Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday, November 23rd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in La Rue, Ohio on 2017-08-10 22:30:00

Synopsis: Edited ufo video. flashes in the sky pointed out. see description on raw video i’ve seen this thing in multiple states since around 2012 at least. it makes no sound. (the first 4 seconds of the video are stars.) i have an extensive aviation and aerospace background enough to know the differences in airborne craft and their flight peculiarities, if any.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Agua Doce, SC, State of Santa Catarina on 2017-11-12 20:02:00

Synopsis: I was at a pch, located in agua doce, sc, photographing the night sky. in addition to stars, i observed commercial airplanes, satellites and meteors. at one point what i thought was a satellite, abruptly changed direction by 45 degrees, repeating this movement with a trajectory in zig zag. the speed was a little lower than the commercial planes, the movement was very peculiar, detachable from any other celestial body. i directed my camera to try to capture the movement, during the exposure time of the photograph (60s) the object increased the intensity of the brightness and accelerated very fast disappearing. -26.676906, -51.721535

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Bundenbach, Rhineland-Palatinate on 2017-07-01 00:00:00

Synopsis: Please note, that what i’ve seen was not a plane! i do not have the exact date anymore, but it was a warm summer night and i was sitting late in the evening, i guess around 10 pm or later, in my background with a cup of tea. it was a lovely, warm summer night. no clouds. i was looking at the clear sky to watch the stars, as suddenly in the distance a bright light appeared. i immediately thought, i should make a wish, because my first impression was: this is a falling star, but then i saw it did not go down in a straight line. the round, object was in the distance, difficult to tell the actual size because i do not know how far away it was. from my point of view it was around the size of a penny and seemed more like a round object.


Synopsis: There are a number of tales mentioned in Native American tribes about tall and strong red-haired giants, which inhabited the Nevada region of thousands of years ago. In the stories they are described as cruel, cannibalistic and extremely barbaric race of humanoid giants.

This Native American tribe was called The Paiute and they had a name for this race of giants which is Si-Te-Cah. In northern Paiute, this means ‘tule-eaters’, since, according the legend, these giants arrived from a distant island by crossing the ocean on the rafts constructed using the fibrous tule plant.


Synopsis: “I am pretty sure I am actually the only person in my family that does not have a personal ghost story. I find my family to be very intelligent people that would not make this shit up, but it’s also hard to imagine something that you yourself have never experienced. You know? So, here are some of their stories, which are pretty creepy!

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