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Kathleen Marden & Stanton Friedman

The True Roswell UFO Story and New Thoughts On Our Government’s Cover-ups!

Saturday, December 16th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith as he welcomes both Kathleen Marden and Stanton Friedman, co-authors of Fact, Fiction & Flying Saucers, to discuss the greatest case for proving the existence of extraterrestrial visitation: the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash! Kathleen and Stanton take us back in time to re-experience what really happened on that fateful day. As they tell the story and explain the evidence to prove it all true, they also share fresh insights on how the conspiracy works. In tandem, they also share their personal perspectives on how our society differs from the days of post-war 1947 and the challenges of keeping a lock down on military and government personnel. Stanton explains what he thinks is the great significance about this case, which is not always quite perceived. And Kathleen, being the niece of the well known abductees, Betty and Barney Hill, tells us what Betty Hill had thought about the Roswell case. These two well respected ufology researchers (and closest real life version of The X-Files’ Scully and Mulder) really take it all the way home with their enlightening partnership.


Kathleen Marden is a leading researcher of contact with nonhuman intelligence, an author, and lecturer. Her educational background in the social sciences has shaped her interest in scientific ufology. Extensive research and investigation into alien abduction has convinced her that some abductions are real.

She earned a B.A. degree in social work from the University of New Hampshire and participated in graduate studies in education while working as a teacher and education services coordinator. Her scholarship led to acceptance into the Alpha Kappa Delta sociology honor society. During her fifteen years as an educator, she innovated, designed and implemented model educational programs. She also held a supervisory position, coordinating, training and evaluating education staff.

Her interest in UFOs dates back to September 20, 1961, when her aunt, Betty Hill, phoned her childhood home to report that she and Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. A primary witness to the evidence of the UFO encounter and the aftermath, Kathleen has intimate knowledge of the Hill’s biographical histories, investigation files, and scientific interest in their sensational experience. This led to a journey of exploration, leaving no stone unturned, to find answers through scholarly work, investigation and social research. She is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction.

She is associated with the Mutual UFO Network, as its Director of Experiencer Research and the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, as an advisory board member and consultant to its research subcommittee. She was the recipient of MUFON’s 2012 “Excellence in Ufology” award. She makes it clear that the opinions expressed by her are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations of which she is a member.

Kathleen has written three books with nuclear physicist/ scientific ufologist Stanton Friedman, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, Science was Wrong, and Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers, and one book The Alien Abduction Files, with Denise Stoner. In addition to this her essays have been published in several additional books. In 2012, she spearheaded an extensive research project, with Denise Stoner, to identify little known commonalities among experiencers. She is currently working on MUFON’s Experiencer Survey, which will (hopefully) be completed by the end of 2017. Her articles have been published in the MUFON UFO Journal, Open Minds, Alternate Perceptions and FATE magazines and on several websites. Kathy has given expert testimony on the Discovery, History, H2, National Geographic, and Destination America channels and on several documentaries and news shows. She is a frequent guest on radio programs. She has lectured throughout the United States and internationally. You can purchase her books or read her articles at


Nuclear Physicist-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications.

He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, declared August 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day. His book Flying Saucers and Sciencewas published in June 2008 and is in its 3rd printing. His newest book, also co-authored with Kathleen Marden, is Science Was Wrong released in June 2010.

He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, The Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work, analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case, crashed saucers, flying saucer technology, and challenges to the S.E.T.I. (Silly Effort To Investigate) cultists. He has spoken at more MUFON Symposia than anyone else.

Stanton T. Friedman is a dual citizen of the USA and Canada.

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin

The UFO enigma is real. And Roswell is the proof. Proof that there is an enigma – that something odd is occurring which defies everyday explanations. Is it because the public has physical proof? No. Has the government come clean to share what it has known all these many years? No. It is because of what they have said publicly, then retracted, and altered; leaving a witnesses and a paper trail that, clear as day, refutes the government’s false narrative.

We’ve all told a lie. Whether small or large, we all know how it feels to tell a lie. We know it is a gamble to tell a lie because the story told is not based on facts – or reality if you will. We know in our gut that it is a slippery slope, that we might make a mistake in our fictitious story. And if we do make a mistake, we must scurry away from the spotlight of truth by slightly altering our story. But when doing so too quickly, we may not have thoroughly thought through the new alteration to our story so as to see that it now has minor but conflicting plot points. So we get caught. But what does the most prideful liar do? They stick to the lie – the story – no matter what. Repeat the lie over and over again until people are exasperated and the truth begins to feel muddy. You would do this by sowing doubt about the very people who accuse you of dishonesty. In particular, you would be most effective at convincing those who feel more comfortable with your version of the story anyway, and so are not bothered with the effort of checking out all of the facts and available information to weigh it all for themselves. Everything becomes so confusing that you just go with the seemingly easiest story to believe. There are people out there that are masters of this sort of manipulation. You and I both know them. Most of us have been fooled by one individual or another at some point because they are everywhere. They are in our homes, they are leaders of industry, leaders of our military, and even the leader who holds the highest office in the land. The President. Or in the case of extraterrestrial visitations – all of the Presidents since Harry S. Truman.

If you take the time to read books like Facts, Fiction and Flying Saucers; Crash At Corona; and Captured; I promise you will be left having to rethink everything. That’s if you’re willing to go down the rabbit hole. For myself, I have read and seen too much now to be in denial that our government and military – meaning fellow citizens of the United States – have lied to us and covered up the truth about Roswell. If nothing else, that is all you would need to at least seriously consider that we have been visited by extraterrestrials of some kind. But of course, once you start there, the truth hidden in mystery will beckon.

– Alan B. Smith

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