We Our Living in a Complex Artificial Intelligence Matrix

Wednesday, November 29th, 2017 at 11 pm ET, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton invites Russell Brinegar to share his Simulation Hypothesis which speculates that our reality may be part of a complex computer controlled matrix that includes UFOs and Near-Death experiences.


Russell Brinegar | We Our Living in a Complex Artificial Intelligence Matrix

Russell Brinegar is an author and researcher who experienced a near death experience that changed his life. He shares insights into the realm of the paranormal. Ghosts, cryptids, flying saucers, and ufonauts are explored. UFO lore and its societal impact are analyzed, along with the symbiotic relationship between science and science fiction. T

Overlords of the Singularity: The Manipulation of Humankind by Hidden UFO Intelligences and the Quest for Transcendence

Overlords of the Singularity: The Manipulation of Humankind by Hidden UFO Intelligences and the Quest for Transcendence by Russell Brinegar

Following a near-death experience (NDE) that revealed the underlying interdimensional nature of reality, author Russell Scott Brinegar delves into the conundrum of UFOs and the paranormal, arriving at new theories and speculations concerning the hidden nature of the supernatural, the reality of the so-called flying saucers and their mysterious occupants, the profound cultural influences of UFO lore in the last several decades, and the ultimate purposes and agendas of the UFOs that have haunted Earth’s skies for millennia.

These theories involve various versions of the “Simulation Hypothesis,” i.e., the idea that our reality may be an intentionally-created computer-like matrix that we are all embedded within, transhumanism, the imminent advent of sentient artificial intelligence, and the relationship between UFOs and the impending technological Singularity, predicted by futurists to occur sometime between the years 2045-2080. Whether readers are UFO skeptics or believers, “Overlords of the Singularity” provides much food for thought about many cutting-edge issues of human philosophy and exponentially-expanding technology. A must-read for UFO skeptics and enthusiasts alike. – Get the Book!

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The post Russell Brinegar appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.