Here is the UFO Headline News for Friday November 17th, 2017

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in Titusville, Florida on November 6, 2017

Synopsis: I remember seeing red and green lights flickering n blue i think 2 well when i got home i was looking and i seen a triangular aircraft ascend over my house no noise then i ran inside when i came back i seen it again but camoflauge itself like active

Headline #2: Black Triangle Sighting in Sierra Vista, Arizona on October 6, 2017

Synopsis: Not lens flare, mercury, venus, moon, or space station. moved around, strobing. near mountains.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Lindenhurst, Illinois on May 13, 2017

Synopsis: My friend looks at sky with christan friend because they sense something. see light. goes inside. starts video. talks about how he record it for me. the light is there, then slowly acsends then speeds up blinking and dissapears

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Orlando, Florida on November 7, 2017

Synopsis: We were 4 of us playing tennis in usta. the game point was taken so were relaxing and getting ready for the next point. i did not have a clear shot when it was hovering, but i could see something hovering up on my left side. while the other friend of mine (opponent) was staring at it. then i turned left and i got the last few blinks of it hovering. it then took off so fast that it vanished in to the sky in like 0.5 seconds in a straight path. it is not something man made which can travel this fast. also it hovered up from a place where there is nothing, but just forest and trees and barren land.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Huntington, England on November 8, 2017

Synopsis: On the 8th november 2017 at 06:44 i was letting my dogs into the garden as i had just got up for work.
it was a very clear but cold & frosty morning, visibility of the sky was very good.
i noticed a circular light travelling along the sky & thought it was a plane at first but in my opinon it seemed to going far quick for the distance to be a plane so i got my phone & started recording.

Headline #6: Next Mars rover will have 23 eyes

Synopsis: Mars hasn’t been spectacular in our sky in 2017, but it’ll have a memorable opposition in 2018. Then Mars will be especially close to us, and when many will be speaking of this neighboring red world, shining so brightly in our skies. The 2020 opposition of Mars will be excellent as well, which is why NASA choose 2020 as the year to send a new rover to Mars.

Headline #7: The Werewolf of Bedburg

Synopsis: In the late 16th century, the town of Bedburg, Germany was terrorized by a diabolical creature that slaughtered its cattle and snatched away its women and children, killing them with unspeakable morbidity. The shocked and horrified townspeople feared that they were being victimized by a raving demon from Hell or, just as bad, a bloodthirsty werewolf who lived among them.

Headline #8: True Stories of Werewolf Sightings and Encounters

Synopsis: Are werewolves real? There have been numerous sightings of creatures that fit the traditional description: wolf- or dog-like animals that walk upright on their hind legs. Consider these true stories.

Headline #9: Creepy Babysitting Experience

My scary experience happened to me when I was babysitting my cousin’s six children in the neighboring reservation called Little Saskatchewan. It was June, 2007. It was already 10:00 p.m.; I know because the kids were supposed to be in bed at 9:30, so I got them all ready for bed, and off they went. I sat around for a while, made a snack, and went to the computer room to waste some time, since I wasn’t tired yet.

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