Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday December 25th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: True stories of ghosts, poltergeists, hauntings and Santa sightings at the Christmas holiday

Synopsis: CHRISTMAS AND PARANORMAL phenomena have long had a close relationship. From the many miracles said to surround the birth of Jesus to the traditions of Dickens’ ghosts in A Christmas Carol, it seems a time of year when the supernatural is possible. Following is a selection of stories of encounters with ghosts and other strange phenomena at Christmas time — including sightings of Santa Claus himself! What do you believe?

Headline #2: True Stories of Angel Encounters

Synopsis: Some people believe that before we are born when our consciousness or spirit resides in that unknown place, we are given information about the life we are about to be born into. Some say we even choose our life.

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