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UFO Headline News Monday January 15th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday January 15th, 2018

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Saint Lucie, Florida on 2018-01-07 20:02:00 – 3 multi colored objects

Synopsis: My daughter & son-n-law pulled up to our house, she called me frantic & told me to come out by their truck “now”! i ran out still on the phone with her thinking the worst of things, and they both ran towards me pointing to the north in the sky. all 3 of us witnessed 3 separate objects, flashed multi-colors-slower than a strobe light ; (i myself could see red, blue, purple’ish and white/yellow’ish flash colors), but the 3 of them were spinning around in circles of each other so quickly it was mesmerizing. up, down, left, right, oval shape movement, darting around like almost a game or something. like fast butterflies-movement were graceful & soft yet so rapid. lasted about 2-3 minutes, then they hovered a few seconds before slowly heading north/northeast. it was a good 4 minutes we watched trying not to even blink and they disappeared like a zap. all 3 of us were stunned, shocked & in disbelief. we took the ufo thing as a hoax, joke, science related objects, chinese lanterns, satellites etc..That people were coming up with but now the 3 of us know otherwise. i’m still shaken up about it and it was 6 hours ago. i do believe my daughter has footage, i will have her send it to me so i can post it

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Athol, Massachusetts on 2017-12-26 19:00:00 – Driving north me and my brother looked up and saw a green orb fly through sky lost it in the trees

Synopsis: Driving down silver lake street in athol ma and i looked out the front window to see a fast moving green orb decending . it looked like it was making a landing in/at tully lake (a big lake that’s less then a mile from the location spotted) after that my brother asked if i saw that and i did was in disbaleif and thought i was seeing thing so i want going to say anything until he asked if i saw it as well. was definitely not a shooting star it was to big and was a glowing bright green

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Lab on 2017-10-23 21:30:00 – Object descended at a 45 degree angle and lit up the sky, witnessed by dozens of people

Synopsis: This event was witnessed by dozens of people and captured by cameras that were fixed in the downtown area by the harbor front, as well as cameras people had with them. it was thought to have crashed in the southside hills, but nothing was ever found. i do believe it went straight into the water on the other side of the hills. i have witnessed this same type thing happening numerous times close to where i live, which is a few miles outside st john’s, and do have photos i have taken with my small kodak camera. it was later thought to have probably been a meteorite, but people familiar with meteorites say it is like nothing they ever seen. i am attaching news articles that have links showing the camera footage that captured the event. http://www.Cbc.Ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/meteorite-meteor-space-unidentified-object-st-johns-south-side-hills-1.4368296 http://www.Cbc.Ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/meteor-shooting-star-st-johns-1.4368600 i have put 50 as the number of witnesses, but it was much higher than that. everyone in the down town area that were outside seen it

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Toronto, Ontario on 2017-12-02 05:30:00 – 2 long cylindrical bright object from hospital bed. they were hovering then sped eastward

Synopsis: I was in hospital i woke because i had to use bathroom. i looked out my window which was looking north just below the clouds i saw 2 long cylinders that looked like bright lights. at first i thought that they were a reflection from something in my room on the window but soo gave tha idea a no way. i looked at the 2 objects for about 5 seconds then the 22 cylindrical lights sped faster than any airplane could ever move to the east. i am 100% certain that they were ufo’s. the speed with which they left was vary fast. a few minutes later i saw a airplane cross my window just where the ufo had been and it took much longer to cross my window than the ufo did

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Orlando, Florida on 2018-01-07 00:00:00 – 8 orange glowing spheres apraoching nw to sw over the course of 5-7 mins passed over my neighborhood where i observed 4 of the 8 turn off their orange glow and could see them silently fly in line toward the sw (i-drive area)

Synopsis: At about 7pm i was in my car at the intersection of hargill and conway rd, heading east into my neighborhood. as i waited to cross the road i observed 2 orange orbs flying ne to sw. one of the two orange glowing orbs disappeared from view as the lights dimmed until not visible. the second orb followed suit. within 2 minutes a 3rd and 4th orb coming from the ne to sw flew with and orange glow until the glow dimmed out of sight. about a minute later i was at house and observed a 5th glowing orb fly almost directly overhead (looking up at appx 85%) at about 2,000 ft. agl (best guess based on my experience as a paratrooper). i took out my phone to take a video and as i did the object turned off its light and i could see a grey sphere silently fly over head at the speed of a traffic helicopter until out of view. about 2 minutes later i was on my roof looking to the ne (towards titusville) when 3 orange glowing orbs flying in a line at about 2,000 ft agl followed an arced path across to the sw. as each object approached my position the light it was emmitting turned off (appx above the nighborhood of dover manor east) and i could clearly observe 3 grey orbs silently fly above my house on a sw flight path toward i-drive. of the 8 orbs i observed it was the final 4 orbs that i could clearly see after the orange glow ceased to emit from the object. after the lights were gone each onject appeared to be spherical with absolutely no audible sound or observable propulsion mechanism. the speed, arced flight path, and following in a line behavior of these objects indicate to me that they were not balloons of any kind. additionally i live directly along the flight path of the airport and have extensive military experience in and around aircraft and i can say with 100% certainty that these were not conventional aircraft, either helicopter or fixed wing

