Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday January 5th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Sighting in Ontario, Ontario on 2010-11-06 10:10:00 – L saw two spheres flying down hydro lines

Synopsis: L was hunting along a tower line in november of 2010 when l saw two spheres coming down the top outside line they were flying in tandum the closer one was about 30 feet from the line the other was 50 yards out and back 20 yards l had 3 friends on the same side as the spheres walking toward them about 150 yards away my thought was it did nt know l

Headline #2: Sighting in Flores, Petén on 2017-10-09 18:42:00 – Green disc (see picture), flying-standing-flying above ground

Synopsis: I was in the the hotel el peten in flores sitting at the balcony and watching birds just before coming heavy rain and thunder storm. my wife first noticed the object coming across the lake (in front of the hotel) around 500 metres over ground. it was no plane, no helicopter, no baloon or comparable.

Headline #3: Black Triangle Sighting in Ephrata, Washington on 2017-12-31 00:00:00 – Triangle shaped, moved quickly, verified by another person

Synopsis: I went out to have a cigarette at approx. 2am. i witnessed a single light in the sky miles away that looked like a star. it then began moving in a figure 8 and 90 degree turns. i awoke my father to verify what i was seeing. i tried to film it but my camera on my phone would not pick it up.

Headline #4: Sighting in Chandler, Arizona on 2017-12-30 20:28:00 – Sighted a disc shaped object with large red light in the center and 2 white lights to either side moving east toward me while walking my dog.

Synopsis: I left my house to walk my dog on 12-30-2017 at 8:25pm walking west, i usually look to the sky’s for meteor showers, shooting stars. i saw at about a 45 degree angle on the horizon between myself and south mountain to the west an unusually bright and large red light with two smaller white lights to either side forming a disc shape.

Headline #5: Sighting in Boise, Idaho on 2017-12-30 20:20:00 – Observed 2 stationary red globes in sky above boise in general direction of airport.

Synopsis: I came outside of my home because i had heard several loud explosions in the neighborhood. these might have been new year’s early fireworks but they sounded like gunfire to me. as i was looking around i noticed two red globes in the sky in the general direction of the airport. one of them appeared farther away than the other. neither was moving but remained stationary.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Boise, Idaho on 2017-12-30 20:20:00 – Observed 2 stationary red globes in sky above boise in general direction of airport.

Synopsis: I came outside of my home because i had heard several loud explosions in the neighborhood. these might have been new year’s early fireworks but they sounded like gunfire to me. as i was looking around i noticed two red globes in the sky in the general direction of the airport.

Headline #7: Sighting in Lupton, Michigan on 2017-04-30 00:00:00 – This photo was taken by me, in may of 2017 in lupton, mi in my back yard…My daughter had heard something in the tall grass, i walked over to see what it was, i saw two brief flashes of light as if from something metallic…It was dusk and the sun was be

Synopsis: This photo was taken by me, in may of 2017 in michigan, in my back yard…My daughter had heard something in the tall grass, i walked over to see what it was, i saw two brief flashes of light as if from something metallic…It was dusk and the sun was below the horizon at this point.

Headline #8: Sighting in Hanover, Massachusetts on 2017-12-30 00:00:00 – Floating black diamond, two sightings half hour apart

Synopsis: Over washington street, hanover, ma. we first seen it when we were driving in car south near shaws market @ 4-4:15-ish. my daughter sydney pointed it out saying “it looks like someone lost a bunch of balloons” then after a half hour later 4;45 we were coming back north near east street and she said it was still there.

Headline #9: Alien Encounter in Liverpool, England on 2017-12-28 16:00:00 – Possible abduction

Synopsis: I’ve woken up a couple of days ago with a very strange triangular bruise on my inside thigh upon studying this bruise you can see each point of the triangle and inside a perfect circle i remember nothing about what happened since this has appeared im constantly lethargic and want to sleep

Headline #10: Sighting in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on 2017-12-20 06:09:00 – I noticed two bright lights moving together north about halfway up the sky from the horizon, before they blinked together and met up with a third blinking light then moved north east and disappeared over the top of the houses.

Synopsis: 6:09 am i pull out my phone to change my music while i wait for my carpool in my front yard. i notice two bright blue-white lights that i assumed had to be a pair of satellites when they began to move together relative to the other stars and clouds very noticeably.

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