Fun Night of Sci Fi, E.T.s, The X-Files, & STAR WARS: The Last Jedi Round Table!

Saturday, January 27th, 2018 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith welcomes author of the science fiction novel 329 YEARS AWAKE, Ellie Maloney to discuss her intriguing novel; plus her perspectives on extraterrestrial life and The X-Files! In the second hour we welcome actor Mac Barnes (also known as the “Star Wars Encyclopedia”), as well as actor and Star Wars geek Andrew Powell who join Alan and Ellie for a stupendously fun THE LAST JEDI round table discussion! *Spoiler Alert: you have been warned!


329 YEARS AWAKE author Ellie Maloney

Ellie Maloney, is the author of 329 YEARS AWAKE, which takes place during a time when humans have a powerful gift: a genetic ability to alter reality, yet they know nothing about it. In her previous life, Ellie was a lawyer specializing in human rights. Now she writes fiction, consumes massive amounts of late night comedy and politics, collects typewriters, and lives all over the world with her spouse and a 5-yo Newfoundland dog. She lived, worked, and studied in such countries as Kosovo, Ukraine, Liberia, Albania, and the United States.



Actor, Drew Gregory bringing the laughs, also seriously believes that there will be some catastrophic change to the typical Star Wars, storyline that will astound, shock and possibly even anger many hard core SW fans. To find out more about Drew visit his IG page at:



Mac Barnes, a.k.a “the Star Wars Encyclopedia”, brings his good vibes and vast knowledge. Having grown up with episodes 1, 2 and 3 plus an unprecedented saturation of all things Star Wars entertains the idea that Rey may in fact be a Skywalker. After stepping away from his extremely popular SW themed IG account, Mac is starting a new IG account at:

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin


Alan's Paranormal Cabin

Typically when I blog I try to keep it as related to the show as possible, but on occasion I feel compelled to write what is weighing on my mind.

My recent guest Ellie Maloney and I spent some time talking about The X-Files and I continue to reflect on the series especially after just seeing the season 11, episode 4 of The X-Files. On the surface it may seem silly and obvious, but it begs to be rewatched because of its depth and perceptive take on our new society as it explores truth vs hyperbole; contradicting conspiracy theories; hearsay; circumstantial evidence; acceptance of facts; and desperation for answers. The nature of reality itself is challenged. In this day and age of blurred truth, muddied information, slanted news, entertainment politics, ignored facts, real news being slandered, and everyone with their own over confident version of a conspiracy theory, I beg you please don’t forget that we are all working with only pieces of the puzzle. And that no matter what you want to believe…. #TrustNoOne

One person’s version of #WOKE is not the same as another’s. Don’t follow ANYONE blindly. No matter who the leader is: left, right, middle – it doesn’t matter. In truth we only ever get to know a few individuals personally that we actually (soul-to-soul) know and sincerely trust. For I can never be sure of another’s ulterior motives. Whether I receive information from a governmental agency, a single person or the media – that mouthpiece usually seeks to serve itself first and foremost. I have put my faith in some friends or leaders only to find out that they can never be what I expect them to be. I can theorize and project onto them what it is I want to believe but that does not make it so. I can reach for and twist information to fit my narrative – but it still does not make it actual. I do trust sometime because I have to, but not because I believe some person with grand promises or seemingly good intentions is the Messiah of my own beliefs. If I do so, I am not being intellectually honest with myself – and that is a disservice to my soul and to our society. Wishful thinking is important, but it can not be a solution in and of itself.

Why do you think people tend not to be anarchists. Because what they imagine as anarchy is unruly behavior lacking in decorum and order. Why does that scare them? Because for us as a species to function as a cohesive society we need to have some protocol, some semblance or agreed upon niceties and behaviors. Why do I behave politely at work? You know the answer to that. Sure, the above is not a real definition of anarchy. And sure, accepted decorums morph over time. Yet this idea of throwing it all to the wind, to “throw a wrench in the system” is in fact an act of chaos – and unless you are Neo do really think the you know sure that the outcome will be beautiful or as you hoped and imagined? Maybe. But I prefer to think that even among the those of us who follow the conspiracy trail and distrust much of the system we live in, that a well laid plan with a clear end goal is the best way to go. I’d prefer not to gamble with other people’s lives because I’m frustrated. Or at the least, I will seek the path that reduces stakes of accidentally damaging others freedom and happiness. So we must be ever vigilant to peer through the veil of this reality we live in. All the while we must constantly check ourselves, our information and our own desperate desires so as to avoid convincing ourselves we are right even if we are not.

As I often say: live in the mystery. I mean that spiritually, but also to emphasize we need to find some way to be comfortable in not knowing all the answers. The danger of discomfort is that we can start to tell ourselves what we would like to be real in order to feel better. Will any one theory, or any one person really save us all from our problems within the system we live in? That would be wonderful. However, I think we are better off when we pause, tilt our head and ask – is that (whatever/whoever) truly the answer?

– Alan B. Smith

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