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UFO Headline News Saturday/Sunday January 27th & 28th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Saturday/Sunday January 27th & 28th, 2018

Headline #1: . Alien Encounter in Aston, Pennsylvania on 2017-08-24 04:30:00 – I did not go to my window after he ‘dematerialized’–faded away at my bedside.

Synopsis: I keep a journal for any kind of paranormal event (which i have many). i am utilizing my notes that i wrote out in detail the following morning. i was in my bed (alone). i woke up around 4:30am and i was full of fear. i never woke up in fear before. never. i also woke up laying on my back. i don’t sleep on my back. i always sleep on my side. i woke up feeling that there was someone in my apartment. i always double-check the lock’s on the windows and doors before going to bed. i don’t know how i knew something was here but i did. i also thought at the same time that i was spooking myself for no reason (i’ve had many other visitations from different entities) but this was different for some reason. i knew something was here. so i closed my eyes and i pretended to be asleep and refused to open my eyes unless i felt that i should. i heard something walk up to my bedroom door on the carpet. my floors are noisy. i believe the carpeting has wood floors underneath or something. so, it’s at my door, my eyes are closed and i’m terrified (and curious at the same time). i can’t help feeling that i do encourage them to come. i did not hear him (if your an abductee you just know if it’s male or female) walk all the way around the bed to get to my bedside–from the door. the ‘being’ began to ‘stroke’ my left arm and left torso. so he knew i was awake (they know) even though i kept my mind ‘clear’ (they are all telepathic). i knew i must open my eyes and make contact. at the same time, i wanted to get a good look at him and meet him even though he kind of scared me on purpose but instinctively i knew he would not hurt me. if they wanted to hurt me they would of years ago. all of them. unless i go looking for trouble (like a national park, remote area, restricted areas)—then i give them a reason or excuse to harm me. there are differnt factions of them. in the end, it’s all a negative agenda but there are good and bad beings just like humans. i looked at him and made eye contact but it was dark. i do keep my shade’s cracked so there is light coming from a street light. but it was dark and he was dark and i could not make out detail except for his shape. he was about 6 foot, very boney, long boney thin arms and hands and fingers. we were face to face while i was laying down. because of the way i am (friendly-looking to make peace and relations) i rose my right arm and hand to shake his hand. he quickly grabbed my hand hard and pinched it and hurt it a little with what was his gesture. i quickly and telepathically told him ‘no,please that hurts.’ i have the courage to make contact and wanted to demonstrate that to him and myself. just my personal belief (in the old days we were taught to ‘reach out’). i was willing to take the risk. he was not going to hurt as i stated before. i was told by a psychic friend of mine many times that i am protected. i never asked her to elaborte on that and exactly who was protecting me or what from. i like to believe jesus christ and god the father. i used to be into the new age movement and worked with powerful crystals that would open up all your chakras. i’ve worked with ph.D’s and all kinds of gurus and healers and had the best psychic. i don’t do that anymore as i evolved and learned that all of that is satanic and luciferian. in 2015, the veil of deception was lifted about everything in the world and i grasped the bible in the best and right way. i am now a born again/saved christian but i have not been baptised into a church yet. i’ve been to a church many times. taken their wonderful classes but i can’t seem to reach them. i’m also afraid of ‘infilation’ at the churches. these ‘interdimensional beings’ ‘et’s’ ‘entities’ whatever you want to call them or think they are–they are fallen angels and demonic beings under lucifer. thats not just my opinion. you ask anyone whose dealt wiith them in government and they came to the same solution a long time ago. i did see a quick glimpe of his hand when i shook it. his hand was very cold, and boney. the tip’s of his fingers were just like ‘claws’. thats why he was able to pinch me like he did. they