Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday, November 20th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Sierra Vista, Arizona on 2017-11-12 19:30:00 – Hovering object flashing colors very close to the ground with no sound

Synopsis:My girlfriend and i were out for a walk just after dark around 7:30 sunday evening. we were talking and walking and she was on the phone with her mom. as i often do i looked up and what appeared to be a helicopter or something at first was hovering over the neighborhood directly in front of us about 1/2 mile away. it was flashing red, white and then blue and was motionless for some time. i brought this to my girlfriends attention and she saw it as well. shortly after that it began to move, very slowly due west and towards us.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Mount Shasta, California on 2017-08-25 22:30:00 – We were atop mt. shasta for about 15 minutes when we observed a bright blue light in space near the bottom left star of the little dipper, it blinked in bright flashes across the sky before disappearing.

Synopsis:I am a ufo fanatic living in northern california, about 3 months ago my family and i took a trip up to the mt. shasta area in northern california. we were there for a week. since i’m in to ufos i convinced my family to take me up the mountain at night to see if we could observe anything. we were on the highest point of the mountain you could drive to when the event occurred. the area at night was completely dark minus a few campers down the slope from us, but their lights didn’t obscure the view at all. the entire milky way was completely visible and it was spectacular.After we had been there going on about 15 minutes i was looking in the direction of the bottom left star in the little dipper constellation, when i saw a very bright flash of white-blue light…

Headline #3: Black Triangle Sighting in Can’t remember, Arizona on 1994-05-15 00:00:00 – I saw a monstrous black “jet type” craft appear over a small mountain top

Synopsis: My husband, teenage son, and i were driving back through az to sd, ca.,where we lived. we were driving down a highway in a small mountain/foothills region of az. my husband was driving, son was in back seat, and i was up front in the passenger seat. suddenly, over the top, and very near to the top of a “foothill”/ small mountain, to my right, coming from the west, appeared a massive, dull black jet type air craft. it was looming, and moving very slowly at a low altitude over the top of the foothill. my husband caught it in corner of his eye and slowed down. this thing flew right in front of us, flying over the highway and slowly disappeared over the mountain on the east side of the highway. we were stunned. “whoaaaa….What was that”? i asked my husband, who was a vietnam veteran. he couldn’t see it as well as i , because he was driving. we considered the b1 stealth bomber,

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in West Valley City, Utah on 1995-06-25 00:00:00 – I never saw a ufo in my encounter so i do not know if there was one.

Synopsis:i am 33 now and when i had the obduction with the entity i was about 10 or 11. i remember i think it was about 12:00am or 1:00am i can’t be sure. i remember i was on the floor in my moms room by the window and my mom asleep in her bed. she always kept the door closed at night. i woke and saw her door open and i remember hearing this buzzing kind of noise and flickering and power going out in the apartment and i was still laying on the floor with my pillow and blankets. it started to get a little humid and there was an entity over me looking strait at me. i remember it being very tall and its eyes where pitch black and not shaped like tear drops like a lot of people describe but more human like but bigger….

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Manitowoc, Wisconsin on 2015-01-08 02:00:00 – My most vivid abduction, with picture

Synopsis: January 2015 – abduction i found myself reliving it over and over, at first i was consumed with it and couldn’t get it off my mind, after a day or so i started to be able to let go of it enough that i could function lol… i was so consumed that all i could do at work for two days was recall what i remember and put it on paper. speaking of my head, i had a real dull headache all day the day this happened. i woke up at 2am, ( happens often, always 2am). i remember looking at the clock. i felt a presence in my room but was not alarmed at all….More like a feeling of secure. next thing i knew was walking out back on the porch because i was asked to. there was a figure standing next to me and whoever she was, she felt like i knew her, she did not speak a word, but i understood thoughts coming from her and she made me feel calm.

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