Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday January 30th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1:  UFO Sighting in London, Ontario on 2016-11-29 18:15:00 – Observed bright star-like light for 15 minutes until it disappeared behind neighbours roof line. used 8 x 25 binoculars to see five lights across the side facing me. circular illuminated lights could have been windows. they seemed quite large.

Synopsis: On tuesday november 29, 2016 at 6:10pm local time(it had been dark for awhile) i went out into my garage. once i had entered the rear door of the garage my attention was immediatly drawn to a very bright light in a southwestern location outside the garages’ south facing window. i assumed it was a star -venus specifically- but was curious enough to go and get my binoculars,7 year old canon 8×25 is. on the previous thursday night at around 7 pm i and a neighbour had used a phone app to correctly locate venus from his front lawn. this location now of what i thought should have been venus seemed off once i started to mentally compared it to the previous thursday nights location of venus. this is probably what prompted me to go and get my binoculars and go back into the garage to observe the star through the window again from what i had determined was the best vantage point after walking around the property. i had no reason to expect to see anything but a star until i looked through the binoculars and saw that it was a circular disk with 5 light filled apertures in a row along the side/edge facing me. i was at once confused and shocked because i was expecting to see one bright light, as from a star, not a disk with 5 light-filled openings in a row. multiple times i switched between looking at it with just my naked eyes and then through the binoculars. it was always the same, single bright light with naked eye and five separate lights around the outside disk shape when viewing through the binoculars. i just kept saying to myself “it has five lights”. i was so surprised. it was moving so slowly that i didn’t think it was moving at all except that during the 15 minutes that i could see it i had moved to a position up against the garage door (1 1/2feet) and was standing on my tiptoes in order to continue watching it over and beyond my neighbours roof. it did not seem to change altitude for the duration of the time i watched it. it did not revolve. it did not display any other light colour other than white nor did any lights ever blink. the five apertures on the side/edge visible to me seemed rather large and did not appear to be the source of the bright light visible with the unaided eye. by that point i wouldn’t have been surprised to see figures moving past any of these openings around the sides of the inside of the craft. but i did not see any movement. there were a few wispy clouds in the sky which allowed me to see that there were additional lights continuing around the out of view sides/edge of the craft. the clouds reflected back enough of the crafts light to allow me to see its shape. i watched until it disappeared behind the neighbours roof line. during the time i was watching it i called my husband who was a 5 minute drive due west of me and he grabbed binoculars but could only see the singular bright light. so then i called a co-worker. she was driving south to go home and though she could see the bright light she had no binoculars to view it more closely. this is not my first sighting of a disk shaped craft from my home. that is for another report. Sincerely

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Gadsden, Alabama on 1969-06-15 15:45:00 – Triangler shape . domed top. underside black with triangle shaped circles. windows. panels inside windows

Synopsis:I was at my mom and dad’s home. i looked at a strange ball of light in the place where i thought venus would be in the sky. i loved to star gaze. so it was in the evening hours just before dark. the object was a huge bright object. i ran and got my nephew and big brother and we all observed it. the one object slit into 4 objects one went in each direction. the mother ship as i call it shot straight up in 2 seconds it was gone. the one that came towards us descended down until it leveled off it seemed just a little more than tree top height. i was very young about 12 year old. but i remember seeing the object as i was up close. it was triangle shaped with the top being a little domed shaped. it had no sharp edges. the area where the lights were, were flat panels. one panel will light then move to the next until it made a full circle around the ship. when the light in one panel would go out i could see a metallic panel through the glass. the craft flew until it stopped over the northeast sky and sat for a couple of hours. at this time my brother called the radio station and reported it. they said it had been reported and a jet was in route. we heard and seen the jet. when the jet got close to the object it shot straight up and was gone in seconds. the dates i gave may not be completely right because i am 60 now it’s hard to remember exactly the dates but the images of the ship are burned in my memory. i could tell an artist the full description. the underside was circles of triangler shaped circles that had 7 circles until they reached the middle. it was kinda burnt looking maybe the propulsion area. the object did not make a sound as it flew over. unfortunately we didn’t have a camera. we couldn’t afford one back then

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Saugus, Massachusetts on 1967-06-30 00:00:00 – White disc

Synopsis:Myself & 2 friends were sitting on a stone wall, looking at the sky. there head been several local sightings around the same time period so we were discussing things that one friend’s father had told her. as we looked up we saw the white disc traveling across the sky at a steady rate. we decided it was a ufo. my friend said her dad told her if you state at the ufo & thought something like”flash” the object would respond by doing that. so, she tried but nothing happened. i tried by thinking “stop”. it did, and then started back toward us. we panicked & ran away

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Los Angeles, California on 2017-12-25 13:30:00 – Plane ride to lax from mke. 30 min from landing.

