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UFO Headline News Friday December 29th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday December 29th, 2017

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Gardena, California on 2017-12-22 17:35:00 – I took a pic of the space x launch and saw in pic

Synopsis: I was outside and saw the smoke trail from the spacex launch and snapped a pic. didnt think anything of it and next day looked at the pic again and noticed 2 diamond shapes, green in color in the pic. have sent to other places but have had no responses

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Bethal, on 2017-12-28 20:46:00 – 6 to 8 ufo flying in clouds with a bright light

Synopsis: Was going out to have a smoke when i notice a few bright lights flying i the clouds with high speed and chaining direction with a blink of a eye.I did not call my wife up until i saw 2 passing each other and stoping and hovering for a split second. then they twirl over each other..Its when i called my wife to come and see what i did see… we notice a couple of then flying fast in a zick zak motion then just as fast as it start it end….. i never believe in ufo but after this i maby looing in to it…..

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Ankara, Ankara on 2017-11-28 20:35:00 – It was a black object with 3 vertical red lights

Synopsis: I was eating dinner with my girlfriend at my home, the red lights caught my eye, they were brighter than any usual planes had, i just thought that it was an ufo, it was a dark oval object with three distinct vertical red lights on it, the lights went on and off from bottom to top. i was excited and scared at the same time because the object was followed by a helicopter which kept its distance away from it, ive lost sight of the object when it got behind the buildings..

Headline #4: Alien Encounter in Kenilworth, New Jersey on 2005-12-31 07:00:00 – No encounter with a craft, a possible encounter with an entity in my room.

Synopsis: In the month of january in 2006 i had an incident of sleep paralysis. i have had such incidents before, but this was different. at the other end of my bedroom, approximately 20 ft away from me i saw a shadowy, hooded figure, just standing still. it had no discernible features. i do not recall any attempt of communication on the part of the entity. it was a terrifying experience. i was unable to move, despite trying as hard as i could, and i could feel the presence of this thing, whatever it was, in my room.

Headline #5:UFO Sighting in Naperville, Illinois on 2017-11-22 19:34:00 – Large bright object flying at low altitude

Synopsis: It was about 7:34-:38 in the evening when i was coming back home from the grocery store with my father. as we turned the corner of redstart and warbler to get home, i noticed something out of the ordinary; a large, pulsating, bright white light. there is quite a bit of air traffic in our area, but this light was larger than any plane light i have ever seen.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Naperville, Illinois on 2017-12-10 17:50:00 – Red blinking light that was present before stars came out w/no aircraft in area; strange green object caught while filming red light

Synopsis: First observed from the intersection of main street and aurora avenue, small red light that appeared stationary above a walgreen’s located at the intersection. it was about 5:50 p.M. on a clear evening; no stars were out yet and no planes or other aircraft were observed for the evening. that’s what caught my attention.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Hamburg, Hamburg on 2017-12-26 23:00:00 – 10 to 15 orangish lights flying past at speed in a type of curve

Synopsis: It was night, i went into our spare room to have a smoke out the window, i had just started my cigarette when i saw 10 to 15 orangish, oval shaped objects in the sky, they were moving very fast, travelling in a wide arc but the objects themselves kept perfect formation, it only lasted about 5 seconds and they were gone out of view.

Headline #8:UFO Sighting in Woodbridge Township, New Jersey on 2017-12-28 06:25:00 – Saw starlike object move straight down then stopped make a sharp left like wide v shape then disappeared

Synopsis: i was looking at the clear morning sky dec 28 at around 6:25am and first saw a small starlike object move from west to east across the sky. thought it may be a satellite then a few minutes later i was facing south and about 90 degrees up i see another starlike object move straight down then stopped and made a hard left then back up in the sky towards se direction.

Headline #9: Sighting in Newcastle upon Tyne, England on 2017-12-28 08:30:00 – Left after 20 minutes then came back for around another 30 minutes

Synopsis: I looked out my window and i saw this white trail that wasn’t moving so i zoomed in on my camera and there was a black object infront of it, i am used to seeing planes with white trails however i checked flightradar24 and there were no aircraft i thought it could be.

Headline #10: Sighting in Oxford, UK, England on 2017-12-27 03:09:00 – 3mm sized white light about 100 meters to my front, travelled from my right to left then vanished above freesat side of “a” road.

Synopsis: I was travelling southbound on the a34 from oxford (uk) in the direction of newbury when i saw a bright white light appear from my right (the west), move steadily over both carridgeways to my left (the east) and once over a small line of trees which run along the length of the “a” road,

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The post UFO Headline News Friday December 29th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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