Healing With ETs, Interdimensionals & Beings from Beyond our World

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at 7:30 pm ET, join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and co-host PK as they invite Healing Practitioner Paige Valdiserri to share how ETs have helped and instructed her in the healing arts since she was very young.

Paige is one of many that have come here with a sense of inner wisdom and knowing about astral travel, portals, soul families and more.  She employs multiple healing modalities for her clients, from Cranial Sacral Work to Modern Shamanic Healing techniques with excellent results.


Paige Valdiserri | Healing With ETs, Interdimensionals & Beings from Beyond Our World

Paige Valdiserri is an internationally recognized Traumatic Stress & Integrative Healing Consultant.  Her international work at the corporate level, which includes programs in the Middle East and Africa, and her unique integrative healing approach have empowered thousands of individuals on the front lines of stress to go from a place of personal fracturing back to a state of wholeness, whether it is recovering from war zones, natural disasters, sexual violence, medical/chronic illness, intense professional/corporate settings, life-changing personal events, and/or ongoing spiritual growth.

As a Board-Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, Paige is also a Licensed Professional Counselor, Energy Medicine Healer, Biodynamic Craniosacral Trauma Therapist, Body Therapist, Master Reiki Teacher, Shamanic healer, Spiritual intuitive, Kundalini Yoga instructor, clairvoyant, empath and body intuitive. Her professional experience includes the fields of education, behavioral health, and health & wellness, as well as corporate and government where she worked with military, first responders, and contracted personnel. – http://paigevaldiserri.com/

The Red Bag: Connecting the Journey of Healing through Life, Death & Beyond

The Red Bag: Connecting the Journey of Healing through Life, Death & Beyond

Internationally recognized Traumatic Stress & Integrative Healing Consultant, Paige Valdiserri, delivers a deeply personal account of how we can approach healing, living, and dying based on her personal and professional experience with trauma, illness, disease, life-changing events and what lies beyond death. From her transformational experience in New York City as a trauma therapist following the 9/11 terrorist attacks to the sands of Iraq and war-torn communities in Africa, this book delivers a powerful message as to how we can find meaning, purpose, and hope through some of the darkest and most challenging times. Her insight into what lies beyond this earthly realm and her experience assisting those transitioning through the dying process will touch you, challenge you, and possibly transform the way you look at the world.

This book is a must-read for those dealing with chronic illness, disease or severe medical conditions, including the patients themselves and especially their caregivers, as well as behavioral health and medical practitioners looking to expand their toolkit of modalities to improve patient care. It also offers an innovative approach to the healing process based on the integration of traditional and non-traditional methods and will demonstrate how tapping into and utilizing the power of the body and its innate wisdom, as well as the mystical gifts that are within us all, is the missing link in the healing process…..

Enjoy discovering the meaning behind Paige’s ‘red bag’ as you begin to pack your own ‘red bag.’ – Get the Book !

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The post Paige Valdiserri appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.