Angels Vs Demons: The Art of Spiritual Warfare

Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 9 pm ET, the spirited and jocular Heidi Hollis of Heidi Hollis – The Outlander invites the prophetic voice of Chevalier Ministries, Michel Chevalier, to explain the real threats of demonic influences and how we can learn the art of spiritual warfare to combat them.


Michel Chevalier | Angels Vs Demons: The Art of Spiritual Warfare

Michael Chevalier is the founder of Chevalier Ministries that is champions a message of worship, faith, and love.

Chevalier Ministries Mission Statement

We are some very passionnate revivalists operating in the prophetic realm; with a message for worship, faith and love. Reviving the body of Christ and working in the ministry of reconcialiation to the heart of the Father and the knowing of Christ redemptive work at the cross.

Nous sommes deux revivalistes passionnés, opérant dans une onction prophétique avec un message centré sur une vie d’adoration, nourrit par la foi, et fondé sur l’amour donné par Christ dans son oeuvre de rédemption à la croix.

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