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Derby, England on 2017-01-08 00:00:00 – Possible star but not seen before brightest in sky changing colour

Synopsis: Lying in bed i always look at the stars noticed it by the flashing lights thought be a plane or helicopter but went outside – no noise staying in one place so filled out plane or helicopter i was abit xcited i tried to zoom in on phone camera can see it changing colours vaige (not as bright as to the eye video footage – unable to zoom i first noticed it about 1am, it’s seems to of dropped in height a slight bit (1:36am) can still see it. if it is just a star would appreciate the info

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Linden, Michigan on 2018-01-05 01:30:00 – Saw huge object outside bedroom window with red-orange lights

Synopsis: It was about 1:30 am and i noticed out my bedroom window something really large with red and/or reddish-orange lights, the size of a car, or if at airplane level compare it to ten planes. it came from the northwest at our home and traveled a straight-line to the east, stopping for a moment to hover over our home. it cut diagonally across our yard, sort of going fast, then slow, then fast again. it was there for about one minute. i watched from inside. my husband went outside to see it. my phone was charging so i couldn’t take a picture. my husband said it blinked out when it was in the east. he was pale and knew he saw something that wasn’t human when he came in the house. he had also seen the same thing two summers ago i think, also at our house, but then he had seen eight in a row. we had no idea what it was so we called mufon.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Capon Springs, West Virginia on 2018-01-06 04:06:00 – Two disk shaped objects hovering then shooting into the sky

Synopsis: On 01/06/2018, at approximately 04:06 et, myself and four other people witnessed two disk or oval shaped objects hovering about 500 ft, above bear ridge, just north east of the capon springs and farms hotel and resort. these objects were not drones or terrestrial aircraft (unless there has been gravity defying technology created). the objects did not appear to make any noise and was a glowing white / blueish with yellow. there did not appear to be any sort of navigation lights on the objects as would be typically observed on man made aircraft. the objects were observable for approximately 2 minutes before they shot rapidly toward the sky into a low cloud cover. there was no smoke trail or anything that would be associated with a typical propulsion system. the incident took place above bear ridge, in capon springs, west virginia. bear ridge is situated north east of the capon springs and farms hotel & resort. the coordinates according to google earth are: 39.1347721,-78.4720227.139

Headline #9:U FO Sighting in Puerto Penasco,Sonora,Mex, on 2018-01-03 06:55:00 – Larger craft straight up and down path,hovered above cell phone tower,with bright white orbs (hundreds).

Synopsis: Outside on my sun porch,having a cigarette. casually looked to my nw,and saw larger object rapidly fall,stop and hover above cell phone tower and smaller white objects streaking in different directions,some becoming stationary,while others disappearing,but all eventually disappeared. it was dark,with cloud cover,so i didn’t know what it was. as it got light,larger object went straight up,and disappeared. smaller orb like objects just disappeared stationary,before larger object. my reaction was,who am i going to mention this to,other than my wife

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Klamath Falls, Oregon on 2018-01-01 00:00:00 – 2 amber colored square or diamond shaped lights stationary in the sky just after new year’s

Synopsis: It was just after new year’s eve (12:15 am) and i was looking and listening to the fireworks going off in my neighborhood and across the city out my dining room window. i noticed a bright amber light not moving or stationary which i thought was very strange as i could see and hear fireworks going off. i decided to go outside in my backyard to get a better look. once i got outside i see that there are actually 2 amber lights one a little higher than the other. after a few minutes watching the light highest up of the 2 slowly ascended straight up into what was a light layer of cloud cover. then after another minute or 2 the second light ascended straight up into the cloud layer as well. i could see the clouds reflecting the color of the lights

Headline #11: UFO Sighting in Langenau, Baden-Württemberg on 2018-01-03 21:23:00 – Stieg sehr schnell durch die wolkendecke

