Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday December 26th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in Derry, New Hampshire on 2017-12-13 00:00:00 – Triangle in the sky

Synopsis: I was driving south on i93 in the derry area of nh when i saw a solid triangle in the sky heading west at a slow steady pace. it had blue’ish lights at each point and a light in the middle of the underside that turned on and off, but not at regular intervals. i lost sight of the craft due to driving. i was not able to get any pictures. i have see these types of crafts several times in the past.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in California on 2017-12-14 00:00:00 – Meteor shaped object descended from the north east. it may not be a meteor. location of landing may be in a field.

Synopsis: Sleeping when the cctv camera recorded what appears to be a meteor. the brightness of the object appeared without making any noise. it may not be a meteor. it could be space junk. the object has a trailing appearance like a comet. this object could be space junk that landed in a field. the video of the meteor is not in color

Headline #3: Sighting in Alameda, California on 2017-12-13 19:00:00 – Two vertical lights moved slowly parallel to the ground, then changed direction, and shot away.

Synopsis: i saw it in the sky towards the se. i had never seen anything like it before tonight. two lights, one directly above the other about a car’s length apart moved very slowly directly across the sky.

Headline #4: Black Triangle Sighting in Hooksett, New Hampshire on 2017-12-14 06:15:00 – Triangle in hooksett nh

Synopsis: I was at a stop sign and observed the triangle hovering over a field. had blue/white lights at each point and a brighter white light in the middle of the underside. it appeared gray, sun was not up yet.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Chilliwack, British Columbia on 2017-09-16 05:05:00 – Saw a doughnut shaped ufo outside of my house.

Synopsis: I was on my way home with my father from 711 and it was just after 5am. just as we got back i noticed a bright light in the sky. i frequently look at the night sky in our area so i know this object was never there before as i’ve lived in this house for the last 3 years.

Headline #6: Sighting in Cape Girardeau, Illinois on 2017-12-08 22:00:00 – I was driving with my son to go deer hunting. as i was driving through a very wooded area near the mississippi river, i saw what i thought was a strange looking plane. it shot straight down behind some trees then straight up and hovered then flew east rap

Synopsis: I was driving with my son to go deer hunting in southern illinois. we took i-55 south to cape girardeau and crossed the mississippi there. it was around 10 pm and we were on illinois route 3 heading south about to run parallel to the river. i noticed a strange looking plane coming from the east moving at a very slow speed.

Headline #7: Sighting in Fort Collins, Colorado on 2004-06-15 03:00:00 – I was a kid, and i was woken up like i had some psychological connection to the light/craft i saw in the sky, and i felt like i had to watch it until it disappeared.

Synopsis: This happened when i was in 4th grade, sometime in the summer. i only recently started sharing this experience with family and friends because my father had his own experience within the last couple years. i remember waking up at about 3:30 am on top of my bed,

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Dunbar, on 2000-10-15 19:35:00 – The account i am giving called my story was the begining of things, the picture of the female was similar to one i saw in an expiernce i had after

Synopsis: I was at the top of a hill were i had an overwhelming feeling to go there i got out of the car it as then i saw the object coming to wards me. when i first noticed it i was unsure of what it was as it got closer i thought it was a ufo when it got above me i realized this was a space raft.

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