Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday January 16th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1:  UFO Sighting in Epsom, Surrey, England on 2018-01-03 17:10:00 – Bright light flew across my view. silent and on same trajectory. at cloud level.

Synopsis: I was walking my dog near epsom common when i looked up and saw a white, round brightly lit object fly past. the speed i’d liken to a military rocket and it kept it’s trajectory and flew past at approximately cloud height. i saw it go behind the cloud cover, but it could only have lasted a second or two before disappearing from view. it was silent and definitely not an aircraft.

Headline #2:  UFO Sighting in Hagerstown, Maryland on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – An orb or light that changed position each time i took the picture.

Synopsis: I took a couple of pictures of the supermoon on, both, dec. 31, 2017 and jan 1, 2018 around the same time, 5 or 6 in the evening. i took the pictures with my cell phone (android- samsung note 4). when i got home and looked at the pictures, i found that there was a white orb surrounded by a purple aura, that i didn’t notice when i took the picture. i took the picture quickly, because i was on my way home when i saw the moon, and asked my husband to pull over so that i could take the pictures. this happened 2 days in a row. the first day (12/31/17) there were no clouds. the second day (1/1/18) there were some clouds. once i finally took the pictures off the camera and loaded them on my laptop to take a closer look, i noticed the orbs, which were in a different position each time i took the picture. do you think that this was my phone creating the orb, or do you think that these orbs were there and surrounding the moon? please let me know what you think

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in South Holland, Illinois on 2011-09-13 16:11:00 – Big ufo almost crashed to a line plane

Synopsis: I was in the backyard 4 pm i did take photo’s from a lineplane abouth 10 km high in the sky with my old canon camera with full zoom low resolution then i saw something flew with very high speed in a few seconds when i put the sd card in my pc i was shock…I saw a very big classical ufo with a dome he almost crashed to the lineplane, the lineplane flew to the west the ufo flew to the east i think the pilots must have seen that big ufo it was in 2011 september 4.01pm that i toke those pics…Now its the time i will shared to the public. this is one of the 50 photo’s that i toke from ufo’s in many years

Headline #4:  Black Triangle Sighting in Princeton, Minnesota on 2018-01-03 01:38:00 – At 1:38am on 1/3/18 i observed a cluster of 3 white lights with at least one red light in the eastern sky from my home in shoreview , mn. together the lights hovered, wobbled, darted , ascended and descended and gradually moved to the se. two beams of lig

Synopsis:  At 1:38am, on 1/1/18, i observed from an east facing window of my shoreview, mn home, a cluster of three white lights and a red light moving together far in the distance at about a 40 degree angel from the horizon. the triangular grouping wobbled, hovered, darted, and emitted a beam of light twice during the 1/2 hour that i watched it. the beams of white light emitted were cast in an arc that reached midway to the ground and appeared to travel so fast that the light had a “tail”—or “trail”. i witnessed a similar or (the same) phenomenon of the hovering lights on 1/1/18 but not on 1/2/18 even though i searched for it on 1/2/18. both my son and i are intrigued by what we have observed and are wondering if anyone else has seen this. we are considering investing in a telescope for better viewing. although the “show” goes on for at least an hour and 1/2, we only watched continuously for 1/2 hour

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Lake Wales, Florida on 2018-01-02 09:45:00 – Mutilated wild boars found along florida road. 

Synopsis: at 9:45 am on the morning of january 2nd 2018, my wife tina and i were traveling along moore rd in polk city, florida. we were looking for bald eagles, which my wife had seen earlier that morning along the same stretch of road. at 11191 moore rd we pulled our car over, got out and began observing the area for eagles. we did not find any, however, something else caught our attention. two dead wild boars on the side of the road. both bodies presented in typical cattle mutilation conditions. there was very little decomposition and the animals skin looked to be almost surgically removed. perhaps even stranger than the presence of the bodies, was the fact that there were two, lying right next to each other. we both agreed that it was highly unlikely that two wild boars would be hit at the exact same time in the exact same place. upon further investigation of the seen we detected no unusual smells, or observed anything else out of the ordinary. there was no blood in the road and the animals did not appear to have been dragged to their final positions. it looked as if they had been drained and dropped there

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Exton, Pennsylvania on 2018-01-02 22:00:00 – Appeared as an unusual, rapidly pulsating star to the naked eye. used telescope for closer view.