do stuff like that. they all do. there was no real conversation at all. he bent over me, after shaking my hand, and was very close. like you mom would bend over to tuck you in and kiss you. he just looked right through me. what i take from the visit is: he was just making himself known. letting me know he’s watching me; he know’s that i know (i know alot) and i’m being monitored (i know that) by everyone. my cell and landlines are both tapped. i hear them beep in and out at times. according to my notes, from his arrival to his departure, he was here for about an hour. it did not seem like that. i only seemed about 5 to 10 minutes. i kind of prompted him to leave. he knew i had to get out of bed to pee. i pee a lot in the middle of the night. up to 4 times a night then i go back to sleep. so, he was in my way to get out of bed. he stood at my bedside. so, he ‘dematerialized’ or ‘faded away’ like a thck cloud of smoke. he went back to the other dimension. these beings can be around you at all times and you don’t even know it. they can be invisible too–to the human eye. i’ve had an invisible encounter (an out-of-body) abduction. they pulled my astral body out of my physical body. i do astral travel sometimes on my own. i’ve also had visitation here in aston (3) times from ‘the hat man’–he even got into my astral projection ‘dream’ before he busted into my apartment. that’s a whole other serious story. also, when i lived in claymont, delaware i had several visitations from the grey’s. one particular was a 7 foot grey kneeling beside my bed at 4am. he was glowing like fluorescnet light. he was a bright white light, with a deep blue color surrounding the outline of his body while the deep blue faded into bright white light in the middle of his body. his head was big and round just like a basketball but ‘bigger’! again, i woke up or (he let me wake up) i was laying on my back. i raised my head to watch him. he hada cylinder of light coming from where his mouth would be to my penis. he was taking sperm. right through the quilt as well. the quilt was still on top of me. i knew not to interrupt him and i watched him for about 6 seconds and then i lowered my head and quickly went back to sleep. that also is in my journal. since 2011, my 2010 flatscreen samsung has turned on by itself at least 24 times. i also had an air conditioner turn on by itself and went down to 32 degrees on the setting (they can only go down to 66 or so). it broke and i got another one. one another occasion, i went to the barbershop to get my haircut. i got out of my car and locked it with the electronic key. i got my haircut, went back to my car, unlocked the door and could not get into my car. the electronic chair was all the way up against the steering wheel. i could not sit down. i even had troube reaching into the ignition to start the car so that i could move the electric seat. you need ‘power’ or ‘juice’ to move that chair!!! the car has to be on or you have to have a key in the ignition turned to the ‘on’ postiton. i told my friend about it and his reply was, ‘boy, they’re real pranksters.’ i have dozens of similar stories. oh, the 7 foot grey that came in claymont in june of 2013—i felt the urge the night before to look out my bedroom window and i looked at this tower of red lights. some kind of tower noone pays attention to. i looked at the top of the tower. that red light was bigger than the rest. it began to move; it moved across the sky and kept going. that was my first ‘physical’ ufo sighting. i’ve seen ufo’s all the time in the astral plane when i’m out of my body. they are vivid and colorful with lights. i also saw a big black triangular ufo in the astral plane and my instint was to drop to my knees and put my arms up. i don’t know why. tv’s; flatscreens are smart technology (fallen angel technology). i first learned about cameras in tv’s in 2007. a friend of mine told me even back then they had cameras watching people. probably microphones too. so, with the tv turning on, that could be done remotely by nsa or cia. but et’s do it too. finally, one time i was cooking in claymont. i had another new car sitting outside my window. i was cooking a big pot of chili or something.I would always bang the big spoon on the pot to get the residue off. one time i banged ‘3-time’s’ on the end of the stock pot, and at that exact time my car’s horn, parking light’s, and head lights flickered and sounded (3 times). you can’t make this stuff up, right?

