The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles – Workbook Lessons 125 – 126 – A Celestial Speedup – Episode I #MMT-09a

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The Musical Mind Training Series.

Readings: LESSON REVIEWS 121-140, LESSON 125: In Quiet I Receive God’s Word Today. [para 1-4], FORBES.COM ARTICLE By Deepak Chopra: Seeing What You Believe. Believing What You See [para 1- 6], LESSON 125: In Quiet I Receive God’s Word Today. [para 3, 5], ARTICLE: Dr. Lee E. Warren: What Is The Spiritual Reality Of Idiot Savants? [para 1-5], LESSON 126: All That I Give Is Given To Myself. [para 1-4], FORBES.COM ARTICLE By Deepak Chopra: Seeing What You Believe. Believing What You See [small Excerpt], LESSON 126: All That I Give Is Given To Myself. [para 6-8], LESSON TITLES 1-7