Synopsis: I went out to view and photograph the super moon visible on the night of january 2, 2018 in eastern pennsylvania. i noticed an unusual, rapidly pulsating star to the lower right of the moon, in the south west portion of the sky. this was not a plane or a satellite. it remained very bright and maintained it’s position in the sky for hours. it was in the vicinity of the constellation canis minor. i used an amateur meade telescope to get a better look at here. through a strong lens, it appeared to be a disk of rapidly rotating lights that flashed as well. these lights constantly changed color. there was a dark void in the center, though at times i noticed some specks of light in the center. i recorded a video, using an iphone against the eye piece in my telescope. i also took numerous stills from the video as the video shifts due to an unstable tripod. i will attach all of the content below. hopefully you can offer an explanation? thank you!

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – It flew quickly and without any sound then change path and flew away quickly from my eyesight

Synopsis:  1. celebrating new year 2. my fiance saw this first and she turned my attention to it. 3. it’s not a first time when i saw ufo in this city. almost everyday i see at least one of them on the sky, very different kinds of them. i just knew it’s ufo. 4. it was at night, so i can’t see any details, but it glowing bright light, flew speed and soundless. this one had a teardrop shape. 5. because i see ufo very often in wroclaw, i’m not specially excited about that, i just watched it. 6. it just changed flight direction and just flew away from field of view

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Denton, Kentucky on 2014-03-14 08:30:00 – Walking on hill behind my house i saw this silent green orb desending in a unusal flight patten and could see what looked to me the popular desciption of several grey aliens piloting the weird structure

Synopsis:  The weird thing about the whole ordeal is that it happen when i first started studing ufos. as if tosay, yep its all true were here. i was wwith kids roasting hotdogs and after we were finished the kids ran into the house, i was on my way back in when this bright green light apeared out of nowhere,@, it was in a curving motion desending behind the ridge and out of nowhere redirected flight patteren and went oppisit way and i could see what i can only describe as grey aliens piloting the craft, the radio went static and my cell phone vibrated in my pocket and wasn’t a text and the vibration setting was turn off. the news and other reports were on fb calliit a meteor but i know better. i was atleast 50 foot or closer from it. the light pulsated and there was no noise at all. my dogs went crazy barking at it. i saw it and now everyone thinks i’m crazy. wish i would have checked for lost time knowwing what i know now. that’s my ufo story


Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Brooklyn, New York on 2018-01-02 01:40:00 – Plane-like with a gold ring and reflective jewel like middle.

Synopsis: I was trying to go to sleep and looked out the window. coming up from behind some trees, i saw the ufo. it flew and sounded like a plane, but the colors, the shine and the shape were completely different. i felt like i couldn’t move because of the fear, i wanted to look away but couldn’t. the middle of the ufo caught my attention the most because it was bright colored and shiny. i wasn’t wearing my contacts, so i had to squint to see and the ufo looked to me like the effect of a lampost from far away. the gold was deep and rich. the object flew over or past my building and i didn’t see it any longer. at first i tried to convince myself it was a plane, then a nuclear bomb, but none of those explain why it looked so beautiful.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Oakland, New Jersey on 2018-01-02 23:10:00 – 3 gold color lights with a trailing white light over oakland n.J.

Synopsis:  while walking my dog, i noticed 3 gold lights stacked almost on top of each other with the middle light protruding slightly out in front of the other 2 lights. it appeared to be in an almost half star configuration. the object(s) had a blinking white light trailing behind the 3 gold colored lights. it travelled almost directly overhead in a north west direction. it appeared to be travelling extremely slow. there was a small plane that was travelling in a westerly direction, and the object turned, and followed the plane. it appeared that the object was tracking the plane, and waited for it to get in front of it, before it turned in behind it. i lost sight of the object, but not the plane for a few moments, and when i looked back up, the plane was still flying but the object was gone. the night was clear with a full moon. there were no clouds, and no wind. the dipper was visible to the east of where i was standing

Headline #11: Alien Encounter in Miami, Florida on 1963-04-09 02:10:00 – Egg shaped

Synopsis: My friend bettina rodriguez aguilera was abducted when she was 7 years old and every 7 years since then she has had contact. she has been on missions around the world on this quest that she has been told to do. i was on one of these with her. and now she has applied to run for congress to take illeana ros-lehtinen position in miami seat. the opposition has already started digging the dirt and it was in the miami herald if you look it up. i think she could use your organizations help. after all we need more beleavers in congress. after you here her story you know the truth is out there there were other people who seen it it was in the herald that year

Headline #12: UFO Sighting in Cheney, Washington on 2018-01-02 16:08:00 – Bright lights blinded me but i seen through and i noticed a figures in all of the ships

Synopsis: So i sitting on top of the park gazebo hanging out looking at girls listening to the snow crunch and melt then out of my purifrial vision i see a bright lights 4 bright lights as im looking i could kinda see almost people it freaked me out and i was frightened so i did a voice recording because my camera doesn’t work i don’t know if you could hear the humming of the ships but it was a true terrifying experience then they started moving quickly through the air and then they just disappeared. i had went home and watched videos on what to do and of course one of the things was to get pictures and i couldn’t i had also heard to not draw attention to the men in black witch i don’t know who they are?? all i know is the movie!! aha anyways that is it for the story of the experience of the ufo sighting

Headline #13: UFO Sighting in Edwardsville, Illinois on 2017-12-30 18:45:00 – I watched it for awhile as i drove and had irregular path, unlike planes and helicopters. as i passed it, ufo seemed to shoot away from me and was gone in thin air only leaving trail of light.

