Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Cebu City, Central Visayas on 2017-11-03 16:46:00 – Two cigar/disc shaped objects hovering over the sea.

Synopsis:This event happened at a beach resort on the south western part of camotes island at around 4:46 pm (local time), november 3, 2017. my family and i were at the beach, waiting for the sunset. i was playing some music from my outdoor speaker, so i wasn’t able to hear if the ufos were making a sound or not. and honestly, i didnt notice that there were presumably ufos due to the brightness and glare of the sun which made the sky hazy, until i edited/enhanced the picture. i will send you three pictures, 1. raw shot/photo 2. edited photo 3. zoomed and edited photo i felt excited when i noticed the ufos because i knew it happened in a very interesting place.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in London, England on 1977-10-16 16:38:00 – Large ball very bright light spinning rapidly hovering ,zig zagging all at very high speeds

Synopsis: I lived on top of a shop i was on the balcony kicking a football when i looked up the cloud was low and moving steadily, as i kicked the ball up something caught my eye just to the left, it was a very white bright light spinning at extreme speed at first just hovering then it started to zig zag at extreme speed at that moment i called out to someone have a look at that moment it moved towards me hovered then from a standing start took off at about 90 degrees at speed i have never seen in real life , no one believed me everyone thought i was mad even to this day i still get laughed at but i know what i saw and know it was real

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Chicago, Illinois on 1998-05-31 00:00:00 – Ohare object paces commercial jet

Synopsis: Commercial jet afternoon flight from chicago to milwaukee. took window seat few rows ahead of emergency exit. looked out window on takeoff to see city, saw flattened rectangular object with triangular nose and small winglets alongside our jet wing. object kept pace as jet ascended, then pulled ahead so i saw three orange glows at end of object, but no exhaust and no wavering air from heat waves. stunned, then curious, got so into watching it, did not mention to other passengers. thought probably military drone test, took a break for a few minutes, looked back, it was gone.

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