The Voice of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Innocence Plea

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 at 9 pm ET, Kevin Cook of The Kevin Cook Show along with along with guest-host Heidi Hollis lean in for an intimate discussion on the JFK Assassination with Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend, Judyth V. Baker. Judyth discusses the release of the declassified JFK files and how it eventually lead to proof of Oswald’s innocence, in addition to a cure for cancer.

Judyth Vary Baker

Judyth Vary Baker | The Voice of Lee Harvey Oswald's Innocence Plea

Judyth Baker is an American artist, writer, poet and social scientist specializing in linguistics.  Born May 15, 1943, in South Bend, Indiana, she first became known as a young prodigy in cancer research, then, later, for her assertion (in 1999) that while conducting cancer research in New Orleans, in the summer of 1963, she had a love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy.  She is the author of “Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald”.

JFK Assassination Conference

This fast-growing conference brings you info on the latest secret records released, important witnesses, authors and researchers in the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations. Learn the truth about the treason and cover-up that changed our government and America forever. Register now! This conference sold out last year! –

Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald

Judyth Vary was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer; this exposé is her account of how she strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald.

In her narrative she offers extensive documentation on how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, the personalities who urged her to relocate to New Orleans, and what led to her involvement in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro.

Details on what she knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination, her conversations with Oswald as late as two days before the killing, and her belief that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent, are also revealed.  – Get the Book!

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