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Patrice Chaplin

LUCIFER: Who Is He? Where Is He?
The latest information from Portal Expert Patrice Chaplin

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 at 7:30 pm ET, join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK as they peak with their incredible guest, Patrice Chaplin, about the remarkable material she has discovered about the true identity of the archangel Lucifer.

According to ancient scripture, Lucifer was cast out of heaven as a result of his disobedience, gaining freedom for mankind in the process. In Spain, local legends tell that the fallen archangel appeared in an earthly body, thousands of years ago. As the Child of Light, he was rocked on a mysterious stone cradle by a woman from the East.

Seeking to uncover secrets held for centuries, Patrice Chaplin’s research into her book The Stone Cradle evolved naturally into Lucifer by Moonlight. From the material she discovered, the rebellious archangel surfaced into the modern day – treading his way down dark streets, forever trying to make sense of his destiny.


Patrice’s journey into the Grail mystery first began at 15 when she happened upon the Spanish city of Gerona in 1955. She fell in love with the ancient Catalan city, and with its esteemed poet and Grail custodian Joseph Tarres. Over the years, Patrice became increasingly involved with the Grail’s historic origins, Gerona’s private Kabbalist society, and the history and purpose behind Rennes-le-Château.

Now comes The Stone Cradle, a powerful stone in northeast Spain. Near the frontier, the area is vast and empty, a difficult terrain with dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, and just over the border in France, the oldest cave art going back 50,000 years. What special properties does this ancient stone have? Was it, in fact, Lucifer’s cradle? And does it connect us to the stars?

Patrice Chaplin is an Initiate of a secret order, an internationally renowned playwright and author who has published more than 36 books, plays and short stories. Her most notable work includes Albany Park, Siesta – which was made into a film staring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini with music by Miles Davis – Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing, Death Trap and City of Secrets

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The post Patrice Chaplin appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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