a light and after 10 sec it disappeared, this description was what i saw

Headline #11: Scientists explain insights from ancient Tibetan ice core

Synopsis:  A short film about an expedition to Tibet’s Guliya Glacier, where scientists drilled a Stone Age ice core going back 600,000 years. Plus a report on what the ice core reveals.


This short film above provides an overview of an autumn 2015 expedition to the Guliya Glacier in Tibet, where scientists drilled ice cores that could yield some of the oldest ice yet found on Earth outside the polar regions. BPCRC media specialist Pam Theodotou created the film, using field footage collected by expedition member Giuliano Bertagna.

Scientists discussed their analysis of one of the cores drilled on this expedition earlier this month (December 14, 2017) at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans. The ice at the bottom of this core appears to have formed during the Stone Age, more than 600,000 years ago, long before modern humans appeared. Researchers from the United States and China have been studying the core — which is nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall — to assemble one of the longest-ever records of Earth’s climate history.


Guliya Glacier is located in Tibet’s western Kunlun Mountains, one of Earth’s largest supplies of freshwater ice outside of the Arctic and Antarctica. In 2015, the research team drilled through the ice cap until they hit bedrock, in order to obtain this very ancient ice. They recovered five ice cores, the longest of which is more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) long.


The cores are composed of compressed layers of snow and ice that settled on the western Kunlun Mountains year after year, long ago. In each layer, the ice captured chemicals from the air and precipitation during wet and dry seasons. Today’s researchers are able to analyze the chemistry of the different layers to measure historical changes in climate.

Paleoclimatologist Lonnie Thompson of Ohio State University was co-leader of the international research team that obtained the cores. He reported at the AGU meeting that the new data from these cores lend support to computer models of projected climate changes, providing dramatic evidence of a recent and rapid temperature rise at some of the highest, coldest mountain peaks in the world. Thompson said in a statement:

The ice cores actually demonstrate that warming is happening, and is already having detrimental effects on Earth’s freshwater ice stores.


The researchers reported that there has been a persistent increase in both temperature and precipitation in Tibet’s Kunlun Mountains over the last few centuries. In this region, the average temperature has risen 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) in the last 50 years and the average precipitation has risen by 2.1 inches per year over the past 25 years.

Of particular interest to the researchers is a projection from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IOCC) that future temperatures on the planet will rise faster at high altitudes than they will at sea level.


Thompson said:

Generally, the higher the elevation, the greater the rate of warming that’s taking place.

These scientists pointed out that, around the world, hundreds of millions of people depend on high-altitude glaciers for their water supply. The Guliya Glacier is one of many Tibetan Plateau ice caches that provide fresh water to Central, South, and Southeast Asia. Thompson said:

There are over 46,000 mountain glaciers in that part of the world, and they are the water source for major rivers.

The oldest ice core drilled in the Northern Hemisphere was found in Greenland in 2004 by the North Greenland Ice Core Project and was dated to roughly 120,000 years, while the oldest continuous ice core record recovered on Earth to date is from Antarctica, and extends back 800,000.


Over the next few months, the American and Chinese research teams will analyze the chemistry of the Guliya Glacier ice core in even more detail. They will look for evidence of temperature changes caused by ocean circulation patterns in both the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific Oceans, which drive precipitation in Tibet as well as the Indian monsoons. For instance, one important driver of global temperatures, El Niño, leaves its chemical mark in the snow that falls on tropical glaciers.


Bottom line: U.S. and Chinese researchers report of their analysis of the oldest ice core ever drilled outside the polar regions, from the Guliya Glacier in Tibet’s Kunlan mountains. The ice appears to contain more than half a million years of climate history


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