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina on 1992-07-13 13:30:00 – It was round , large and black with silver hue

Synopsis:My husband was mi!Itary we lived in jacksonville n.C on base, we decided to drive to emerald ilse to to go fort macon. we were the only ones there, we decided to leave it was hot,we were walking in the parking lot, there were no other cars, i happened to look towards the beach, i saw a huge round black ball, like a water tower, after a few minutes i noticed nothing was holding it up. it was hovering right next to a 2 story beach house, i yelled at my husband to look, at that moment i asked him, ” what’s that? and what’s holding it up? he looked at me and yelled ” get in the car, i stood there for a second , looked at him then turned at looked at the object again and it was gone! at that point we ran to the car and peeled out, i kept looking back to see if i could see it again but it was gone. like i said my husband was a marine, he doesn’t scare easy, all the way home we could not believe what we saw. we were only about 100 yards from it, if that, and it was maybe 25ft off the ground. never so scared in all my life, never saw my husband scared like that either. wish i had taken a picture, but it all happened so fast. after my husband refused to talk about it. i don’t know if because of the military or he just can’t explain what he saw. i remember it like it was yesterday.

Headline #3: 

UFO Sighting in Charleston, South Carolina on 2011-08-12 00:00:00 – Was taking picture of grandson on beach

Synopsis: We were on the beach, i was taking pictures of my grandson, i didn’t see it when taking the picture, until i checked it to see if it came out, that’s when i noticed the object beside his head. when i looked up it was gone. it was a weird shape sorta saucer like with ball in the front, it was grayish silver, it was really low . no noise nothing. it wasn’t a kite it was too high and no one was flying one, wasn’t many on the beach. i kept telling my daughter ” ,did you see that? i showed her the picture i took, it made her nervous and myself. we didn’t leave because it was gone. i kept looking up the rest of the day but it didn’t return. i have 2 pictures, one is a close up, and the other is about a few feet from my grandson, sorry, he spilt cool ade on it lol, its kinda reddish but you can see the object.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in BROWNSVILLE, California on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – Brilliant white squares, side-by-side w/crossbar, slowly flashed twice

Synopsis: I took a new infrared-enabled camcorder out in my yard for first time. this object immediately appeared straight overhead, slowly flashing only twice, in slow motion, then disappearing. the white light was brilliant, like a welder’s torch. i was facing northeast, on a southwest slope, but i didn’t have time to point my camera in order to capture the event. the squares were silent and stationary, possibly less than a mile distant. appeared dime-sized at arm’s length. i had a strong feeling that i was being observed. note: i believe that this is the same object which has flashed straight overhead several times over the last twenty years. the white light always lit up my yard. i have a history of ufo sightings, obe’s and other occurances since early childhood.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Country Club Hills, Illinois on 1992-12-12 00:00:00 – I was awoken by a boom. i thought something crashed on the roof of the house. i believe an aerial object loud with a glow of light was hovering over the house.

Synopsis: where were you and what were you doing at the time? sleeping 2. what made you first notice the object? i was awoken by a very loud noise like a boom or from sleep. 3. what did you think the object was when you first noticed it? i thought something crashed on the roof of the house. 4. describe the object and its actions and motions in detail. some sort of an aerial object that hovered over the house. it was very loud with a glow of light, i’m trying to remember if the light was so bright i was seeing it through the windows, or if it almost made the roof transparent. i don’t know if it was dark or chrome for sure as the glow was around it. 5. describe your feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object. i felt like it was looking for something or doing something. i was afraid it was going to enter the house or demo it. 6. how did you lose sight of the object? it ended and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. i shook my husband and asked him if he heard that and he wasn’t phased at all and fell back to sleep. only i heard it and saw it. i thought maybe i just dreamt the whole thing and tried to forget about it. i was doing ivf and they just implanted that week, but it wasn’t until after that moment that i had an faith it would work. after that event, i felt i had this knowing i was pregnant. after my daughter was born 9-12-93 and was talking she kept saying her birthday was december 12th. i kept correcting her it was september 12th. simple confusion for a child, december sounds like september. but i kind of thought about that boom around that time and again brushed it off. now, years later after watching your show on the history channel, i felt it was more real and unresolved in my mind. maybe there is more to it. i can say my daughter was quite brilliant through school and turned down going to ivy league schools. she has profound statements and a great writer. she seems to funnel all her creativity to music. i don’t know if there was any correlation to that event. i don’t want any media, just curious to know of any validity of this event perhaps from some more research.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Hutchinson, Kansas on 1968-08-12 00:00:00 – Object was sitting in a pasture some distance from road what caught my attention was a glow that looked like it was coming from a door hat was on the bottom of the object which was difficult to determine due to the low clouds and misty weather at the time

