HerBle is the UFO Headline News for Thursday January 4th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Sighting in Oswestry ( town ), England on 2017-12-18 19:45:00 – This object glittered ( like venus, but wrong time of day and moved), bright random colours. moved left to right.Faded out.

Synopsis: i spotted this small / distant iridescent sphere whilst standing in my garden. (i have an open garden surrounded by nearby open countryside, with a great view of the sky.). i live alone and pop out into the garden to look for interesting objects several times every night. this glittering star like object immediately caught my eye because it was out of place.

Headline #2: Sighting in Kaunakakai, Hawaii on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Three people observed a unidentifiable object floating across the sky then disapearing

Synopsis: New years 12:25ish am, kaunakakai hi. right after the neighborhood finished the 20 min long firework show in ranch camp. i was alerted by my father to “go look out in the sky what the f#@$ is that?” i was followed outside by my mother to the south side of the house. we witnessed a bright red-orange object floating east bound approx.

Headline #3: Sighting in Palm Coast, Florida on 2018-01-01 01:05:00 – Glowing objects flying within fireworks then hover across sky then head out into clouds.

Synopsis: Looking at fireworks(also looking for cat that was attacked by dog and smoking a cigarette after watching ball droo), glowing balls seemed to be ash embers floating… they kept flying then shot away into clouds. my thoughts were no… bs…. just mimd trick…

Headline #4: Sighting in Malabar, Florida on 2017-12-31 21:50:00 – Falling down, large orange glow, fought gravity, moved l&r, up, down, then burned out

Synopsis: At a bombfire in malabar, florida with 3 other people, i always skywatch, it was a full moon, i saw an orange object, kind of large for a meteor, i yelled for everyone to look, it headed toward earth, heading into atmosphere it slowed, fraught the atmosphere, moved right, then left, then backwards, all the while getting smaller, it again moved left and seemed to either flame out or reversed out of the atmosphere.

Headline #5: Black Triangle Sighting in Bemus Point, New York on 2012-07-10 22:00:00 – Saw a triangle shape 1 half mi. out over chataqua lake very bright and slowly shrunk in size intil it disapeared.

Synopsis: I and another fisherman saw a triangle shape light a half mi. out over chataqua lake while we were on my boat dock. it was a very clear and the light was big over 100 ft. and about 1000 ft. above the water. the object slowly disapated from the bottom intill it disapeared into a point. my wife observed the same thing from her car about 1 mile away

Headline #6: Alien Encounter in Chicago, Illinois on 2017-12-26 00:00:00 – Alien manifesting in photo

Synopsis: My daughter while visiting the shedd aquarium at chicago illinois while snapping many photos of aquatic animal life later showed me the photos and i found the following anomaly. within the attached photos it clearly shows a manifesting alien being with an aura surrounding the being located behind her approx. 4-6 feet distance. the photo appears to show its eyes and mouth

Headline #7: Sighting in Kursk, Kursk Oblast on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – Its is looking like star at first and suddenly disapeared and glow again it goes down and upward direction

Synopsis: I’m living in kursk,russia.Today (01.01.2018) exactly 12 am we all celebrate new year in the place where we all celebrate all festival .We finished the celebration on the way to home, i and 2 others saw the light glow straight in the sky while walking .

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Eureka, California on 2018-01-01 03:30:00 – Flying then split into two.

Synopsis: I was locking up my truck and looked into the sky and noticed an orange light almost like a plane heading north to south. it stood out to me with the object being hazy, moving faster than a plane, and no flashing lights. it seemed like the objects had some lights on the front of it and was moving over twice the speed of an airplane at that altitude.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Burlington, Washington on 2018-01-01 02:54:00 – Bright orange starlike but much brighter, floating into formation and then what seemed like they left one at a time away from me as the their magnitude dropped away.

Synopsis: Going to work and at 2:54am on new years day morning, i had just left the house and saw 4 bright orange lights what looked to be about 40 degrees 5 miles away in the very clear sky. i am 44yrs old, amateur astronomer for decades-own an 8″ and 15″ reflector telescope that i ground, polished, figured and built myself i share this info to give me some sort of credibility in my sky observation ability’s.

Headline #10: Sighting in Palm Bay, Florida on 2017-12-31 21:01:00 – Strange light at night. no sound, light faded and could see an object before disappearing altogether.

Synopsis: I went outside on my back porch to smoke and read my novel. my porch is screened in. while reading, i just happened to glance up and i saw an unusual, orange-yellow light that appeared to be moving. i stepped out of the screened-in porch to get a better view.

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