Synopsis: Flight to lax on christmas day. not sure if this is anything special. saw this 30 min before we landed. my guess was we were near area 51. the lights grabbed the attention of everyone onboard. it was fairly cloudy and these lights would pierce the clouds even when we were in them deeply. i figured a reflection from solar panels at first. but the blinking was synchronized and penetrating. shortly after we became parallel to the lights, which appeared to be below us or near the ground, the pilot turned away to put distance between us. he then re-altered course after awhile. too me it seemed like a correction to resume. but we were 30 min from landing so i’m not sure. i didn’t think to take video earlier. the video you see is towards the end of the sighting as the plane moves away after the course correction. let me know if you know what it is. thanks.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Knoxville, Tennessee on 2017-09-24 20:50:00 – Orange light passed overhead disappearing before i lost sight. bright and orange star sized passed just after iss had passed

Synopsis: The object appeared in view about 20:50 just to the left of the moon in the sw sky. object was stationary at first and was same brightness as the iss which had passed overhead about 10 – 15 minutes before. it was orange in color and began to move across the sky from the sw to the ne going directly overhead. i observed the movement in a straight line path for approximately 2-3 minutes until it flickered and disappeared completely. the space station had passed in a similar path but was visible for a longer period.

Headline #6:  UFO Sighting in Toronto, Ontario on 2018-01-20 00:00:00 – I was on my balcony and saw approx. 11 orbs fly overhead, straight line, equally spaced and glowing red and bright white light

Synopsis: I was on my balcony, 5th floor looking out at the sky. from the tree line, direction of north west i saw a bright red bulb moving towards us , travelling ne. it was high up in the sky. we live close to the airport and overhead planes are frequent however never this shape, brightness, color. we continued to watch it come closer overhead when we noticed a second orb-sphere travelling behind the first at a reasonable distance, also red. then came a third, then fourth. in total more than 10 passed over us, in what seemd like a straight line, equal distance from each other. pulsating red then bright white, then red. even though there were a number of them they did mot make any sound – the sphere’s moved at a steady pace. i was shocked by what i saw and after the 6,7th orb i ran in to get the phone to capture a video. my phone wouldn’t co-operate but i did manage some video. there was a second witness with me on the balcony.

Headline #7: Black Triangle Sighting in Las Cruces, New Mexico on 2018-01-20 20:50:00 – Triangular shape outline visible, then red orange light turned on, outline no longer visible only red orange light, light dimmed then increased in brightness, then dimmed and was no longer visible

Synopsis:As i drove into my driveway just before 9:00 pm out in the talavera desert on the other side of the mountains of white sands missile range. a triangular outline caught my eye looking west. i was in the air force and am able to identify aircraft. the object was large and stationary, holding the same position throughout the sighting. it appeared to be reflecting the light from new mexico state university stadium which was lit up for an event as it was low on the horizon. from my viewing position the “a mountain” blocks the city lights so i had an unobstructed view with no light pollution. after about 20 seconds the outline was no longer visible slowly dimming and an orange red light emerged, dimly at first then brightly. the light dimmed again with nothing visible then after another 40 seconds the light began to brighten in the same position and same color. the light had increased in size and was visible for another 20-30 seconds then dimmed and never reappeared. there were 3 witness in my vehicle all of which saw the light and shape. i looked away to grab my camera and during that time one of the witness said it rotated, i did not see the object move. i turned my camera to the object but the batter was dead. i don’t believe the battery was affected by anything other than my own fault for not charging it

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Thetford, on 2018-01-21 03:30:00 – What appeared to be a reddish orange star pulsating then dimming for a matter of minutes.

Synopsis: At 3.25-30am my partner woke me up to observe a strange star, it was orangey red, (reddish orange if you will) pulsating it would shine bright for up to 45seconds then dim out for up to 3 minutes, almost long enough to question ever seeing a light to begin with. only to begin glowing back to a brilliant orange, almost white light, for again, roughly 45 seconds and then dim, it was low, low enough certainly to not be mistaken for a star, i would pass it off as a satalite if it moved.. but it just pulsated for a total of 20 minutes before just fading to black,

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Ireland, West Virginia on 2007-07-08 16:10:00 – Hovered over devils darning needle(small mountain) in southern lewis county

Synopsis: I was out hiking about half a mile from my house when i noticed the object hovering over the devils darning needle a small mountain in ireland wv. it was hovering then moved left then right and hovered over the mountain then moved straight up and disappeared into the sky..It actually looked like your typical saucer shaped craft..I had my camera with me because i was photographing the scenery and deer..I managed to get one photo with my 3.2mp kodak camera..I was not alarmed or frightened in any way until i downloaded the photo and realized it was a ufo and then i almost wet my pants..It was kind of scary after the fact..To this day i have no idea what i saw..I have been a mufon member for 2 months..I still have the photo and will gladly share with any investigator. to get a good view of photo you will have to zoom in on it