Synopsis: I was with 4 other people in my car coming back to hutchinson from an old school building that my uncle had bought and was fixing up. we were traveling southeast on high way 96 when we noticed a yellowish white light in the middle of a pasture some distance from the road. the shape of the light looked like it was coming from a door or square portal. i could see inside but could not make out any details due to the fact we were to far away to see anything clearly. the upper portion of the object was hard to see because the weather was misty and low fog cover, the best i can remember the shape was kind of like an inverted triangle. we were only able to observe it from one perspective due to our position on the road. i stopped and was going to walk out and try to get a better look but the other people in my car got really nervous and wanted to leave so we did, kind of wished i had went a little closer for a better look. the object did not move or make any noise and was still setting on the ground when we left. back when i was 16 and visiting my stepdads brother in california we were out sightseeing on the coast it was kind of late because he had had to work that day so we got a late start. we had stopped at a stop sign and were going to turn onto highway 1 i think, when we stopped the clock on the dash said it was 12:00 o’clock and the next thing we knew we were still sitting at the stop sign and the clock was reading 1:00 o’clock. at that point i think we just looked at each other didn’t really say anything but we decided to go back home. still can’t account for the hour that we were sitting at the stop sign. there was very little traffic at that time on the roads.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Hershey, Nebraska on 1977-09-15 20:00:00 – Ufo was hovering with a beam coming down and then cased my car

Synopsis: I was traveling down a country road going to see my girl friend. as i was going down the road on the southside of the road i saw a craft hovering. at first i thought it was a helicopter, but as i got closer i could see that it was football shaped. the only lights was a white beam of light coming from the bottom. i could not see what they were doing with the beam. also it had like a eye shaped window in the center that was incedesent blue. it was like you could almost see into it but couldn’t. i slowed down and almost stoped, but about this time they were finding cattle with their sex organs cut out. and i didn’t want that done to me lol. i floored my car and the craft followed me parrell and matched my speed. i would speed up it would speed up i would slow down and it would slow down. as i got closer to a farm house it stopped and hovered and then went back to what it was doing. you could still see it from the porch of my girl friends house. i went into there house and tried to get them to come look but they would not. they thought i was crazy. so i didn’t report it at the time. i figured no one would believe me. i still get goose bumps everytime i tell the story.

Headline #8:UFO Sighting in Burnsville, North Carolina on 2017-06-06 15:45:00 – Flying chrome hardhat

Synopsis: private pilot, airplane and helico u.F.O. sighting at my home june 6, 2017 time: 15:45, (3:45 pm) object description; disc shaped with apparent dome, bright shiny metallic, highly polished surface like chrome. the disc appeared to be about 100′ in diameter. there were no lights or markers, and no sound, no con trail from the object. looked like a giant flying chrome hardhat! weather: clear sky, one cloud, small cumulus to the sw., temp 72 deg. f. note; the afternoon sun was bright and illuminated the object perfectly observation: object traveling from the north east toward south west, observed in eastern sky initially. the disc was in a right banked constant speed turn. i estimated the speed at 500-600 knots, altitude above ground 2500′,(agl), my elevation here is approximately 3000′(msl). the actual distance between myself and the object was less than one half mile,(1/2 mi.) the disc flew in a slight arc was observed by me for about 10-20 seconds and disappeared into the only cloud in the sky, i did not see it reappear on the backside of the small cloud an do not comprehend why this was not observed by me. this is a true statement made and written by me

Headline #9: Black Triangle Sighting in Altus, Oklahoma on 1984-06-19 05:00:00 – Miltary base close husban coming home he came got me to see it and i ask if it was ours, no

Synopsis: My husband was coming from the base he’s military at the time we were in altus oklahoma we lived in a three-bedroom trailer i just had my daughter robin it was a 1984 she was just brought home and he came home asked me to step out and to look at something that i could not see but he said that he was following it the base finding out when it got to us it was really big it didn’t have no lights it was shaped like a triangle and it didn’t have no sound no smell i asked him if it was ours and he said no you never seen anything like it i just brought up the subject not too long ago with my daughters and my ex-husband and he said that it was true itsy this thing over our house the object came towards us very slowly like it was not in a big hurry and it hovered over our house and hovered over me and him i don’t know if we lost time or didn’t i don’t know but we did see it that night it was late because he was coming home from work so it’s about 5 maybe 6 we couldn’t say anything because we were military

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