Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday December 21st, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in Dubuque, Iowa on 2016-10-15 21:00:00 – Silent, blendid in with the background except the five lights on the bottom in triangle form. going fast for no sound or after sound.

Synopsis: I went to have a cigarette around 9pm. i always look up at night as i am fascinated with space. about half way through my cigarette i seen very faint red and amber colored lights moving fast. i thought it was a plane or something. as it got over head i noticed the pattern of the lights were strange and the craft itsself was big for the distance from the ground it was.

Headline #2: Alien Encounter in Gallant, Alabama on 2017-11-23 04:30:00 – Encounter with two entities

Synopsis: I was awoke at 4 am to find myself unable to move in my bed. there was a curved screen floating above my head. the screen appeared to have no mass as there was no edges of the screen. the screen was translucent and i could see through it. small images would blink on the screen every 1/2 a second. each time the image appeared it would be the same image displayed on the screen a hundred images at the same time.

Headline #3: FUFO Sighting in Sacramento, California on 2015-11-06 10:06:00 – It was around 10 p.M. i was on the phone with my boyfriend we hung up i decided to go to the store i left my apartment and went to the store got my items and started walking out the door towards the stoplight i looked up in the sky and saw the stars look


It was around 10 p.M. on a sunday night it just happened to be the biggest meteor shower in history they said on the news and advised us to stay inside i was on the phone with my boyfriend we hung up i decided to leave my apartment and go to the store i forgot they said stay in the house i walk to the store got my items and walked out the door looked up in the sky and noticed the stars look strange they were hovering as i was walking

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Buffalo, West Virginia on 2017-11-26 18:40:00 – Bright solid star moves in a path then fades away

Synopsis: I walked out of my parents home after having dinner at roughly 6:40 p.M. while leaving, i looked up, facing the south, as i was getting in my car i saw a very bright red star almost orblike up in the sky. the object was moving slowly at a steady pace. at first i thought it to be the iss or a low orbiting satellite because to the 2 o’clock position moving east there was the blinking of an airplane moving away.

Headline #5: Black Triangle Sighting in Boulder, Colorado on 2017-11-24 21:30:00 – String of lights that moved quickly in flock of bird like formation

Synopsis: Taking my dog out to use the bathroom around 9:30pm mst on the se side of the house and i noticed this string of lights moving in a formation similar to a flock of birds, but it also moved like a school of fish, moving quickly through the sky, headed nw direction. i thought it was some sort of christmas lights, but the speed and movement of the object(s) pretty much shut that idea down. i couldn’t keep my eyes of the object, trying to figure out what it was. the formation was mesmerizing

Headline #6: FUFO Sighting in La Mesa, California on 2017-12-15 06:45:00 – Hovering/cigar-shaped bright light

Synopsis: I was driving to work today, when i saw a massive, cigar-shaped bright-white light hovering over east county san diego. i was driving east on interstate 8, when i saw it. there was not a single cloud in the sky, due to the high pressure that has been present in san diego.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Madeira Beach, Florida on 2010-03-09 20:15:00 – 2 glowing orbs,1 following the other along shoreline. suddenly 1 vanished up & south the next up &north

Synopsis: At madeira beach, florida, around march 9, 10 or 11 of 2009, 20010 or 2011. it was about 8:15 pm est. it was dusk with a few scattered clouds. i was sitting on our porch overlooking the gulf of mexico. from the north i saw 2 glowing orbs, moving southward fairly slowly along the shoreline. my first thought was, “some kid has a really cool remote control toy.”

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in British Columbia on 2016-07-07 17:02:00 – Thought it was venus at first

Synopsis: I was looking out my bedroom window, as i do often, and wrestle with: are we alone? i saw what seemed to be a star. at first i thought it might have been venus, but it was too large to be venus. then, as if the “people” inside saw me, its big white light turned off. no airplane would be allowed to do that in mid-flight. what was left was a small red light that went over my house and disappeared from view,behind some apartment behind my house. the next time i saw it it was moving from east to west. it passed my field of view and as it passed its big white light went out like before. i have always believed that there were indeed other intelligent and advanced beings out there and this just proved it, for me

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Sierra Vista, Arizona on 1976-07-31 00:00:00 – A star made a triangular motion.

Synopsis: I must have been 12 or 13 years old. around 1976. we lived in sierra vista arizona. the sky was always very clear out there. a buddy of mine and i were sitting in the back of my dad’s truck looking up and toward the west. a star began to move. it moved north to south in a straight line, then up to a center point above it’s first motion, then back to the original point of

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Litchfield, Maine on 2017-12-14 19:00:00 – Thought it was a satelite, until i saw it stop, hover, change direction, stop, hover change direction, do a small circle and stop

Synopsis: I went outside about 7 pm to see how cold it was, and while i was outdoor i remembered that a meteor shower was reported on the weather, so decided to let my eyes get accustomed to the dark in hopes to see some meteors. saw a bright moving light, star like, and thought, oh a satellite, as it was at that altitude i normally see a satellite, and i will watch that while i was there.

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