Here is the UFO Headline News for Monday November 13th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota on October 31, 2017 

Synopsis: I was working 3 miles south of town i stopped working for a moment walked to my pickup to grab a water while walking i looked at the sky because there was a large contrail from a jet, while looking at that i noticed a shiny object flying just above the contrail at first i believed it was another jet at a higher altitude it wasn't moving at a speed that would suggest otherwise. After watching the object for a few minutes i noticed it was a sphere and it was much brighter than a plane

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Cape Coral, Florida on November 2, 2017

Synopsis: I am an ex-militery pilot and know what an aircraft at high altitude on a clear night looks like. i also know what flares look like when viewed from a distance. what i saw when going out on the driveway of my house at approx. 8:00pm central time (dark and cloudless sky with full moon) looked like two very bright stars next to each other and stationary in the sky. these starlike objects were a good bit brighter than Venus. i obviously have never seen 2 stars that were this bright and postioned right next to each other. these objects were not

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory on December 31, 199

Synopsis: My wife and i were travelling by car from sydney to canberra on 31-12-92, intending to spend new years eve with relatives in canberra. it was a clear sunny day. at approximately 1-30 pm we were approximately forty five kilometres from canberra, and close to a vineyard called lake george winery. i negotiated a bend in the road, and immediately saw an object in the sky some distance ahead, at a low altitude. my first thoughts were that i was observing a head on view of a boeing 747. this aroused some consternation, as i knew that canberra airport

Headline #4: 8th science flyby of Jupiter

Synopsis:NASA’s Juno spacecraft has successfully completed its 8th science flyby of Jupiter, passing over the gas giant’s swirling cloud tops once again as it continues to unravel the mysteries of the largest planet in the solar system. The mission itself also now has a new project manager, who will oversee the continuing flow of information being sent back, which has already greatly expanded our knowledge of Jupiter, upending some theories and presenting new questions.

Headline #5: Night of the Mannequin Driver

Synopsis:While hitchhiking one stormy night, David is offered a ride by a couple who look like department store dummies The year was 1999. I don’t remember the month, but it was the beginning of cold, stormy weather. I was living with my parents in Tranquility, California at the time. I was partying with some friends in the town of San Joaquin, which is eight miles away from Tranquility.
We were having a good time, and as the party went past midnight I got into a fight with a guy that was drunk and causing trouble. I had too much to drink as well, and after they broke us up I decided it was time for me to go home.

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