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UFO Headline News Wednesday November 15th, 2017

Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday November 15th, 2017

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Deva, Județul Hunedoara on October 7, 2017

Synopsis:I was coming home from work, picked up my son from his nanny and we headed home. close to home, we both noticed some lights in the clouds. at first i thought they were reflections from the ground. when we first noticed them there were 4 bright lights in the clods, circling eachother in one spot. while we walked further towards our home, the circling lights seemed to follow the path of the street we were walking on.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in South Chicago Heights, Illinois on October 28, 2017

Synopsis:I was driving on i-394 heading north (from dyer, in) heading back to chicago. out of the corner of my eye, i noticed some lights in the sky to my right (east). traffic was light, so i slowed down a bit to get a better look (i noticed the other cars also hit their brakes to slow down). i saw 4-5 large, hazy white lights chasing each other in a perfect circle, going through whatever clouds were there, and then meeting up in the middle of the circle and then going back into the circle formation. looked like they were playing ring around the rosie, but at a fast pace. i looked at the time and it was 7:55 pm.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Jarreau, Louisiana on December 24, 2014

Synopsis:My husband and i were driving home and i was amazed at a very unusual sunset. i asked my husband to pull over in a vacant field so that i could snap a few images of the clouds over alma plantation, a local sugar mill. the mill was in full production at the time. the next day i opened the images and noticed a white “speck” and thought the image was marred. when i expanded the image to find out exactly what the white speck looked like i was a little stunned to see this “object” i was leery of showing this to anyone except for my husband in fear i would be thought of as a nut…

Headline #4: Black Triangle Sighting in Portland, Oregon on March 17, 1981

Synopsis: lived in portland, oregon. it was march 17th 1981 @ about 4:30 in the morning (am). at first l thought l was dreaming. l could hear my dog in the basement barking constantly. there was this sound like l was in a wind tunnel and a very high pitch sound that was piercing my ears. suddenly l felt my feet go numb like they were no longer there. i guickly knew this was no dream. someone or thing was trying to take my insides of my body. i could feel my body disappearing as it went upward toward my head. it never at any time hurt until it got to the level where my heart was. at that moment i could hear myself screaming …Your killing me. my heart hurt so bad it was like it was going to explode. all at once it stopped and i could feel my body coming back. as it had gone up my body it was dropping downward and making me feel my body again.Then all at once it all stopped and no more wind or high pitch noise.The dog stopped barking.The high pitch sound must have hurt her ears. i was so scared i jumped out of bed and started to find my children…

Headline #5: The zombie star that wouldn’t die

Synopsis: Powerful star explosions known as supernovae usually mark the death of stars. But astronomers today (November 8, 2017) announced a supernova that exploded multiple times over a period of more than 50 years. It might be the explosion of a star more massive than any seen to explode before. It might be an explosion caused by the meeting of matter and antimatter in a massive star’s core.

Headline #6: Poltergeist Haunts This Old Fargo Home

Synopsis: I bought an older home in Fargo, North Dakota in the spring of 2002. At first I didn’t pay any attention to the noises and lights flickering because of its age. In the first few weeks I would see someone run by my window in the backyard. I would run out and try to catch them, but never saw anyone and wondered how they could run down the side of the house that fast.

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The post UFO Headline News Wednesday November 15th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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