Explorer’s Guide to Spirituality and Sacred Plants

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018 at 7:30 pm ET, join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK are joined by spiritualist and writer Stephen Gray to share his guide to the benefits and challenges of the use of cannabis in spiritual practice.

Cannabis is a truly ancient plant, an inhabitant of planet Earth long before the appearance of us “two-leggeds” and since our arrival a close companion with a great variety of gifts for humanity, from the most tangible and material to the most intangible and spiritual.

After a period of misunderstanding, neglect, and suppression of this remarkable plant, we are now seeing a renaissance of knowledge and respect for our ancient friend and ally. But as cannabis becomes increasingly normalized and legalized, and as so many more of us develop a beneficial relationship with it, one of cannabis’ greatest gifts—some would say its most powerful capability—has not yet received much attention and understanding in this era of renewal. – http://www.stephengrayvision.com


Stephen Gray | Explorer’s Guide to Spirituality

Stephen is a teacher and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines.  He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism, the Native American Church and with entheogenic medicines.  He is the author of Returning to Sacred World & the editor of Cannabis & Spirituality. www.stephengrayvision.com

Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer’s Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally


A guide to the benefits and challenges of the use of cannabis in spiritual practice

• Includes chapters by 18 authoritative and influential voices of the modern cannabis movement, including Kathleen Harrison, Joan Bello, Hamilton Souther, Steven Hager, Chris Bennett, Dee Dussault, Jeremy Wolff, and Roger Christie

• Explores the use of marijuana in a wide range of spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, chanting, visualization, shamanism, group ceremonies, work with other entheogens, and as a creative aid

Truly a medicine for body and soul, one of cannabis’s greatest gifts is its remarkable potential for spiritual healing and awakening. In this authoritative guide, editor Stephen Gray and 17 other influential voices of the modern cannabis movement explore the spiritual benefits of cannabis and offer guidance on how to interact with the intelligence of this plant ally, a companion and supporter of humanity for millennia. Exploring cannabis spirituality in practice, Gray’s chapters examine dosage, strains, and methods of intake; the use of cannabis to open the creative channels; how to conduct group ceremonies with cannabis; and cautions and counterindications for cannabis use. We hear from Chris Bennett on the religious and ritual use of cannabis from pre-biblical times to the present, Joan Bello on marijuana and the body-mind connection, Dee Dussault on ganja yoga, Kathleen Harrison on humanity’s co-evolution with cannabis, and cannabis shaman Hamilton Souther on working with the spirit of cannabis. The contributors explore the spiritual future of this plant ally as well as the ritual use of cannabis by the Rastafarians of Jamaica and the Sadhus of India. The chapters from Brazilian ayahuasca shaman Mariano da Silva and ayahuasca apprentice Francisco present wisdom on comingling the sacramental medicines of cannabis and ayahuasca.

Revealing the potential of “the people’s plant” to enhance a wide range of spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, chanting, visualization, shamanism, spirit work, and explorations with other entheogens, this guide shows how cannabis is an effective ally on the awakening journey, unlocking the receptive energy in us all and helping us to feel connected to nature, to each other, and to ourselves. – Get the Book!

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