Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday January 26th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: . Black Triangle Sighting in Somerville, Alabama on 2018-01-16 21:09:00 – Triangular shape, 3 lights blinking with 4th red light, low flying, very quiet

Synopsis: My girlfriend and i had pulled into her driveway and talked for about 20 minutes. i noticed a very bright flickering light in the southeastern part of the sky fairly far away about 2 miles. we looked at it a little more and we noticed it stopped flickering. it stayed there in the same spot for another minute or two. we got out of the car and continued to look at it. i told my girlfriend i thought it was venus because it was bigger and brighter than anything else in the sky. but, i was confused because i know venus couldn’t be that close to the horizon. we continued to look at it more and it started to move in our direction very quickly and like it hasn’t moved before. my girlfriend was kind of freaking out. once it got closer it moved in our direction and flew over the neighbor’s house right in front of us in a straight path the whole time. we could only see the three lights it had giving it a triangular shape. it had a white and red blinking light as well. it moved very quietly making little sound. the creepiest part about it is how low it flew! it was only maybe 200 feet above us. it flew not very high at all which made the fact that it being so quiet was also very weird. no pilot would fly that low in this mountainous area at night that’s insane. it continued on in the northwest direction and flew over onto the mountain overhead dodging the mountain itself by making slight turns. it looked like it could’ve landed on that mountain i’m not sure if it did or could. i believe it was a man-made plane of some kind because of the red flashing light being similar to the ones on real planes, but it has to be some secret military plane or something because this plane can create an extreme amount of light from miles away, possibly stay in one place, fly very low, fly very quietly and maneuver through mountains at night. i have a video showing the object flying by. it’s hard to tell in the video how far or big it was but i didn’t zoom in at all, it was close enough to shoot with a bb gun and it really wasn’t that big just the size of a small plane at least what we could tell. at the end, the lights get kind of blurry because we are in a heavily wooded area and its flying right in the little valley behind the trees. i wish i could’ve gotten the whole thing. i just can’t really explain what it really was.

Headline #2: Alien Encounter in Fort Lupton, Colorado on 1986-06-01 02:00:00 – Entity

Synopsis: I was sleeping on the couch at my parents house (i was ~ 20 years old) when i noticed the light outside the window behind the couch. i looked out the window and approximately 200 ft from the window on the open grass on a concrete basketball court i saw approximately 4 feet off the ground a bright white light which i later decided was a rip in space, the only way i can describe it. this bright light or hole which was probably only 3 or 4 ft in diameter i saw 3-5 aliens or whatever you want to call them exit out of the hole. somehow i knew that they were going to come over to where i was and this terrified me. i did not actually see them walk from a basketball court and over the lawn to the window which was approximately a foot and a half from my body. so, it’s the couch between me and the window.

 on the outside of the window 3 is what i remember 3 of the grey aliens where staring down at me. i tried to move but my entire body was not responding and i was frozen… frozen’s probably the wrong word it was like i was a quadriplegic or something the only thing that i could move was my eyelids and my eyes so i could look over and see them staring down at me. their faces were proximately 3 feet at the most away from mine still looking through the window directly into my face. i was fully awake and this continued for i’m guessing somewhere between 15 minutes and 1/2 an hour. i know that seems like a big variance for one who is describing something that occurred when they were completely awake but it was a terrifying experience and i suspect a minute may have lasted in my mind forever.


subsequently i discovered that people had sleep paralysis and describe something similar to this. however, this was not sleep paralysis i was wide awake and aware and i know what i saw so the paralysis started sometime after i saw them come out of the light or the basketball court and i was laying back on the couch and at some point they paralyzed me they seem to enjoy it and i seem to be either reading their thoughts or or something to know that…Or more correctly they communicated that to me without speech. other than staring at me i don’t know what else they were trying to accomplish. during this encounter i was struggling with all of my might to try to move even one little finger i could feel my body all over. i could not move it, i tried and i tried to try and fight them to get away from them i would have went down the hallway to my room and picked out my 243 to blow them away if i could of but i could not move.Then they left.


i did not see how the exited but i imagine it was the same hole. i have the distinct feeling that this has happened several times and may happen again but that that was the only incident that i remember. possibly i remember them when i was ~ 5yes old in missoula, mt. but that could be just a bad dream. i did tell some family members and a couple of friends about it but i described it as the worst bad dream ever but i’m letting you know it was never a dream i was wide awake and aware. now approximately 30 years later i have the guts to at least report this to you in hopes it may help somebody or you guys with your research. i am mentally stable i have managed millions of acres of federal land as the primary land officer. i am a gs-13 30 year federal employee with a staff of 30. i’m not some nutcase and i’m scientifically trained i have had no mental issues no drug issues and i have a very long and responsible career, family life and i’m letting you know this actually happened.



