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Secret UFO Program

Secrets of the Secret UFO Program

Saturday, December 30th, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan of Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files looks into the recently-disclosed U.S. military project studying UFOs. Mack on why the Government has been lying to us all along. Cobra talks about the classified program from a pilot’s point of view. Switchblade reports on the mysterious connection to the Skinwalker Ranch. Emily M on past government attempts to identify UFOs. Meanwhile, Juan-Juan begins his own secret project.

Who Knew We Had an Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program?

The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was a secret investigatory effort funded by the United States government to study unidentified flying objects, but it was not classified. It was first made public on 16 December 2017. The program began in 2007, with funding of $22 million over the five years until the available appropriations were ended in 2012. The program began in the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.

Initiated by then U.S. Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) to study unexplained aerial phenomena at the urging of Reid’s friend, Nevada businessman and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow, and with support from the late Senators Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), the program began in the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2007 and ended after five years, with a budget of $22 million spread out over five years.

Interviewed in the aftermath of the program’s disclosure, Reid expressed pride in his accomplishment, and was quoted as saying “I think it’s one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I’ve done something that no one has done before.”

The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program has generated a currently publicly unissued 490 page report that documents alleged worldwide UFO sightings over several decades.

The program was headed by Luis Elizondo, who resigned from the Pentagon in October 2017 to protest government secrecy and opposition to the investigation, stating in a resignation letter to US Defense Secretary James Mattis that the program was not being taken seriously.

While the United States Department of Defense has stated that the program was terminated in 2012, the exact status of the program and its termination remains unclear.

Politico published a statement by a former staff member that, “After a while[,] the consensus was [that] we really couldn’t find anything of substance,” …”They produced reams of paperwork. After all of that there was really nothing there that we could find. It all pretty much dissolved from that reason alone—and the interest level was losing steam. We only did it a couple years.”

In contrast, the program’s leader, Luis Elizondo, in an appearance on CNN on Tuesday, December 19, stated “We may not be alone.”

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Wingman 18: Battle for America by Mack Maloney – buy it now!

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The post Secret UFO Program appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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