Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday December 20th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Linz, Upper Austria on 2001-08-31 03:12:00 – Nightprayer 3h- orb coming out of the eucharist – bright as daylight – orb slowly hovering thought my body – room dark again.Feels good – moving out at my back – room bright again – orb slowly leaving the room

Synopsis: I was on duty for the nightwatch at the eucharist. it was a catholic charismatic weekend meeting, and my time was from tree to four in the morning. the eucharist was standing on the altar as usual for such a nightprayer. i was sitting before the altar n approximatly 3m distance. some people were sleeping in the room.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Bellmore, New York on 2017-11-27 06:20:00 – Look out my window to see this ball of light traveling almost straight up into the atmosphere that had no blinking lights like and air plane and was traveling way faster than any plane i’ve seen. i took a video. about 30 seconds long.

Synopsis: In my house the brightness, speed, and almost 90 degree flight path of the ufo. a ufo boomerang shape with 3 separate light sources on the ufo i wish i ran outside to get a better look it was going so fast and high up that i couldn’t see it from my window anymore so i gave up

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Sudbury, Ontario on 2005-08-16 00:00:00 – Green disc

Synopsis: This sighting occurred about 12 years ago in late summer about 6pm. my wife and i were walking down the street outside our house and we both looked up to the sky which was overcast wondering if it would rain. through a break in the clouds we saw a dull green disc with a darker center fly by- the cloud cover seemed to be fairly low. the sighting lasted only a second. there was no sound, in fact the evening was very quiet.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Granger, Wyoming on 2017-08-05 00:00:00 – Multi colored star

Synopsis: On 5aug17 at about 0100-0130 hours, in yellowstone national park, mammoth hot springs campground. looking at stars through binoculars, observed a star sized object, at about a ten o’clock angle, to the nw. it was changing colors, and sometimes wobbling, but like the stars near it, to far to focus on.

Headline #5: FUFO Sighting in Nashville, Tennessee on 2017-11-26 23:10:00 – Myself and my family and friends have been witnessing these for almost 1yr.I have made a police report to cheatham co. serriffs dept. an officer came to my home and also saw the object. he stated he would file as a ufo sighting. i see these late at night

Synopsis: I have been at my home and at work place. looking at the night sky i first witnessed these objects approx. 1yr ago. i knew it was not a star; the reason being i was a pathfinder in the 82nd airborne division at fort bragg, n.C. and have been trained in night navigation by the stars. the object to the untrained eye would at first appear to be a star. if watched for approx. 5 min.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Ontario on 2017-08-21 14:28:00 – Object captured during solar eclipse viewing at 1/2500 shutter speed.

Synopsis: I was photographing total solar eclipse in toronto with a tobacco filter on the afternoon of august 21, 2017. i was trying to capture eclipse at different shutter speeds, and from different filters, and angles. i took several photographs in quick successions. after i was done, i was analyzing all my photographs at my desktop, i observed one object that was international space station i think. it was there in almost all my photographs.

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