Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Posted: 14 Nov 2017 07:22 PM PST

Synopsis: Coming out of house and my friend sees some lights through the trees. i look and have never seen any light like it before.Neither did he so i made him drive close and he got scared when seeing what’s it was 👻and drove away fast so i couldn’t get out the car as i was getting my camera ready, said he didn’t want to get abducted. it was large probly at least 1000 ft but i think larger and moving slowly. one light dossappeared i’ve the mountain. i couldn’t see a craft just the lights. it was night no video would pick it up

Headline #2: Black Triangle Sighting in Troy, New York on 2017-11-16 17:31:00 – I saw what looked like a v or triangle shaped set of lights hovering above a house and then it left pretty quickly.

Synopsis: I was driving home and was turning onto a road and happened to look over at what i first thought was a strangely placed street light because it was very bright and had a lot of lights but then i realized it was a v shape or triangle im not sure which and it was hovering almost over or next to a house. i pulled over to try and get a picture of it but before i could it had started to move slightly and then quickly flew off in another direction than the way it was initially facing.

Headline #3:  UFO Sighting in Bronx, New York on 2017-11-17 15:32:00 – Object hoverd with smaller lights leaving, and going in object!

Synopsis: It was about 3;30 am and i was going to work. and in the ubove ground train station i could see the clear sky/ noticed one light a lone in the sky that was different/? it with the naked eye? seem to palsat right away i got my cellphone and wow!! now i could really see more! like the smaller lights going in and out of this thing!From the bottom ? at times this light would become very bright soo one could see the under belley of this thing? have 4 minute clear vidio of this thing!! on cell phone!

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Gobernador Mayer, Santa Cruz on 2002-01-04 04:30:00 – Lost time in patagonia
Posted: 17 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

Synopsis: We initiate the trip to el calafate from rio gallegos (distance: more os less 295 km for rp 5 road) in 0330 hours whit full fuel tank of the focus clx 2002 (new car). when we pased the school of gobernador mayer an we started to clim hill our vehicle stoped instantly, we was parking in reverse but a blue electric strong light flashed inside the car. we cant remember any sounds or anything else after that. we wake up 25 minutes later (said our clocks and cellulars) on rn 40 at 2 kilometers from paso río bote, 42 kilometers before el calafate. the baterry of the vehicle are melted, the cristals are scratched and in part brokeds, ..

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Utah on 2017-11-14 14:30:00 – Distant, white, hovering, no movement, circular,
Posted: 14 Nov 2017 09:36 AM PST

Synopsis: I was outdoors walking, then looked up to the eastern sky, in northern utah roughly 45 miles north of salt lake city and observed a white circular object not moving, seemed out of place, so i went to grab my binoculars to see the object better, and it was as i said a white circular object sitting in the sky not moving for a good 30 minutes. 2. what made me notice the object was its whiteness not moving against the clear blue sky. 3. when i 1st noticed the object i didn’t know what it was, just seemed out of place. 4. detail of object–white, hovering, no movement. circular, orb. no motion cuz’ it sat in same spot when i observed it for 30min. 5. it just seemed odd, outta place,. 6. it might still be there, i just got to a computer to report what i saw

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