Ancient Aliens In The Bible

Saturday, November 25th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, Join Paranormal Now’s host Alan B. Smith for a renewed take on the Ancient Aliens theory as he welcomes author Xaviant Haze’s personal understanding and research into the idea that biblical stories of the Old Testament and New Testament can be interpreted from the perspective that the ancient gods, God, angels and nephilim (giants) had existed as ancient astronauts who came to earth for self serving reasons. He also offers alternative thoughts on who Jesus was and how he could possibly have such powers. As others have done, Xaviant uses the story of Gilgamesh and the ancient Sumerian history tales as supportive evidence for how to properly interpret the Bible. Xaviant does not mince words in his defiance of traditional interpretations by using a both scientized and creative approach to reading into these fantastic stories of old.


Xaviant Haze | Ancient Aliens In The Bible Thoroughly Explained!

Xaviant Haze is an independent researcher of ancient manuscripts and alternative history, exploring and documenting his findings on lost cities and the myths of the pre-diluvian world. The coauthor of The Suppressed History of America, author of Ancient Giants In America and Aliens In Ancient Egypt, he lives in South Beach, Florida. For Ancient Aliens In The Bible click here!

Alan’s Paranormal Cabin

Alan's Paranormal Cabin

One of the most entertaining theories within the world – or between the worlds – of the study of the paranormal and ufology is that of the ancient astronaut theory. This is due in part because it refreshes the tales that we already know. The thrill of hearing about the adventures, misadventures, plights, and fantastic beings with amazing powers of ancient mythologies are felt anew when these stories are interpreted through the ancient alien lens. On the one hand, the ancient alien theory can make these stories seem even more fantastical; on the other hand – more real.

I think most scholars accept a scientized approach to any ancient history told in story format whether through oral stories, written text or pictorially. The simplest example of this is explaining away the supernatural actions of gods by substituting natural phenomena that were not understood by our ancestors. Ancient Greek mythology would have us believe that fire was stolen from the heavenly realm by Prometheus. Instead we now accept that human beings learned to make fire and master its uses on their own. But in the case of the ancient alien theorist’s approach, it is not simply a case of humans being ignorant and using origin stories to explain what they could not have observed in the first place. It it is the metaphors and descriptive approaches that fascinate. Because when stories passed on (especially when they were written down) were told in the first person we get the impression people were trying to explain what they were actually seeing. When seeing a comet one can describe what they saw using the descriptive words existent within the observer’s culture. Making up a story about what it is or how it came to be is quite different – which allows for imagination and plenty of embellishment.

The theoretical presumption is that flesh and blood beings from another planet visited Earth in the past and humans told the story as best they could as it happened to them. Of course, early parts of the Sumerian history must have been passed down over years until humans could write it all down. The rest could have been written in real-time. This is because according to Xaviant Haze and others, humans were a slave race to these beings who came to Earth to mine gold and possibly other natural resources while parked in this corner of the galaxy. Later because of conflicts between the extraterrestrial “gods”, Enlil and Enki, humans began a new evolutionary path toward freedom. How can this be? Well, basically you have to willfully interpret the ancient texts as stories of the Anunnaki gods being aliens from either the ninth planet in our solar system or from another solar system. If you don’t make that assumption, you’re left with believing that the Sumerian and Biblical tales are either just history mixed with fanciful made-up mythologies or true stories of supernatural god-like figures forcefully guiding the fate of humans (which would mean they/God still are/is). So unless there is physical proof (not just evidence) we have to decide whether back engineering the tales as stories of man and alien makes the most sense to us today.

What do you think? Is the ancient alien theory bogus or plausible?

– Alan B. Smith

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