Headline #3: Alien Encounter in Ontario on 1984-08-28 04:30:00 – I soke to the then was abducted and raped the awoke in the craft then electronically put back to sleep then awoke in my car 7 miles away . 12 years later confronted by m en in black.

Synopsis:if men in black confront me, can i attack them, or disable them till police come to help me? if i tell you they will find me. the one of two ufo’s of the 3rd kind told me not to tell anyone. after i spoke about my experiencing such in general public (ottawa,ont), 2 men in black approached me and asked if i had such an encounter. i just replied “no” and went away from them. i found that as a life threatning event. if this happens again, i am tempted to attack them. please contact me before anything else happens, eh? please help me.

Headline #4: Black Triangle Sighting in Reedley, California on 2008-08-14 22:01:00 – Triangle object w/ reddish-orange colored glowing surface on its trailing edge.

Synopsis: My family of 5 were driving home from our thursday night bible study. we were amish-mennonite aka conservative mennonites at the time and we stayed until almost 10 pm that night. i was driving south on s. buttonwillow ave, north of reedley. as we approached adams ave, we saw a triangle shaped craft hovering over the house that sits about 200 feet north, of the north-west corner of the buttonwillow/adams intersection. as we drove closer to the point where the craft was hovering, the craft darted and flew due south, parallel to buttonwillow avenue. it moved with great speed and disappeared over the horizon within a second. the height of the craft was just over the powerlines. as it flew, it lit-up the road that was directly below it in a reddish-orange glow. i did notice a few cars, that were heading north, pull over to the curb, after the craft flew over them. no one heard any sounds from the object.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in St. Charles, Illinois on 2018-01-03 21:30:00 – I saw a cigar object fly over our building. it had a light at both ends.

Synopsis: My husband and i were looking out our front kitchen window about 9:30 pm on the night of jan. 3, 2018. our window overlooks the covered deck, but we like to watch the planes coming and going into and out of the airports in chicago. from the side of the window that i was standing i noticed a bright light and saw a cigar shaped object with bright lights on the front and back of the object. it moved so fast that by the time i told my husband to move over to my side and up look it had moved out of sight. it appeared to come from the northwest and headed southeast out of sight. it made no sound and was a dark metal color with no light between the front and back lights.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Telford, Pennsylvania on 2018-01-20 17:38:00 – The object appeared in my photos at 5:38 then disappears from them by 5:45pm.

Synopsis: I took many photos with a sony cyber shot wifi camera for a car fan page a beautiful sky sunset was the best background so i took advantage of the scenery with flash on and off . when i got home to post like normal i noticed a spot in almost all pictures during a ten minute period, during that period geese in a v formation flew by and clouds went by but this object was unmoved, no matter my ever changing angles . i looked at these photos closer on a new computer and could see much closer than my phone could show and my wife and i can not deny there is definitely a hovering object in the shots. i did post two pictures before noticing it. to further check out the photos i over exposed some and the clouds disappear but it shows up even more defined. as i stated there are many pics that can be studied , i didn’t know it was there , i normally take many nature and vehicle photos.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Sheffield, England on 2018-01-20 16:30:00 – Solid white/blue light shot across sky. both car occupants saw & thought imagined it as so fast. saw once. not windowscreen reflection.

Synopsis: Driving south from york on m1. still light outside, but cars were using headlights as starting to get dark. south east of the sky had cloud cover, south west was blue sky. not dark enough to see stars (was about 4:30pm gmt). both myself & partner see a very bright white/blue speck of light shoot across the sky south east to south west in front of us. it was faster than a shooting star speed, but as bright & about the same size speck in sky as a star. must have been below cloud cover as saw it from left to right in sky, from cloudy sky area through blue sky. couldn’t see any type of trail left behind. seemed to be travelling at consistent height in sky. i waited until a few cars had gone passed with their light on & noticing none of their headlights had recreated the light i saw in the sky, i asked my partner if he had seen a bright light shoot across the sky a minute earlier. he was surprised, as he had seen it too & also thought he must have imagined it or would see it again & be able to explain it. neither of us saw the light again. we agreed it went incredibly fast, blink & you would have missed it. we couldn’t explain what it could be.

