An Insider Exposé on Black Money & CIA Mind-Control Experiments

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with co-host Heidi Hollis invites legendary forensic accountant Thomas Creal to share how he is using technology to find and exterminate Black Money tied to terrorist groups around the world.

Later in the show, Paul Davids takes us through an inside exposé where college kids are being used as guinea pigs in CIA’s Mind-Control experiments.

Thomas Creal

Thomas Creal | Black Money & CIA Mind-Control

Creal is a recognized expert in the field of international forensic accounting, asset tracing and recovery of illicit funds, advising developing nations on financial protocols, prosecuting war crimes and the use of money as a weapon of influence. He was the lead expert for Task Force 2010 in Afghanistan focused on tracing monies to the Taliban and other Insurgencies, as well as the recovery of such monies during the two years he was under the command of Rear Admiral Kathleen Dussault and Major General Ross Ridge.

Mr. Creal has served as a Panel Expert for the United Nations Security Council under three different Resolutions including the Resolution 1532 sanctions levied against Charles Taylor, former President of Liberia and his associates. Creal led the effort for President Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia for asset recovery targeting the reparation of over $3 billion in damages. He has both government and private sector experience, serving as the Chief of Staff for the elected Illinois State Comptroller and as the Partner-in-Charge for forensic accounting at the firm, RSM McGladrey/Checkers Simon and Rosner. –


Paul Davids | Black Money & CIA Mind-Control

Paul Jeffrey Davids is the co‐author of six “Star Wars” books for Lucasfilm. He was production coordinator and a writer of the original animated “Transformers” TV series; executive producer of Showtime’s “Roswell: The UFO Cover‐up,” starring Kyle MacLachlan and Martin Sheen, and he has produced and directed ten feature films, including “The Sci‐Fi Boys” and “The Life After Death Project,” both of which aired on SyFy, and “Jesus in India” and the bio‐pic, “Timothy Leary’s Dead.” As an undergraduate at Princeton, he won three top writing awards, then studied under full scholarship at the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Los Angeles. Davids is also the bestselling co‐author of An Atheist in Heaven: the Ultimate Evidence for Life After Death? (2016) as well as being an accomplished artist.

Blowing America’s Mind: A True Story of Princeton, CIA Mind Control, LSD and Zen

Blowing America's Mind: A True Story of Princeton, CIA Mind Control, LSD and Zen by Paul Davids

Not since A Beautiful Mind has there been a true story involving Princeton and altered states of consciousness – but unlike the story of the breakdown of a Princeton professor, in Blowing America’s Mind the dose of madness is deliberately induced in Princeton students at the nearby (and now defunct) New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute under the guise of expanding consciousness, attaining nirvana, and improving sex lives.

Jeremy Kagan, Professor at the USC School of Cinematic Arts and Chairperson of Special Projects for the Directors Guild of America describes Blowing America’s Mind as: “a fascinating journey of love, drugs and covert governmental intrigue. Suspenseful in documenting the impact of the ‘Psychedelic Revolution’ at Princeton in the late 1960 s, the book is a complex, poignant drama detailing CIA-sponsored hypnosis and LSD research, as the famous all-male Ivy League university is on the eve of going coed and on the edge of imploding.”

How did America’s CIA get caught up in things like psychedelics, deep hypnosis – and Princeton student life? This historic entanglement of the CIA, deep hypnosis, LSD and the Ivy League happened because the CIA in the 1950’s and 1960’s experimented with new devious ways to impact the minds of its enemies – both foreign and domestic – including its own retiring agents (to erase memories of classified information), and also supposedly-dangerous internal hostiles … such as college kids fighting against Vietnam War atrocities. The secret program was called MK-ULTRA, and the well known Princeton alumni who co-authored this book were among the guinea pigs.

For fifty years, no one has stepped forward to reveal the insider true story of how innocent Princeton students got caught up in and nearly done in by the CIA s late-sixties LSD-laced hypnotic research. Now the story’s out in the open.

The co-authors feel that their book is a true-to-life One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest with a touch of The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. – Get the Book!

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