Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday January 1st, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Sighting in Charleston, South Carolina on 1980-11-30 00:00:00 – I was a loadmaster on a c-141 transport aircraft we left charleston afb and was paced by ufo to dover afb.

Synopsis: i was a loadmaster on an c-141 transport aircraft we took off from charleston afb going to dover afb delaware when we pick up an object on radar the object was pacing our aircraft we reported the incident to the tower they also saw the object.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Chicago, Illinois on 1972-03-31 00:00:00 – Orb enter though living room window went up and down and around me then exit out through the front door.

Synopsis: in april 1972 my mother, brother, and my self were sitting in the living room when an burnt orange sphere enter through the living room window. i was standing in the center of the living room when the object went around and up and down me about three or four times and then exit through the front door.My mother did not see the orb but my brother did. in which at that point he believe me from when i told him about the craft i has seen in early february 1972

Headline #3: Sighting in Chicago, Illinois on 1972-01-31 00:00:00 – Going to friend house saw object hovering over trees in backyard only remember getting to my friend house and was told i was two hours late

Synopsis: i left my house by the back door to go to my friend house he lived on the next row house from mine. as i cut though the back yard there was some light i looked to my right and at tree top high i saw a cigar shaped craft hovering over the top of the trees where we (kids) played football. it was a red orange in color and made no sound

Headline #4: Black Triangle Sighting in Smithtown, New York on 2017-12-26 19:12:00 – I was star gazing when i noticed the movement of a triangluar shape craft

Synopsis: I went outside to my front door deck to have a smoke at 7:10 pm on dec 26, 2017. while smoking i was star gazing & looked to the north when a triangular shape craft with rectangular dull lights at each point moved quickly with out any noise in a southern direction. the entire sighting lasted above 2-3 sec. i ran back into the house to tell my daughter & came back out to see if it would return, but we haven’t seen it since

Headline #5: Sighting in Biloxi, Mississippi on 1979-11-01 00:00:00 – 7-9 teens observe ufo which was pursued by helicopters with search lights.

Synopsis: I have never reported this story and have only shared it with my closest family and friends. those who know me well enough to know i do not lie nor do i embellish stories. between august, 1976 and may, 1979 i attended fernwood junior high school, pass road, biloxi, mississippi 39531 for my 7th, 8th and 9th grade years. so it has been nearly 40 years since my ufo experience.

Headline #6: Sighting in Elk Grove Village, Illinois on 2017-09-24 04:05:00 – Just hovering over trees and then take off

Synopsis: I was on summer vacation with my camera at night and i looked up to the trees and saw it there just hovering 3 blue lights then it just took off iwth 3 blue quick streaks in the sky

Headline #7: Sighting in Plainfield, New Jersey on 2017-12-21 20:30:00 – It was a thin light that shot through the sky. i saw it for about 1 second

Synopsis: I was out with my dog, and just so happen to look up when i saw a light streak across the sky super fast, to estimate speed, no planes that we have would have been able to catch it. as i saw it i got the impression that it just went out of my line of sight by distance. it was going away from and the color was sort of like a blue red. it looked as if i could make out the 2 colors. shooting star came to mind.

Headline #8: Sighting in Lehi, Utah on 2016-01-19 10:15:00 – Disk shaped object punched through cloud deck. maneuvered back into clouds.

Synopsis: I was travelling north on i-15 to the salt lake airport on january 19th 2016 to catch a flight. time was just past 10 a.M. and i had passed the lehi exit and was rounding that loop in the highway before you get to exit 289. there had been a light snow that night and what seemed to be low level grey clouds almost like an ice fog covering the northern portion of the skies and below the peaks of the mountains to the east.

Headline #9: Sighting in Maryland on 2017-10-06 01:30:00 – Abducted. saw the interior of the ship was white with a circular glass bottom.

Synopsis: I woke up at 1:30a.M. to the sound of a break-in. i grabbed a handgun from my bedside drawer and went to the bedroom door to confront the intruder, but was suddenly rendered unconscious as i touched the doorknob. i woke up clothe-less and cold in a pill-shaped, glass container.

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