Here is the UFO Headline News for Saturday / Sunday January 13th & 14th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Lutz, Florida on 2017-08-21 00:00:00 – It was during the eclipse, took several photos

Synopsis: I was at a job site during the eclipse, i used my phone to take pictures, iphone 7. the first picture caught my eye with a blue glow in front of clouds and was moving. i took several pictures and talked about it on my face book page with people who also were taking pictures in different states.

Headline #2: Black Triangle Sighting in Jackson, Mississippi on 1998-09-15 00:00:00 – A huge triangular shaped ufo about 100 ft above the ground

Synopsis: I pulled over off the interstate highway at a nearby gas station and i observed this similar ufo light formation one night near an air national guard base over jackson, ms some years ago and assumed it was the lights from a nearby tower. when i drove away it was still there.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Tamworth, England on 2017-12-31 17:25:00 – Florescent, purple orb with green / turquoise tail traveling at very high speed

Synopsis: I was getting ready at 17.25pm to go out for new years eve, waiting for my partner to get out of the shower. we have a skylight in our bedroom of our three storey house. our garden faces north, i noticed the moon was very bright, larger than normal and was also a full moon.

Headline #4: Sighting in Shotton, Wales on 2014-09-02 20:10:00 – While talking to my sister on the phone i was watching the iss live feed on my laptop.I noticed 2 small marks on the screen which i first thought were just marks but then realised they were actually objects in the distance which got closer to the iss.

Synopsis: I had just got a new mobile phone and was talking to my sister one evening while watching a live feed of the iss. at the time it was passing over the earth in daylight and as i watched i thought i noticed 2 marks on my screen and actually tried to wipe them off.

Headline #5: Black Triangle Sighting in Kirriemuir , Scotland on 1995-11-10 21:10:00 – It went in straight lines from point a to b covering a massive distance in an eye blink and done the same thing back to original flight pattern about 3 times as if to show of then moved around a few more times then vanished.I shouted at it but no reply.

Synopsis: We were at a water dam and this triangle big shape just appeared with lights flashing on the bottom of it. it moved from one point of the sky to another like it just jumped from one to the other without actually travelling. it covered massive amount of space in a blink of an eye.

Headline #6: Sighting in Lakewood, California on 1994-07-07 02:22:00 – Possible abduction

Synopsis: i was sleeping and i awoke to slamming cupboard doors in the kitchen ,as soon as i awoke i spotted a grey standing in front of my dressser,

Headline #7: Sighting in Oxnard, California on 2010-03-25 00:00:00 – Didn’t see the outside and it was so dark inside i only saw the being directly to my right

Synopsis: In 1981-82?As a child age 2-3? i would see 2 shadow figures standing in front of my window looking at me while i stare at them. being too young i wasn’t scared but just curious starring at them from my crib. it happened sometime in the middle of the night(unsure of the time as i was too young but i know it was dark. on one occasion they just stared at me. these 2 shadow figures.

Headline #8: Sighting in Sedona, Arizona on 2017-04-20 22:23:00 – Witnessed a flash of light that remained in the same area of the sky for about 45 minutes

Synopsis: I live in sedona az. my wife,brother in-law and myself were sitting in my backyard stargazing. i was just telling my b.I.L about this light that i’ve seen on several occasions over the past few years. no sooner did i say it and there it was roughly in the same area of the sky..

Headline #9: Sighting in Louisville, Kentucky on 2017-08-10 00:00:00 – Saw several orange orbs hovering low in the sky, my first experience seeing what i thought was fake star, when it shape shifted into an old type of airplane

Synopsis: My sister and i was filming what i believed to be fake stars in the sky over the summer, they were orb like, orange in color pulsating and spinning, noticeably not what i know stars to look like, however we couldn’t id the objects. there were a few in the sky that we film,

Headline #10: Encounter in England on 2018-01-01 05:10:00 – The entity was checking on me.

Synopsis: I saw the being become translucent. the main thing is i was used to implant something that seemed to break off from my waist move down my leg to my foot,

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