Headline #8:UFO Sighting in Stephenville, Newfoundland and Lab on 2018-01-19 07:30:00 – Ufo bright orange silent heading from ne over ocean to sw

Synopsis: While walking with a friend (she is deaf) we noticed two bright orange lights in the sky about 60 degrees in the sky heading ne – sw. we were making comments about how low the crescent moon looked in the sky and i had taken photos earlier as it was so noce looking. the temperature was around -5c with winds around 20 km hour with some low snow clouds but generally clear while walking up town roads covered in snow towards main street (stephenville). the two objects did not seem high in the sky (<1500 m) and were heading ne to sw over the atlantic (bay st george) and maybe a few km away from our point of view. the objects did not have any sound, they did not have any flame or smoke trails visible. the objects were very bright orange fire coloured and remained bright until they left sight (too far away). ì got video of the objects half way through the sighting. the objects made a fairly uniform flight path although slowed at different pace independent of each other, hovered without movement then continued the flight path. i could hear a propeller plane at the near airport with its engines in idle whos direction was easily heard as our main steet is very close to the tarmac. the lights traveled the visible horizon in about a minute. i lost sight when the lights faded from being too far away.

Headline #9: Wendigo

Synopsis: I grew up in Russia I didn’t know anything about Native American stories as far as I knew it was the classics(Bigfoot moth man etc) when I turned 20 I moved to Utah to start fresh so to speak I remember dating this girl who was native and telling me about these stories and what to do to protect myself from them but me being a skeptic ignored it I bought this property on the outskirts of town near a forest a couple hundred feet around before breaking off into badlands

I go hunting and wood collecting in these forests all the time; after about a month of living in this house I started noticing weird prints in the grass and mud but the thing that got me was it was footprints and handprints

So I shrugged it off thinking it was city kids trying to punk the foreigner after about 2 weeks later I started noticing the footprints and such getting closer to the house so eventually weeks went by nothing so I went hunting and killed a deer to feed myself a couple of weeks that night all I could smell was just irony coppery smell like blood after it set for a time

My dog I named Kahzan he’s an Anatolian shepherd I’ve seen this dog kill coyotes and badgers easily was sitting in my bed growling at the window the entire night in the morning I went outside to see the deer carcass I disposed of was broken the ribs leg bones were just snapped like it was nothing that day I went to the towns Native Americans and started asking if anyone(thing) can do that they all said nothing after several weeks went by I go hunting but the moment I step in the woods nothing dead silence nothing not even birds or incects

I figured it was because I stepped in the woods and we’re all checking me out after a while I find a spot in the woods up a tree in my stand still nothing but silence but this time the overwhelming smell of iron again where I was almost gagging about 30 yards to my left I see a object crusing at a good speed then it comes to a dead stop and stands up a good 3 meters tall and sticks it elk skull head with antlers straight up then lowers it and looks around till our eyes meet in my mind

I had the same like voice on my left going run just leave my mind was screaming at me to leave it was then i realized this thing is the thing talking me and checking me out I’ve noticed if I kill something in those woods and don’t leave something for it , it comes to my property and watches me

I’ve caught it in the corner of my eye off in the forest just sat watching me waiting for me to do something

Headline #10: The Woodland Wendigo

Synopsis: I was out late one night like I usually am. I lived far from anyone or anywhere, smack bang in the middle of the forest was more so right. It was a thunderous night, rain pelted the road as I drove home. My house was one of those fancy logger houses in the middle of the woods sort of houses, but just a small two story shack.

The main road curved and twisted through the forest, this was a complete nightmare for me, but luckily I lived down a dirt road. The rain continued as I drove down the road. I finally reached my barbed fence, I drove into the garage. I closed the garage with my keys in my hands, and that was when I heard a screech, I just assumed it was a wild deer or boar getting stuck in the fence. I groaned as this was usually a pain to do, I grabbed my wire clippers and a flashlight.

I headed into the direction of the screech, the screech continued for a bit, I reached the area of where the fence was but what was odd was that this was an area where I hadn’t put any fencing around. I flicked on the flash light and shinned it in front of me. There it was, crouched on the ground was a mattered pale figure, it was eating a deer that must of been too slow. I held my breath as I saw the horrid sight. I slowly crept back, I could hear it breathing and munching away. “CRACK” a branch broke under my foot with my flash light still shinned on the thing.

It stopped and froze, before slowly standing up and turning to me. It’s body was mangled and decomposed, maggots eating away at its chest, it’s long lanky arms held the deer by its antlers. It’s face was what got me going. It’s was like a deer face, but just bone and few flesh. Maggots eating away at its face, dark soulless eyes staring at me. I froze with fear, it stared right into my soul. It screamed at me before staring to come at me. I panicked and threw the wire clippers at the thing, stuck it right in the chest. It screamed and I was out of there, running as fast as I can back to the house

I reached the house, locking the house and turning the lights off. I hid, panicked at what I just experienced. I peaked through the door window out into the darkness. Nothing. Every since that night, I’ve never left the house around dark or ventured into the night.

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