The Peace Of God Is Shining In Me Now – Training My Mind In The Manner Of A New World – Episode I #HM-01

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The Holographic Metamorphosis Series.

Readings: LESSON 188: The Peace Of God Is Shining In Me Now., LESSON REVIEWS 1-15, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 31: An Occurrence Of Miraculous Correspondence [whole Page], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 30: More Thoughts From The Mind Of Master Teacher [How Amazing], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 30: More Thoughts From The Mind Of Master Teacher [Strange But True], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 30: More Thoughts From The Mind Of Master Teacher [Definition Of A Human Being], OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 30: More Thoughts From The Mind Of Master Teacher [Many Of Us Have Discovered…], SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: August 2003: Information In The Holographic Universe