Heroes, Nazis, and Cupcakes

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Mack Maloney, Juan-Juan of Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files talk to Bob Jamison, whose father worked for the OSS during World War Two spiriting German scientists out of Europe and saving them from the Russians. Chuck Stansburge on his recent trip through the galaxy with his alien friends. Rock musician Carmen Sclafani calls in to talk about his latest album. Switchblade Steve on just how freaky the Nazis were; Emily M on Hitler’s obsession with cupcakes.

Project Paperclip’s Pivotal Role in Recruiting Germany’s Brightest Minds

Heroes, Nazis & Cupcakes | America's Recruitment of German Scientist

Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were recruited in post-Nazi Germany and taken to the U.S. for government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959; many were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.

The primary purpose for Operation Paperclip was U.S. military advantage in the Russo–American Cold War, and the Space Race. The Soviet Union were more aggressive in forcibly recruiting (at gunpoint) some 2,000 German scientists with Operation Osoaviakhim during one night.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) established the first secret recruitment program, called Operation Overcast, on July 20, 1945, initially “to assist in shortening the Japanese war and to aid our postwar military research”. The term “Overcast” was the name first given by the German scientists’ family members for the housing camp where they were held in Bavaria. In late summer 1945, the JCS established the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), a subcommittee of the Joint Intelligence Community, to directly oversee Operation Overcast and later Operation Paperclip.

Wingman 18: Battle for America

Wingman 18: Battle for America by Mack Maloney

Wingman 18: Battle for America by Mack Maloney – buy it now!

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