Synopsis: Ich stand auf der terrasse und schaute in den himmel richtung süd-ost, plötzlich sah ich ein objekt das aussah wie eine sternschnuppe doch sie fiel nicht zu boden sondern stieg extrem schnell und geradlinig durch die wolkendecke nach oben. das objekt konnte ich nach der wolke nicht mehr sehen. mein gefühl war normal, nicht außergewöhnlich weil ich zu anfang dachte es ist eine sternschnuppe doch es bewegte sich gegen die gravitation und das mit extremer geschwindigkeit, somit konnte es keine sternschnuppe sein. dies war auch nicht meine erste sichtung von einem ufo. leider habe ich von meiner ersten sichtung noch nie jemand davon erzählt

Headline #12: Top U.S. Counties for UFO Sightings

Here are more than 3,000 counties in the United States. It’s hard to pin down the exact number, however, because at the state level there seems to be a process of ongoing consolidation of county services in various regions. In terms of national UFO sighting reports, I thought it would be fun to see which counties had the most sightings, based on reports from 2001 to 2015.


First, California has the most sighting reports at 15,835 during the sample period. Los Angeles County, with a population of about 10 million, has the most sightings, with 3,212.


People always tell me that they think the volume of UFO sighting reports is strictly driven by the size of the population base. When our book UFO Sightings Desk Reference was released last year, many people remarked, “Of course California has the most UFO sightings. They have the biggest population.”


Second place is Maricopa County, Ariz., with 2,523 UFO reports. Note the vast difference in county population bases. Maricopa County has 78 percent of the UFO reports that Los Angeles County does, but Maricopa has only 40 percent of the population compared to Los Angeles County.


Cook County, Ill. (third place), logged 1,431 sightings; San Diego, Calif. (fourth), had 1,393; and King County, Wash. (fifth), had 1,393. These three counties are within the 1,400 range, yet the populations are vastly different: Cook County at 5.2 million, San Diego at 3.3 million and King County with 2.1 million.

Orange County, Calif., sits in sixth place with 1,271 sightings, followed by Riverside County, Calif. (seventh); Clark County, Nev. (eighth); San Bernardino County (ninth); and Harris County, Texas (10th). Riverside and Clark both had 958 sightings, San Bernardino had 836 and Harris had 792. Yet while Riverside, Clark and San Bernardino had county populations averaging 2.2 million, Harris, the lowest of the four in terms of sightings, had a population of about 4.5 million.


Horry County, S.C. (11th place) had 629; Multnomah County, Ore. (12) with 621; Miami-Dade County, Fla. (13) with 619; and Broward County, Fla. (14) hosting 590. Yet the population range is eye-opening: Horry County only has a population of about 309,000 and Multnomah County has 790,000, yet Miami-Dade County has 2.6 million and Broward County has 1.89 million.


I agree that population is a contributing factor to high UFO sighting numbers, yet there is something else that seems to drive the bigger sighting volumes in lower population areas. One concept that has been suggested is the notion that certain locations have had notable sightings in the past.


Los Angeles County has had UFO sighting reports since the 1880s and, of course, they had the unprecedented Battle of Los Angeles on Feb. 25, 1942. And Maricopa County was the location for the March 13, 1997, “Phoenix Lights” mass UFO sighting.


Is there a generational conditioning at play here? Are people simply looking up more than in other areas of the country because something amazing happened in the past? Perhaps somebody in the behavioral sciences can study this phenomenon.


If you have a UFO sighting to report, use one of the two national database services: or Both services respect confidentiality.

Headline #13: Paranormal Inspirational Stories


Angel Story Worked – I am sitting in my office suffering from terrible cold, my boss is nasty and somehow I chance upon this article, and in the story “I must have a male Angel or Guide” the angel asked the man to breathe and I felt someone telling me to do it too and I did the same, and it worked . My cold disappeared. I am not sneezing anymore and I can complete my work now. Angles exist truly. Hopefully someday I will be able to see my angel. Thank you angel!! ~gina.josep


Embrace by Love – One Wednesday night back in the late 1990’s, I decided to sing for God under the evening stars. We live in a semi-rural area, so thankfully I wouldn’t be waking anyone up. I suggested to God that He may want to have some angels doctor up my lame singing voice– as I’m sure He is used to hearing beautiful angel choirs in the Heavenly Realms! I sang all of the old hymns to God under the night sky– anything that came to my heart that made me feel closer to Him. While I was singing, I felt a feeling of being surrounded or embraced by Love. After I finished, I instinctively looked up to the rooftop of our home and saw a tall glowing figure– completely surrounded in a warm yellow/white light standing there on our roof. I smiled at this Being– still feeling that sense of Love surroundng me. Then this Light person flew off of the roof and up toward the stars as I stood watching in shock. I ran inside to excitedly tell my mother- we were both encouraged! ~Boldylocks

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The post UFO Headline News Monday January 15th, 2018 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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