Headline #10: The Observer

Synopsis: First off, I wanted to say this is not my story,  I know that can make a story seem doubtful but I promise it’s true, this was told to me by my two cousins in complete honesty and trust. One night my family gathered for a carne asada, it’s like a barbecue, we were eating and sharing stories. Then my cousin, I’ll name her “Dani”, asked in all seriousness, “do you want to hear a scary thing that happened to me and “Elisa”, her sister. Me and a few of us were interested, and listened intently, this was of strange occurrences that would happen throughout their lives.

The first she begins was relatively subtle, she was washing the dishes in the afternoon, a window sits right in front of of the sink looking out into the yard. When she sees someone walk across the window. It looked like Elisa, she was even wearing her favorite yellow teddy bear shirt,but she was strange she was stiff, as if she didn’t kn0w how to act in her body. She continues across the yard and out of the windows view, Dani thinking she’s going to go to the back door to enter the house  waits to hear her come in. But hears nothing, instead she hears the bathroom door open, and to her horror Elisa comes out casually, smiling. She tries to explain what she just saw Elisa outside  but she doesn’t believe her and passes it off as her imaging something.

Months later Dani experienced another bizarre encounter, this time she was out in the city center, in San Luis, with her friends after school. They were trying to get a taxi when one of her friends interrupts the chatting and gets her attention “hey, isn’t that Elisa?” she says pointing across the street.  Dani, confused, looks across to see her sister at the bus stop among other people. She is standing there, furiously waving, stiffly with large eyes and a forced large smile on her face. It was eerie, not normal, as if she wanted her attention urgently. Dani waves awkwardly unsure of how to respond, when the taxi arrives and they get it, all as equally confused and freaked out. They all know Elisa HATES the bus, she feels it’s disgusting and not to her standard, she would never be ridding in one, let alone trying to show others she is ridding one! They argue about whether that WAS her but Dani assures it was, it looked physically like her sister, it just didn’t BEHAVE like her.

The last encounter didn’t happen for a few years, Dani was now married, and her, her husband “Marco”and Elisa were all going to be staying in their childhood home, which is also where the initial “Window” encounter happened. Dani and her husband were sleeping in her and Elisa’s old bedroom, it was dark and had two beds. After a long nap she gets up and heads for the bathroom which is to the right of her room, before she goes to open the door she feels the need to look toward the smaller living room, located to the left of their room with the Front door between. The house was not large and the living room was visible from her doorway. She turns to look and standing there is Elisa, but its the otherone, she knew right away. She calls her name anyway, “Elisa?” this thing stares at Dani, it stares hard as if caught red handed. Dani was so scared she said she couldn’t even move. Then it reacted, it bent itself like when you pretending to be a dinosaur, it’s legs bent and it pulled its arms in. Dani said she felt cold, like all the blood froze, she couldn’t breath. Then it tilted its head and jumped, yes she said it JUMPED like a kangaroo! Only it all looked so unnatural, forced and bizarre for anyone to do. It quickly reached her and was face to face, inches apart it began to screech and Dani felt like she was going to pass out, she yelled out “YA VETE!!” “GET OUT!!” When suddenly she heard the bathroom door open, Elisa came out looking confused, Dani looked awful, Elisa rushed over to see what was wrong. She looked pale, and sick, she couldn’t speak she only cried. The thing was gone.

Finally after a few hours she calmed down enough to explain what happened to Elisa and Marcos, who also was worried and confused. She tried to retell what happened as calmly as she could, Elisa believed in her encounters after hearing about the bus incident from her and Dani’s friends. That’s when Marcos added in an extra eerie note to the story.

He says that while he and Dani were sleeping he awoke to someone in the room, he figured it was Elisa back from shopping so he didn’t pay much mind. Then it got closer, it leaned over Marco and strangely looked at Dani, wide eyed, quizzically. After a few minutes it retreated and headed for the closet next to the bed. It began furiously going through everything, thrashing clothes and throwing things out looking at one thing then another. Then it stiffly got up and walked out of the room.  Marcos just assumed Elisa was checking to see if Dani was still sleeping and went to look for something, though he did think her behavior was strange.

They haven’t seen this mimic since, they don’t know where it came from or why it followed them. As we discussed it I stated maybe it was an alien trying to learn from her and understand her lifestyle, whatever this bizarre frighting creature is I hope none of us encounter it in our lives.

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