Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday January 9th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Winnipeg, Manitoba on 2013-05-20 00:00:00 – Orbs witnessed off in the distance.

Synopsis: Working one night, i was contacted by a crew member of my team who had seen something and was excited to tell me about it. we had been talking previously about a few meteorites i had seen in the early morning about a week apart from each other. by her account, as i was not the one who witnessed the event,

Headline #2: Sighting in McKeesport, Pennsylvania on 1970-07-15 19:00:00 – My brother and i were playing in the street and he suddenly told me to look in the sky at the ufo. i looked and saw the ufo.

Synopsis: The above info is in regard to the first alleged, ufo my brother and i saw as children. it was summer and my brother and i were playing at dusk when my brother told me to look in the sky at the ufo. i looked up and saw a silver disc descend, ascend the zoom away. my brother and i were very excited.

Headline #3: Sighting in Orlando, Florida on 2011-07-04 20:02:00 – Went into my back yard at 8:54 seen and red/orange orb floating then it reappeared 20mins later

Synopsis: I had just put my 8month old daughter to bed at 8:45pm for some reason i was compelled to go onto my back porch, i had not been back there in 2months, when i went outside in just my socks within a few seconds i noticed this red orange

Headline #4: Sighting in Marshall, North Carolina on 2018-01-01 16:00:00 – I was looking out of my window because i was bored and noticed out of the corner of my eye a hovering orb.

Synopsis: I was hanging out in my room bored, and looked out of my window for a short while and noticed out of the corner of my eye a black/dark grey orb hovering above the field next to my house. i walked around my room with my hands on my head thinking about what’s going on and thinking what i should do next.

Headline #5: Sighting in Bell Gardens, California on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Hovering orb. jagged movement. disappeared into the sky… reduced in size then poof

Synopsis: It was just minutes after the new year, went to my sis house, next door to give her a hug. looking at fireworks, when i noticed a red orb hovering then jagged. it flew weirdly across the sky in slow motiong, then it decreased in size from a small red orb to a small red star, to nothing

Headline #6: No alien megastructure for Tabby’s Star

Synopsis: This star’s odd, sporadic dimmings and brightenings caused speculation about vast structures built by alien civilizations. But a crowd-funded observing campaign led to a different conclusion

Headline #7: The Roland Doe Exorcism

Synopsis: OK, The Exorcist is a movie I’ve seen once, and will never see again because it’s scary AF. My dad’s sister found it so frightening when she saw it in 1973 that she had to move back in with my grandparents (or so I’m told since I wasn’t born yet). The reason this movie is so scary is that it’s based on a true story.

According to Mental Floss, a Washington Post article from 1949 with the headline “Priest Frees Mt. Rainier Boy Reported Held in Devil’s Grip” followed Jesuit priests William S. Bowdern, Edward Hughes, Raymond J. Bishop, and Walter H. Halloran participating in the rite of exorcism on a boy with the pseudonym “Roland Doe” in Maryland.

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