Here is the UFO Headline News for

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Redlands, California on October 25, 2017

Synopsis:I live on a 9 acre ranch in rural riverside county, california. the ranch sits in a canyon approximately 1.5-2 miles across. from my property, i only have light noise that comes from the nw from the town of redlands 10 miles away. the object i spotted was due east with little to no visible light noise from the canyon. what caught my eye was the object was twinkling extremely bright randomly changing colors through most of the color spectrum.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Buckeye Lake, Ohio on October 18, 2017

Synopsis:I went to the town of buckeye lake to take pictures of the lake and enjoy the sunset.I was there about 45 mins walking around taking many pictures facing west towards columbus. i didn’t notice the object at first until i was reviewing my pictures and noticed what looked like the moon on the left side of the picture about halfway up in the southwest sky. i zoomed in the picture to see what it was and had no idea what i was looking at. at that point it was long gone. i looked in the other pictures i took and didn’t see it in any of them. i decided to ask you. i’m sure it’s nothing but has me rather curious.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Washington Court House, Ohio on October 19, 2017

Synopsis: I was standing outside on my back deck talking to my girlfriend on the phone when i started seeing these flashing lights through a tree. while i kept talking to her, they continued to flash heading south towards wilmington. several sets of lights all flashing randomly. after about 10 seconds i didn’t see them anymore, and that’s when i commented to my girlfriend what i had seen. the following saturday night (10/22) i went to….

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in LaBelle, Florida on March 13, 2000

Synopsis: Me my wife and 3 children were leaving my mothers house in port labelle florida around 9 pm heading home. we were traveling north on cowboy way. up ahead of us (about 500 yards) i seen a large green glowing light above the tree line. i had no idea what it was. i asked my wife, what is that?? she did see it until i mentioned it. that’s when my kids in the back seat seen it to. i stopped the car and we all just looked at it. it was large. growing green. like the glow in the dark green color. it was moving very slow to the nw right above the tree lines. it was making the trees under it glow from the light. i started driving again, getting closer to it and all of us observing it. then the thing turned to the side…I think. now i believe we were looking at the bottom of it. a perfect round glowing disc

Headline #5: Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters

Synopsis:The Pleiades star cluster – also known as the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every place that humanity inhabits Earth’s globe. It can be seen from as far north as the north pole, and farther south than the southernmost tip of South America. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars. Follow the links below to learn more about the Pleiades.

Headline #6: Night of the Mannequin Driver

Synopsis: The year was 1999. I don’t remember the month, but it was the beginning of cold, stormy weather. I was living with my parents in Tranquility, California at the time. I was partying with some friends in the town of San Joaquin, which is eight miles away from Tranquility.

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The post UFO Headline News Tuesday November 14th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.