Powers and Wisdom of Sacred White Spirit Animals

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at 7:30 pm ET, join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK as they invites author Zohara Hieronimus to share her knowledge of White Spirit Animals in spiritual traditions and prophecy from around the globe.

All-white animals are held sacred by many indigenous cultures and offer wisdom to those who will listen. They call to us to listen to all things sacred.


Zohara Hieronimus | Powers and Wisdom of Sacred White Spirit Animals

J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus, D.H.L., is an award-winning radio broadcaster, social justice and environmental activist, and professional artist. She founded the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center in Baltimore in 1984. She hosted the national radio program Future Talk until 2008 and cohosts 21st Century Radio with her husband, Robert Hieronimus. The author of several books, she lives in Owings Mills, Maryland.

White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change

White Spirit Animals: Prophets of Change by Zohara Hieronimus

Explores the powers and wisdom of sacred White Spirit Animals

• Looks in-depth at the lessons of the major White Spirit Animals: the White Bear, White Lion, White Elephant, White Wolf, and White Buffalo

• Explains how to use shamanic dreaming and trans-species telepathy to communicate with these great spiritual teachers

• Reveals how White Spirit Animals are calling humanity to restore balance, respect, reverence, and honor to protect our animal kin, ourselves, and the earth

Beautiful rarities of nature, all-white animals are held sacred by many indigenous cultures and offer deep wisdom to all who will listen. In addition to the White Buffalo, there are other revered white animals, such as the White Wolf, White Lion, White Elephant, and White Bear. Each of these White Spirit Animals belongs to a species at the apex of their ecosystem, meaning the environment in which they live will unravel without them. Speaking through ancient and modern prophecy and the many humans who communicate with them, these White Spirit Animals are urgently calling to humanity to restore balance and protect our animal kin, ourselves, and the earth.

Combining sacred elder lore, science, and her own telepathic dreams, Zohara Hieronimus looks at the special role played by White Spirit Animals in spiritual traditions and prophecy around the globe, where they are seen as guardians of animal wisdom, each with a special purpose and gift. She reveals how they have collaborated with humanity since the last ice age, inspiring spiritual practices and conferring shamanistic powers, and are considered the stewards of the great spiritual transformations that occur during transitional times. Sharing the waking vision of White Spirit Animals that called her to write this book, and their message of CPR for the earth–conservation, preservation, and restoration–she explains how to use shamanic dreaming and trans-species telepathy to communicate with these great spiritual teachers. Exploring each one of the major White Spirit Animals–White Buffalo, White Lion, White Elephant, White Wolf, and White Spirit Bear–and the cultures in which they are honored, the author shows, for example, how the White Buffalo is called a harbinger of peace and abundance by many Native American tribes and the White Bear, the great earth healer, teaches us about nurturance and patience.

As a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds, between humans and animals, White Spirit Animals are calling us to open our hearts to the wild, to the sacredness of the wind, the water, the earth, and dream a new world into being to heal our own personal and collective wounds and restore the earth to balance. – Get the Book!

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