Synopsis: I was driving on i-70 west heading to st. louis and i noticed air traffic was heavy. as i watched the sky more, i noticed a clean white light that had nothing blinking which i found strange. the way it moved was also strange as it went from side to side and then would suddenly change direction. i noticed it mainly because of it’s movement and flight path. it didn’t follow the flight path that airplanes normally take near st. louis which is along the southwest of the city, this was more north of the city but flying south. i first thought it was a helicopter, but soon realized that the speed it would gain that helicopters couldn’t move like that. as i got closer, passing the staunton/lebanon exit, i got closer to edwardsville, il and the object. it seemed to have gotten lower, i would say tree top levels and was quite bigger than a drone. i thought it may have been one, but again, it moved too quickly and had such a spastic path. it also had no green or relights, it was only a solid white sphere. i had felt pretty weird when i first started driving and didn’t think much of it but after looking back, i realized that the anxiety i get got worse the closer i had gotten to the actual sighting. as i watched it i felt so anxious and had a heavy feeling on my chest, which i haven’t gotten before. as i passed the ufo, it was at tree top level and it was as if it shot straight south into thin air. following it was a trail of light with some green and purple in the trail but that was it. i watched the spot it was at and there were no buildings or trees that would’ve blocked my view, just a huge empty farm field. i was astonished and right as the ufo had left, so did the pressure on my chest. i am still in shock as to how it shot straight away into thin air, hate to say it, but almost as if it went into some sort of hyperdrive. this was my first real ufo sighting that gave me strange feelings and didn’t get blocked by buildings or anything. i watched it clear as day as it came and as it left

Headline #14: Alien Encounter in Cambridge, Ontario on 2017-07-22 20:02:00 – Do not know what these were but were unknown there creepy skinny like fugures

Synopsis: I was waiting for a bus when this van pulled up weird creaters or un human looking people popped out. you can see the outline of their face and eye sockets wearing black and alien color grey color. i am not sire excaly what they were after they left people were complaining of their cell phones crashing or they suddenly stopped working. ive had drone like flying object i’ve seen in the sky before and now this happen. it is unknown if their human or a alien or even another species we don’t know exist it creeper me out. it honestly looked like they were looking at me. after a min or so after people n me took pictures and made it clear we took the photos they took off. i moved out of the city and still am in shocked and don’t know what it is to this day

Headline #15: Paranormal Inspirational Stories

Synopsis:  Angel Experience – My ex-husband was a Reiki practitioner and one night he was giving me a treatment for repetitive strain in my shoulders. I was afraid to open my eyes during the treatment because I didn’t want to lose my mind’s eye view of all the wonderful visitors in our living room, but at the same time didn’t want to discover they were really there! I could see five “people” around the recliner – a Mandarin, a twin boy and girl, a French monk (don’t know why I thought he was French) and a girl dressed in a 1940s trenchcoat. That was weird enough, but when I looked beyond them in my mind’s eye I could see the most beautiful male angel standing at the far end of the room. He had huge white wings which reached right up to the ceiling. I’m sure everyone thinks I’m losing it, but I know what I was experiencing and it was the best encounter ever – the French guy was a bit imposing mind!!! ~scotswummin44


Easter Angel – I believe that I saw an Angel when I was about 6 or 7 years old. It happeneded on the night before Easter. I had fallen asleep in my parents bedroom and I woke up and my mom was sitting on the bed and she told me to go upstairs and to tell my Dad to come downstairs, and so I went upstairs to get my Dad, and as we were both walking towards my parents bedroom I saw an Angel standing by the bed, She was looking directly at me, She was barefoot, and she didn’t have a smile on her face or anything, I can’t even remember what her mouth looked like but she had blue eyes and long black curly hair and she was wearing a long sleeved yellow dress with flowers on it, her dress almost looked like a night gown, she was glowing and she had almost like a white beam of light around her. As I got closer to her she started to vanish, and once she was completley gone I told my parents that I had just seen an Angel. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen her. But I believe that she is my gaurdian angel. ~Taylor

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