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Captain Kelly Sweeney

Tales of the Most Bizarre Encounters on the Sea

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with co-host Heidi Hollis invites real life Mariner Captain Kelly Sweeney to share some of the most bizarre encounters on the seas that we may not be aware of.


Captain Kelly Sweeney is a Master Mariner, holding the highest Captain’s license the Coast Guard issues to commercial mariners. He graduated from the California Maritime Academy in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nautical Industrial Technology. Captain Sweeney has worked on oil tankers, container ships, oceanographic ships, high-speed passenger vessels, large oil spill response vessels, fish processing ships, ocean-going tugboats, a car carrier, and a crew boat. He continues to go to sea for a living.

In addition to his career as a mariner, Captain Sweeney is also an experienced professional writer. He is a columnist for the widely circulated magazine “Professional Mariner,” and is the author of the book From The Bridge.

With his wife, Frances, Captain Sweeney also operates Maritime Headhunters, a job placement and maritime career counseling company –

From the Bridge: Authentic Modern Sea Stories

Captain Kelly Sweeney, has condensed these issues and many other stories into a mere 187 pages that not only informs the reader but entertains as well. From life at sea, to laws, marine licensing and technology, we are treated with real-life anecdotes of what it is like to sail at sea, on research vessels to oil tankers, huge car and asphalt carriers to lowly tugs, issues at sea and on land – and he does it in a manner that is quite accessible to the layperson, but technical and sophisticated enough to interest and be of direct relevance those who have made working on the high seas their life.

Captain Sweeney doesn’t over-dramatise issues – he tells them as they are. If you are looking for some over-the-top, mission impossible on the high seas, creative fiction, this book is not for you. While we are riveted with his tales of piracy and danger, we are sobered with the lessons learned. We are appalled at the likes of “Captain Screamer” and questionable orders in high tension situations, we are likewise heartened by the ethics, professionalism and sheer hard work of everyday mariners.

This book gives us a peek into the world of the merchant marine – a glimpse of a world that most of us know nothing about. Captain Sweeney humanises the industry while tackling serious issues that obviously need to be addressed. He cajoles us, entertains us, makes us laugh and gets us angry – and hopefully leads us and the people in the marine industry to demand the changes that are sorely needed, and recognise the incredible contribution that the people in the merchant marine make. – Get the Book!

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The post Captain Kelly Sweeney appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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